From 3d56720ef2b92fec428a942f357a17ba70faa1d8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrej Komelj <>
Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2022 10:58:43 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Describe MQTT discovery object_id generator (#1856)

Co-authored-by: Jesse Hills <>
 components/mqtt.rst | 14 ++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+)

diff --git a/components/mqtt.rst b/components/mqtt.rst
index acb2852df..b7bd12c15 100644
--- a/components/mqtt.rst
+++ b/components/mqtt.rst
@@ -47,6 +47,9 @@ Configuration variables:
   to use. Can be one of ``legacy`` or ``mac``. Defaults to ``legacy``, which
   generates unique_id in format ``ESP<component_type><default_object_id>``.
   ``mac`` generator uses format ``<mac_address>-<component_type>-<fnv1_hash(friendly_name)>``.
+- **discovery_object_id_generator** (*Optional*, string): The object_id generator
+  to use. Can be one of ``none`` or ``device_name``. Defaults to ``none`` which
+  does not generate object_id. ``device_name`` generator uses format ``<device_name>_<friendly_name>``.
 - **use_abbreviations** (*Optional*, boolean): Whether to use
   `Abbreviations <>`__
   in discovery messages. Defaults to ``true``.
@@ -160,6 +163,17 @@ This will remove all retained messages with the topic
 ``<DISCOVERY_PREFIX>/+/NODE_NAME/#``. If you want to purge on another
 topic, simply add ``--topic <your_topic>`` to the command.
+Home Assistant generates entity names for all discovered devices based on entity type and
+entity name (e.g. ``sensor.uptime``). Numeric suffixes are appended to entity names when
+multiple devices use the same name for a sensor, making it harder to distinguish between
+similar sensors on different devices. Home Assistant 2021.12 allows MQTT devices to change
+this behaviour by specifying ``object_id`` discovery attribute which replaces the sensor
+name part of the generated entity name. Setting ``discovery_object_id_generator: device_name``
+in ESPHome MQTT integration configuration will cause Home Assistant to include device name
+in the generated entity names (e.g. ``sensor.uptime`` becomes ``sensor.<device name>_uptime``),
+making it easier to distinguish the entities in various entity lists.
 .. _mqtt-defaults: