The TMP117 is a high precision temperature sensor that communicates over I²C. Each sensor is tested on a NIST tracable test setup during Texas Instruments' production process. Accuracy should be at worst 0.1C across the -20C to +50C temperature range.
-**name** (**Required**, string): The name for the temperature sensor.
-**id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Set the ID of this sensor for lambdas/multiple sensors.
-**address** (*Optional*, int): The I²C address of the sensor.
See :ref:`I²C Addresses <tmp117_i2c_addresses>` for more information.
-**update_interval** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-time`): The interval to check the sensor. Defaults to ``60s``. The sensor component sets the maximum possible averaging in the sensor based on this.
I²C Addresses
In order to allow multiple sensors to be connected to the same I²C bus,
the creators of this sensor hardware have included some options to
change the i²c address.
- If the address pin is pulled to GND, the address is ``0x48`` (Default).
- If the address pin is pulled to VCC, the address is ``0x49``.
- If the address pin is tied to SDA, the address is ``0x4A``.
- If the address pin is tied to SCL, the address is ``0x4B``.