diff --git a/components/esp32.rst b/components/esp32.rst
index 85e7d5055..564f802c8 100644
--- a/components/esp32.rst
+++ b/components/esp32.rst
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ Configuration variables:
- **source** (*Optional*, string): The PlatformIO package or repository to use for framework. This can be used to use a
custom or patched version of the framework.
- **platform_version** (*Optional*, string): The version of the
- `platformio/espressif32 `__ package to use.
+ `pioarduino/espressif32 `__ package to use.
- **advanced** (*Optional*, mapping): See :ref:`esp32-advanced_configuration` below.
.. _esp32-espidf_framework:
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ Configuration variables:
- **source** (*Optional*, string): The PlatformIO package or repository to use for the framework. This can be used to
use a custom or patched version of the framework.
- **platform_version** (*Optional*, string): The version of the
- `platformio/espressif32 `__ package to use.
+ `pioarduino/espressif32 `__ package to use.
- **sdkconfig_options** (*Optional*, mapping): Custom sdkconfig
`compiler options `__
to set in the ESP-IDF project.