esphomeyaml Core Configuration ============================== Here you specify some core information that esphomeyaml needs to create firmwares. Most importantly, this is the section of the configuration where you specify the **name** of the node, the **platform** and **board** you’re using. .. code:: yaml # Example configuration entry esphomeyaml: name: livingroom platform: ESP32 board: nodemcu-32s Configuration variables: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - **name** (**Required**, string): This is the name of the node. It should always be unique to the node and no other node in your system can use the same name. It can also only contain upper/lowercase characters, digits and underscores. - **platform** (**Required**, string): The platform your board is on, either ``ESP32`` or ``ESP8266``. - **board** (**Required**, string): The board esphomeyaml should specify for platformio. For the ESP32, choose the appropriate one from `this list `__ and use `this list `__ for ESP8266-based boards. - **library_uri** (*Optional*, string): You can manually specify the `version of esphomelib `__ to use here. Accepts all parameters of `platformio lib install `__. Use ```` for the latest (unstable) build. Defaults to ``esphomelib``. - **simplify** (*Optional*, boolean): Whether to simplify the auto-generated code, i.e. whether to remove unused variables, use ``auto`` types and so on. Defaults to ``true``. - **use_build_flags** (*Optional*, boolean): If esphomeyaml should manually set build flags that specifically set what should be included in the binary. Most of this is already done automatically by the linker but this option can help with shrinking the firmware size while slowing down compilation. Defaults to ``false``.