2019-10-19 22:24:47 +02:00
Arduino Port Expander
.. seo ::
:description: Instructions on using an Arduino board, like the Pro Mini for expanding ports of a ESPHome node
:image: arduino_pro_mini.jpg
:keywords: Arduino port expander extender ESPHome
With this sketch you can control pins of a remote Arduino board through ESPHome. The Arduino acts as a port
expander, allowing you to use more pins than a standard ESP8266/ESP32 has.
.. figure :: images/arduino_pro_mini.jpg
:align: center
:width: 75.0%
The Arduino is connected to the ESP via I²C. Most Arduinos use the `` A4 `` and `` A5 `` pins for the I²C bus
so those pins are not available to read from ESPHome.
It is recommended to use a 3.3V I/O level Arduino, however using 5V Arduinos seems to work too. In the latter
case you should power your 5V Arduino with 3.3V otherwise you will need a level converter for the
I²C bus.
Currently it is supported:
- reading digital inputs
- reading analog inputs
- writing digital outputs
The Arduino sketch can be retrieved from `here <https://github.com/glmnet/esphome_devices/tree/master/ArduinoPortExpander/src> `__
you can rename it to `` .ino `` and use the Arduino IDE to program it.
You need to download `arduino_port_expander.h <https://github.com/glmnet/esphome_devices/blob/master/arduino_port_expander.h> `__ and include the ape.h in the ESPHome configuration.
.. code-block :: yaml
# ...
- arduino_port_expander.h
Setup your :ref: `I²C Bus <i2c>` and assign it an `` id `` :
.. code-block :: yaml
id: i2c_component
By default ESP8266 uses `` SDA `` pin `` GPIO4 `` which you need to connect to Arduino's `` A4 `` and the `` SCL ``
is `` GPIO5 `` which goes to Arduino's `` A5 `` .
Then create a `` custom_component `` , this will be the main component we will be referencing later when creating
individual IOs.
.. code-block :: yaml
- id: ape
lambda: |-
auto ape_component = new ArduinoPortExpander(i2c_component, 0x08);
return {ape_component};
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By default the I²C address is `` 0x08 `` but you can change it on the Arduino sketch so you can have more slaves
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on the same bus.
Now it is time to add the ports.
When adding binary sensors the pins are configured as INPUT_PULLUP, you can use any PIN from 0 to 13 or
`` A0 `` to `` A3 `` (`` A4 `` and `` A5 `` are used for I²C and `` A6 `` and `` A7 `` do not support internal pull up)
.. note ::
2019-10-21 20:35:56 +02:00
Arduino PIN 13 usually has a LED connected to it and using it as digital input with the built in internal
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pull up might be problematic, using it as an output is preferred.
To setup binary sensors, create a custom platform as below, list in braces all the sensors you want,
in the example below two binary sensors are declared on pin 9 and A0 (number 14)
Then declare the ESPHome reference of the binary sensor in the same order as declared in the lambda:
.. code-block :: yaml
- platform: custom
lambda: |-
return {ape_binary_sensor(ape, 9),
ape_binary_sensor(ape, 14) // 14 = A0
- id: binary_sensor_pin2
name: Binary sensor pin 2
- id: binary_sensor_pin3
name: Binary sensor pin 3
The listed `` binary_sensors `` supports all options from :ref: `Binary Sensor <config-binary_sensor>` like
automations and filters.
Sensors allows for reading the analog value of an analog pin, those are from `` A0 `` to `` A7 `` except for
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`` A4 `` and `` A5 `` . The value returned goes from 0 to 1023 (the value returned by the Arduino `` analogRead ``
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Arduino analog inputs measures voltage. By default the sketch is configured to use the Arduino internal VREF
comparer setup to 1 volt, so voltages bigger are read as 1023. You can configure Arduino to compare the
voltage to VIN voltage, this voltage might be 5 volts or 3.3 volts, depending on how you are powering it. To
do so, pass an additional true value to the hub constructor:
.. code-block :: cpp
auto ape_component = new ArduinoPortExpander(i2c_component, 0x08, true);
To setup sensors, create a custom platform as below, list in braces all the sensors you want,
in the example below two sensors are declared on pin `` A1 `` and `` A2 ``
Then declare the ESPHome reference of the sensor in the same order as declared in the lambda:
.. code-block :: yaml
- platform: custom
lambda: |-
return {ape_analog_input(ape, 1), // 1 = A1
ape_analog_input(ape, 2)};
- name: Analog A1
id: analog_a1
- throttle: 1s
- name: Analog A2
id: analog_a2
- throttle: 2s
The listed `` sensors `` supports all options from :ref: `Sensor <config-sensor>` like
automations and filters.
.. note ::
Sensors are polled by default every loop cycle so it is recommended to use the `` throttle `` filter
to not flood the network.
Arduinos binary outputs are supported in pins from 0 to 13.
To setup outputs, create a custom platform as below, list in braces all the outputs you want,
in the example below two outputs are declared on pin `` 3 `` and `` 4 ``
.. code-block :: yaml
- platform: custom
type: binary
lambda: |-
return {ape_binary_output(ape, 3),
ape_binary_output(ape, 4)};
- id: output_pin_3
inverted: true
- id: output_pin_4
inverted: true
- platform: output
name: Switch pin 3
output: output_pin_3
- platform: binary
name: Switch pin 4
output: output_pin_4
Full Example
Let's connect a 4 channel relay board and 2 push buttons to toggle the relays, a PIR sensor, a window and a door
a LM35 temperature sensor and a voltage sensor. Seems a bit too much for an ESP8266? You'll still have some
spares I/Os.
.. code-block :: yaml
name: test_arduino
platform: ESP8266
board: nodemcu
- arduino_port_expander.h
ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
password: !secret wifi_pass
# define i2c device
# for an ESP8266 SDA is D2 and goes to Arduino's A4
# SCL is D1 and goes to Arduino's A5
id: i2c_component
level: DEBUG
# define the port expander hub, here we define one with id 'expander1',
# but you can define many
- id: expander1
lambda: |-
auto expander = new ArduinoPortExpander(i2c_component, 0x08, true);
return {expander};
# define binary outputs, here we have 4, as the relays are inverse logic
# (a path to ground turns the relay ON), we defined the inverted: true
# option of ESPHome outputs.
- platform: custom
type: binary
lambda: |-
return {ape_binary_output(expander1, 2),
ape_binary_output(expander1, 3),
ape_binary_output(expander1, 4),
ape_binary_output(expander1, 5)};
- id: relay_1
inverted: true
- id: relay_2
inverted: true
- id: relay_3
inverted: true
- id: relay_4
inverted: true
# connect lights to the first 2 relays
- platform: binary
id: ceiling_light
name: Ceiling light
output: relay_1
- platform: binary
id: room_light
name: Living room light
output: relay_2
# connect a fan to the third relay
- platform: binary
id: ceiling_fan
output: relay_3
name: Ceiling fan
# connect a pump to the 4th relay
- platform: output
name: Tank pump
id: tank_pump
output: relay_4
# define binary sensors, use the Arduino PIN number for digital pins and
# for analog use 14 for A0, 15 for A1 and so on...
- platform: custom
lambda: |-
return {ape_binary_sensor(expander1, 7),
ape_binary_sensor(expander1, 8),
ape_binary_sensor(expander1, 9),
ape_binary_sensor(expander1, 10),
ape_binary_sensor(expander1, 14) // 14 = A0
- id: push_button1
internal: true # don't show on HA
- light.toggle: ceiling_light
- id: push_button2
internal: true # don't show on HA
- light.toggle: room_light
- id: pir_sensor
name: Living PIR
device_class: motion
- id: window_reed_switch
name: Living Window
device_class: window
- id: garage_door
name: Garage garage
device_class: garage_door
# define analog sensors
- platform: custom
lambda: |-
return {ape_analog_input(expander1, 1), // 1 = A1
ape_analog_input(expander1, 2)};
- name: LM35 Living room temperature
id: lm35_temp
# update every 60s
- throttle: 60s
# LM35 outputs 0.01v per ºC, and 1023 means 3.3 volts
- lambda: return x * 330.0 / 1023.0;
- name: Analog A2
id: analog_a2
- throttle: 2s
See Also
- :doc: `/devices/nodemcu_esp8266`
- :ghedit: `Edit`