(`datasheet <https://www.sensirion.com/fileadmin/user_upload/customers/sensirion/Dokumente/9_Gas_Sensors/Datasheets/Sensirion_Gas_Sensors_SGP30_Datasheet.pdf>`__) sensors or the SVM30 breakout-boards (`product page <https://www.sensirion.com/en/environmental-sensors/gas-sensors/multi-gas-humidity-temperature-module-svm30/>`__) with ESPHome.
-**update_interval** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-time`): The interval to check the
sensor. Defaults to ``60s``.
-**baseline** (*Optional*, int): The baseline value for the unit, for calibration
purposes. See :ref:`sgp30-calibrating` for more info.
-**compensation** (*Optional*): The block containing sensors used for compensation.
-**temperature_source** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Give an external temperature sensor ID
here. This can improve the sensor's internal calculations.
-**humidity_source** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Give an external humidity sensor ID
here. This can improve the sensor's internal calculations.
Calibrating Baseline
The SGP30 sensor will re-calibrate its baseline each time it is powered on. During the first power-up this can take upto 12 hours.
For best performance and faster startup times, the current **baseline** needs to be persistently stored on the device before shutting it down and set again accordingly after boot up
that also means that if the sensor reboots at a time when the air is less clean than normal,
the values will have a constant offset and cannot be compared to the values before the last
To do this, let the sensor boot up with no baseline set and let the sensor calibrate itself. After around 12 hours you can then view the remote logs on the ESP. The next
time the sensor is read out, you will see a log message with something like ``Current eCO2 & TVOC baseline: 0x44D4``.
Now set the baseline property in your configuration file like so with the value you got
via the logs:
..code-block:: yaml
# Example configuration entry
- platform: sgp30
# ...
baseline: 0x44D4
The next time you upload the code, the SGP30 will be continue its operation with this baseline and you will get consistent values.
Please note that Sensirion recommends that after around 7 days, the baseline will need to be