ADS1115 Sensor ============== .. warning:: This integration currently doesn't seem to work with certain chips and I'm waiting for my own ADS1115 to arrive to diagnose the issue. If you're experiencing issues too and want to help out, please set the :ref:`log level ` to ``VERY_VERBOSE`` and send me some logs. Thanks! The ``ads1115`` sensor allows you to use your ADS1115 sigma-delta ADC sensors (`datasheet `__, `Adafruit`_) with esphomelib. First, setup a :doc:`ADS1115 Hub ` for your ADS1115 sensor and then use this sensor platform to create individual sensors that will report the voltage to Home Assistant. .. figure:: images/ads1115-full.jpg :align: center :target: `Adafruit`_ :width: 50.0% ADS1115 16-Bit ADC. Image by `Adafruit`_. .. _Adafruit: .. figure:: images/adc-ui.png :align: center :width: 80.0% .. code:: yaml ads1115: - address: 0x48 sensor: - platform: ads1115 multiplexer: 'A0_A1' gain: 1.024 name: "Living Room Brightness" Configuration variables: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - **multiplexer** (**Required**): The multiplexer channel of this sensor. Effectively means between which pins you want to measure voltage. - **gain** (**Required**, float): The gain of this sensor. - **name** (**Required**, string): The name for this sensor. - **ads1115_id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Manually specify the ID of the :doc:`ADS1115 Hub ` you want to use this sensor. - **update_interval** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-time`): The interval to check the sensor. Defaults to ``15s``. See :ref:`sensor-default_filter`. - **id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Manually specify the ID used for code generation. Multiplexer And Gain ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ADS1115 has a multiplexer that can be configured to measure voltage between several pin configurations. These are: - ``A0_A1`` (between Pin 0 and Pin 1) - ``A0_A3`` (between Pin 0 and Pin 3) - ``A1_A3`` (between Pin 1 and Pin 3) - ``A2_A3`` (between Pin 2 and Pin 3) - ``A0_GND`` (between Pin 0 and GND) - ``A1_GND`` (between Pin 1 and GND) - ``A2_GND`` (between Pin 2 and GND) - ``A3_GND`` (between Pin 3 and GND) Additionally, the ADS1115 has a Programmable Gain Amplifier (PGA) that can help you measure voltages in different ranges, these are: - ``6.144`` (measures up to 6.144V) - ``4.096`` (measures up to 4.096V) - ``2.048`` (measures up to 2.048V) - ``1.024`` (measures up to 1.024V) - ``0.512`` (measures up to 0.512V) - ``0.256`` (measures up to 0.256V) See Also ^^^^^^^^ - :ref:`sensor-filters` - :doc:`adc` - :doc:`max6675` - :doc:`API Reference ` - `Edit this page on GitHub `__