#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import collections from pathlib import Path from typing import Optional import colorama import fnmatch import functools import os.path import re import sys import os import subprocess try: from PIL import Image PILLOW_INSTALLED = True except ImportError: print("Pillow could not be imported - will not run image checks") print("Install pillow with `pip3 install pillow`") PILLOW_INSTALLED = False class AnsiFore: KEEP = "" BLACK = "\033[30m" RED = "\033[31m" GREEN = "\033[32m" YELLOW = "\033[33m" BLUE = "\033[34m" MAGENTA = "\033[35m" CYAN = "\033[36m" WHITE = "\033[37m" RESET = "\033[39m" BOLD_BLACK = "\033[1;30m" BOLD_RED = "\033[1;31m" BOLD_GREEN = "\033[1;32m" BOLD_YELLOW = "\033[1;33m" BOLD_BLUE = "\033[1;34m" BOLD_MAGENTA = "\033[1;35m" BOLD_CYAN = "\033[1;36m" BOLD_WHITE = "\033[1;37m" BOLD_RESET = "\033[1;39m" class AnsiStyle: BRIGHT = "\033[1m" BOLD = "\033[1m" DIM = "\033[2m" THIN = "\033[2m" NORMAL = "\033[22m" RESET_ALL = "\033[0m" Fore = AnsiFore() Style = AnsiStyle() def print_error_for_file(file: str, body: Optional[str]): print(f"{AnsiFore.GREEN}### File {AnsiStyle.BRIGHT}{file}{AnsiStyle.RESET_ALL}") print() if body is not None: print(body) print() def git_ls_files(patterns=None): command = ["git", "ls-files", "-s"] if patterns is not None: command.extend(patterns) proc = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output, _ = proc.communicate() lines = [x.split() for x in output.decode("utf-8").splitlines()] return {s[3].strip(): int(s[0]) for s in lines} def find_all(a_str, sub): if not a_str.find(sub): # Optimization: If str is not in whole text, then do not try # on each line return for i, line in enumerate(a_str.split("\n")): column = 0 while True: column = line.find(sub, column) if column == -1: break yield i, column column += len(sub) colorama.init() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "files", nargs="*", default=[], help="files to be processed (regex on path)" ) args = parser.parse_args() EXECUTABLE_BIT = git_ls_files() files = list(EXECUTABLE_BIT.keys()) # Match against re file_name_re = re.compile("|".join(args.files)) files = [p for p in files if file_name_re.search(p)] files.sort() file_types = ( ".cfg", ".css", ".gif", ".h", ".html", ".ico", ".jpg", ".js", ".json", ".md", ".png", ".py", ".rst", ".svg", ".toml", ".txt", ".webmanifest", ".xml", ".yaml", ".yml", "", ) docs_types = [".rst"] image_types = [".jpg", ".ico", ".png", ".svg", ".gif"] LINT_FILE_CHECKS = [] LINT_CONTENT_CHECKS = [] LINT_POST_CHECKS = [] def run_check(lint_obj, fname, *args): include = lint_obj["include"] exclude = lint_obj["exclude"] func = lint_obj["func"] if include is not None: for incl in include: if fnmatch.fnmatch(fname, incl): break else: return None for excl in exclude: if fnmatch.fnmatch(fname, excl): return None return func(*args) def run_checks(lints, fname, *args): for lint in lints: try: add_errors(fname, run_check(lint, fname, *args)) except Exception: print(f"Check {lint['func'].__name__} on file {fname} failed:") raise def _add_check(checks, func, include=None, exclude=None): checks.append( { "include": include, "exclude": exclude or [], "func": func, } ) def lint_file_check(**kwargs): def decorator(func): _add_check(LINT_FILE_CHECKS, func, **kwargs) return func return decorator def lint_content_check(**kwargs): def decorator(func): _add_check(LINT_CONTENT_CHECKS, func, **kwargs) return func return decorator def lint_post_check(func): _add_check(LINT_POST_CHECKS, func) return func def lint_re_check(regex, **kwargs): flags = kwargs.pop("flags", re.MULTILINE) prog = re.compile(regex, flags) decor = lint_content_check(**kwargs) def decorator(func): @functools.wraps(func) def new_func(fname, content): errors = [] for match in prog.finditer(content): if "NOLINT" in match.group(0): continue lineno = content.count("\n", 0, match.start()) + 1 substr = content[: match.start()] col = len(substr) - substr.rfind("\n") err = func(fname, match) if err is None: continue errors.append((lineno, col + 1, err)) return errors return decor(new_func) return decorator def lint_content_find_check(find, only_first=False, **kwargs): decor = lint_content_check(**kwargs) def decorator(func): @functools.wraps(func) def new_func(fname, content): find_ = find if callable(find): find_ = find(fname, content) errors = [] for line, col in find_all(content, find_): err = func(fname) errors.append((line + 1, col + 1, err)) if only_first: break return errors return decor(new_func) return decorator @lint_file_check(exclude=[f"*{f}" for f in file_types]) def lint_ext_check(fname: str, stat: os.stat_result): return ( "This file extension is not a registered file type. If this is an error, please " "update the script/ci-custom.py script." ) @lint_file_check(exclude=["script/*", ".devcontainer/*", "lint.py"]) def lint_executable_bit(fname: str, stat: os.stat_result): ex = EXECUTABLE_BIT[fname] if ex != 100644: return ( "File has invalid executable bit {}. If running from a windows machine please " "see disabling executable bit in git.".format(ex) ) return None @lint_file_check( include=[f"images/*{ext}" for ext in image_types], exclude=["images/hero.png"] ) def lint_index_images_size(fname: str, stat: os.stat_result): if stat.st_size > 40 * 1024: return ( "Image is too large. The files in the images/ folder are displayed on esphome's " "front page and thus should be small (no more than 300x300px, and <40kb). " "Use a tool like https://compress-or-die.com/ to reduce the image size. " f"Size of file: {stat.st_size / 1024:.0f}kb" ) return None @lint_file_check(include=[f"*{ext}" for ext in image_types]) def lint_all_images_size(fname: str, stat: os.stat_result): if stat.st_size > 1024 * 1024: return ( "Image is too large. Images in ESPHome's codebase should be 1MB in size max. " "Use a tool like https://compress-or-die.com/ to reduce the image size. " f"Size of file: {stat.st_size / 1024:.0f}kb" ) return None if PILLOW_INSTALLED: @lint_file_check( include=["images/*.jpg", "images/*.png"], exclude=["images/hero.png"] ) def lint_index_images_dimensions(fname: str, stat: os.stat_result): img = Image.open(fname) if img.width > 300 or img.height > 300: return ( "Image has too large dimensions. The images in the images/ folder are displayed on " "ESPHome's main page, so need to be lightweight. We allow a max of 300x300 for images on this page. " "Use a tool like https://compress-or-die.com/ to reduce the image size. " f"Dimensions of this image: {img.width}x{img.height}" ) return None @lint_content_find_check( "\t", only_first=True, exclude=[ "Makefile", ], ) def lint_tabs(fname): return "File contains tab character. Please convert tabs to spaces." @lint_content_find_check("\r", only_first=True) def lint_newline(fname): return "File contains Windows newline. Please set your editor to Unix newline mode." @lint_content_check(exclude=["*.svg", "runtime.txt", "_static/*"]) def lint_end_newline(fname, content): if content and not content.endswith("\n"): return "File does not end with a newline, please add an empty line at the end of the file." return None section_regex = re.compile(r"^(=+|-+|\*+|~+)$") directive_regex = re.compile(r"^(\s*)\.\. (.*)::.*$") directive_arg_regex = re.compile(r"^(\s+):.*:\s*.*$") @lint_content_check(include=["*.rst"]) def lint_directive_formatting(fname, content): errors = [] lines = content.splitlines(keepends=False) for i, line in enumerate(lines): m = directive_regex.match(line) if m is None: continue base_indentation = len(m.group(1)) directive_name = m.group(2) if directive_name.startswith("|") or directive_name == "seo": continue # Match directive args for j in range(i + 1, len(lines)): if not directive_arg_regex.match(lines[j]): break else: # Reached end of file continue # Empty line must follow if lines[j]: errors.append( ( j, 1, "Directive '{}' is not followed by an empty line. Please insert an " "empty line after {}:{}".format(directive_name, fname, j), ) ) continue k = j + 1 for j in range(k, len(lines)): if not lines[j]: # Ignore Empty lines continue num_spaces = len(lines[j]) - len(lines[j].lstrip()) if num_spaces <= base_indentation: # Finished with this directive break num_indent = num_spaces - base_indentation if j == k and num_indent != 4: errors.append( ( j + 1, num_indent, "Directive '{}' must be indented with 4 spaces, not {}. See " "{}:{}".format(directive_name, num_indent, fname, j + 1), ) ) break return errors @lint_re_check( r"https://esphome.io/", include=["*.rst"], exclude=[ "components/web_server.rst", "components/images.rst", ], ) def lint_esphome_io_link(fname, match): return ( "All links to esphome.io should be relative, please remove esphome.io from URL" ) def highlight(s): return f"\033[36m{s}\033[0m" errors = collections.defaultdict(list) def add_errors(fname, errs): if not isinstance(errs, list): errs = [errs] for err in errs: if err is None: continue try: lineno, col, msg = err except ValueError: lineno = 1 col = 1 msg = err if not isinstance(msg, str): raise ValueError("Error is not instance of string!") if not isinstance(lineno, int): raise ValueError("Line number is not an int!") if not isinstance(col, int): raise ValueError("Column number is not an int!") errors[fname].append((lineno, col, msg)) for fname in files: p = Path(fname) if not p.is_file(): # file deleted but in git index continue run_checks(LINT_FILE_CHECKS, fname, fname, p.stat()) if p.suffix in image_types: continue try: with open(fname, "r") as f_handle: content = f_handle.read() except UnicodeDecodeError: add_errors( fname, "File is not readable as UTF-8. Please set your editor to UTF-8 mode.", ) continue run_checks(LINT_CONTENT_CHECKS, fname, fname, content) run_checks(LINT_POST_CHECKS, "POST") for f, errs in sorted(errors.items()): err_str = ( f"{AnsiStyle.BOLD}{f}:{lineno}:{col}:{AnsiStyle.RESET_ALL} " f"{AnsiStyle.BOLD}{AnsiFore.RED}{'lint:'}{AnsiStyle.RESET_ALL} {msg}\n" for lineno, col, msg in errs ) print_error_for_file(f, "\n".join(err_str)) sys.exit(len(errors))