:description:Instructions on using an Arduino board, like the Pro Mini for expanding ports of a ESPHome node
:keywords:Arduino port expander extender ESPHome
With this sketch you can control pins of a remote Arduino board through ESPHome. The Arduino acts as a port
expander, allowing you to use more pins than a standard ESP8266/ESP32 has.
..figure:: images/arduino_pro_mini.jpg
The Arduino is connected to the ESP via I²C. Most Arduinos use the ``A4`` and ``A5`` pins for the I²C bus
so those pins are not available to read from ESPHome.
It is recommended to use a 3.3V I/O level Arduino, however using 5V Arduinos seems to work too. In the latter
case you should power your 5V Arduino with 3.3V otherwise you will need a level converter for the
I²C bus.
Currently it is supported:
- reading digital inputs
- reading analog inputs
- writing digital outputs
The Arduino sketch can be retrieved from `here <https://github.com/glmnet/esphome_devices/tree/master/ArduinoPortExpander/src>`__
you can rename it to ``.ino`` and use the Arduino IDE to program it.
You need to download `arduino_port_expander.h <https://github.com/glmnet/esphome_devices/blob/master/arduino_port_expander.h>`__ and include the ape.h in the ESPHome configuration.
..code-block:: yaml
# ...
- arduino_port_expander.h
Setup your :ref:`I²C Bus <i2c>` and assign it an ``id``:
..code-block:: yaml
id: i2c_component
By default ESP8266 uses ``SDA`` pin ``GPIO4`` which you need to connect to Arduino's ``A4`` and the ``SCL``
is ``GPIO5`` which goes to Arduino's ``A5``.
Then create a ``custom_component``, this will be the main component we will be referencing later when creating
individual IOs.
..code-block:: yaml
- id: ape
lambda: |-
auto ape_component = new ArduinoPortExpander(i2c_component, 0x08);
return {ape_component};
By default the I²C address is ``0x08`` but you can change it on the arduino sketch so you can have more slaves
on the same bus.
Now it is time to add the ports.
When adding binary sensors the pins are configured as INPUT_PULLUP, you can use any PIN from 0 to 13 or
``A0`` to ``A3`` (``A4`` and ``A5`` are used for I²C and ``A6`` and ``A7`` do not support internal pull up)