:description:Instructions for setting up AS5600 magnetic position sensor / encoder.
:keywords:AS5600 AS5600L
The ``as5600`` sensor platform you to use your AS5600 (`datasheet <https://ams.com/documents/20143/36005/AS5600_DS000365_5-00.pdf/649ee61c-8f9a-20df-9e10-43173a3eb323>`__,
`AMS <https://ams.com/en/as5600>`__) or AS5600L (`datasheet <https://ams.com/documents/20143/36005/AS5600L_DS000545_3-00.pdf/7ade6878-7a32-2294-b88d-479d50fab6de>`__,
`AMS <https://ams.com/en/as5600l>`__) 12-bit magnetic position sensor with ESPHome. Individual sensors will be added
using the :ref:`AS5600 Sensor Platform <as5600-sensor>`. To use this hub, first setup
the :ref:`I²C Bus <i2c>` and connect the sensor to the pins specified there.
which contains pictures that show it as a scale between ``0`` and ``3000``. Typically this value is seen somewhere
in the neighborhood of ``2100`` for a well positioned magnet.
- All other options from :ref:`Sensor <config-sensor>`.
-**status** (*Optional*): Information about the magnet status. Typically for diagnostic purposes.
See :ref:`Magnet Status <as5600-magnet-status>`
- All other options from :ref:`Sensor <config-sensor>`.
- All other options from :ref:`Sensor <config-sensor>`.
Out of Range Mode
-``min_max`` (default)
When using a range less that 360deg, there would be a range of raw values that would be considered "out of range". By default (``min_max`` mode), the AS5600
splits that range in half and reports ``0`` while in the half of the "out-of-range" range closest to the ``start_position`` and it reports
``4095`` while in the half of the "out-of-range" range closest to the ``end_position`` / end of the ``range``. Alternatively, you may set to ``nan``
mode where the sensor will publish ``NAN`` (i.e. "Unknown") when the position falls outside the narrowed range.
Magnet Status
The magnet status should report one of the following values:
-``2`` indicates that no magnet was detected.
-``4`` indicates that the magnet was detected and has good reading.
-``5`` indicates that the magnet was detected, but is too strong. Measurements may appear to be stuck if the magnet is too strong.
-``6`` indicates that the magnet was detected, but is too weak. Measurements may still be possible in this state.
Converting Position
You may desire the position to be converted from the native ``0`` thru ``4095`` to degrees, or perhaps a percentage of the allowable range.
Here are some examples to make that happen:
..figure:: images/as5600-ui-derived.jpg
..code-block:: yaml
id: my_as5600
- platform: as5600
update_interval: 1s
name: Angle
unit_of_measurement: '°'
accuracy_decimals: 2
icon: mdi:rotate-right
- delta: 1
- lambda: 'return x * as5600::RAW_TO_DEGREES * id(my_as5600).get_range_scale();'