-**display** (*Required*, :ref:`config-id`): The display to use this touchscreen with. This will be provided automatically if only one display is configured on the device.
-**on_update** (*Optional*, :ref:`Automation <automation>`): An automation to perform
when the touchscreen is touched. See :ref:`touchscreen-on_update`.
-**on_release** (*Optional*, :ref:`Automation <automation>`): An automation to perform
when the touchscreen is no longer touched. See :ref:`touchscreen-on_release`.
``TouchPoint`` Argument Type
Both the :ref:`touchscreen-on_touch` and :ref:`touchscreen-on_update` have an argument of the type :apistruct:`touchscreen::TouchPoint` in a
list (``on_update``) or as an ``optional`` (``on_touch``).
The integer members for the touch positions below are in relation to the display width and height:
-``x`` and ``y`` are the current position.
-``x_last`` and ``y_last`` are the previous position.
-``x_first`` and ``y_first`` are the position of the touch when it was first detected.
-``x_raw`` and ``y_raw`` are for calibrating the touchscreen in relation of the display. This replaces the properties with the same name in the touchscreen classes.
-``id`` is a number provided by the touchscreen to uniquely identify the touch on a multi-touch screen.
-``state`` indicates the state of the touch. This can be **1**, indicating it is an initial touch, or **2** indicating the touch position has changed/moved.