:description:Instructions for setting up French Teleinformation
The ``teleinfo`` component allows you to retrieve data from a
French electrical counter using Teleinformation (`datasheet <https://www.enedis.fr/sites/default/files/Enedis-NOI-CPT_54E.pdf>`__). It works with Linky electrical
counter but also legacy EDF electrical counter.
..figure:: images/teleinfo-full.jpg
Linky electrical counter
A simple electronic assembly with an optocoupler and a resistor could
let you retrieve detailed power consumption or power production.
There is plenty of example on the web.
As the communication with the Teleinformation is done using UART, you need to
have an :ref:`UART bus <uart>` in your configuration with the ``rx_pin``
connected to the output of the optocoupler component. Additionally, you need to
set the baud rate to 9600bps if counter is configured to work in standard
mode or 1200bps in historical mode. To find out which mode you are using,
simply press -/+ buttons on the counter and look for `Standard mode` or
`Historical mode` as below.
..figure:: images/teleinfo-standard.jpg
Linky electrical counter configured in standard mode.
..figure:: images/teleinfo-historical.jpg
Linky electrical counter configured in historical mode.