Fan Component ============= With the ``fan`` domain you can create components that appear as fans in the Home Assistant frontend. A fan can be switched ON or OFF, optionally has a speed setting (``LOW``, ``MEDIUM``, ``HIGH``) and can have an oscillate output. |image0| Currently supported fan platforms: ======================== ======================== ======================== |Binary Fan|_ |Speed Fan|_ ------------------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ `Binary Fan`_ `Speed Fan`_ ======================== ======================== ======================== .. |Binary Fan| image:: /esphomeyaml/fan.svg :class: component-image .. _Binary Fan: /esphomeyaml/components/fan/binary.html .. |Speed Fan| image:: /esphomeyaml/fan.svg :class: component-image .. _Speed Fan: /esphomeyaml/components/fan/speed.html Base Fan Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: yaml fan: - platform: ... name: ... Configuration variables: - **name** (**Required**, string): The name of the fan. - **oscillation_state_topic** (*Optional*, string): The topic to publish fan oscillaiton state changes to. - **oscillation_command_topic** (*Optional*, string): The topic to receive oscillation commands on. - **speed_state_topic** (*Optional*, string): The topic to publish fan speed state changes to. - **speed_command_topic** (*Optional*, string): The topic to receive speedcommands on. - All other options from `MQTT Component `__. .. |image0| image:: /esphomeyaml/components/fan/fan.png :class: align-center :width: 70.0%