The animation can be rendered just like the image component with the ``image()`` function of the display component.
To show the next frame of the animation call ``id(my_animation).next_frame()``, to show the previous picture use ``id(my_animation).prev_frame()``. To show a specific picture use ``id(my_animation).set_frame(int frame)``.
This can be combined with all Lambdas:
..code-block:: yaml
- platform: ...
# ...
lambda: |-
//Ingress shown animation Frame.
// Draw the animation my_animation at position [x=0,y=0]
-**transparency** (*Optional*): If set the alpha channel of the input image will be taken into account. The possible values are ``opaque`` (default), ``chroma_key`` and ``alpha_channel``. See discussion on transparency in the :ref:`image component <display-image>`.
-**loop** (*Optional*): If you want to loop over a subset of your animation (e.g. a fire animation where the fire "starts", then "burns" and "dies") you can specify some frames to loop over.
-**start_frame** (*Optional*, int): The frame to loop back to when ``end_frame`` is reached. Defaults to the first frame in the animation.
-**end_frame** (*Optional*, int): The last frame to show in the loop; when this frame is reached it will loop back to ``start_frame``. Defaults to the last frame in the animation.
-**repeat** (*Optional*, int): Specifies how many times the loop will run. When the count is reached, the animation will continue with the next frame after ``end_frame``, or restart from the beginning if ``end_frame`` was the last frame. Defaults to "loop forever".
-**animation.next_frame**: Moves the animation to the next frame. This is equivalent to the ``id(my_animation).next_frame();`` lambda call.
-**id** (**Required**, :ref:`config-id`): The ID of the animation to animate.
-**animation.prev_frame**: Moves the animation to the previous frame. This is equivalent to the ``id(my_animation).prev_frame();`` lambda call.
-**id** (**Required**, :ref:`config-id`): The ID of the animation to animate.
-**animation.set_frame**: Moves the animation to a specific frame. This is equivalent to the ``id(my_animation).set_frame(frame);`` lambda call.
-**id** (**Required**, :ref:`config-id`): The ID of the animation to animate.
-**frame** (**Required**, int): The frame index to show next.