RGB Light ========= The ``rgb`` light platform creates an RGB light from 3 `output components `__ (one for each color channel). |image0| .. code:: yaml # Example configuration entry light: - platform: rgb name: "Living Room Lights" red: output_component1 green: output_component2 blue: output_component3 Configuration variables: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - **name** (**Required**, string): The name of the light. - **red** (**Required**, `id `__): The id of the float `output component `__ to use for the red channel. - **green** (**Required**, `id `__): The id of the float `output component `__ to use for the green channel. - **blue** (**Required**, `id `__): The id of the float `output component `__ to use for the blue channel. - **gamma_correct** (*Optional*, float): The `gamma correction factor `__ for the light. Defaults to ``2.8``. - **default_transition_length** (*Optional*, `time `__): The length of the transition if no transition parameter is provided by Home Assistant. Defaults to ``1s``. - **id** (*Optional*, `id `__): Manually specify the ID used for code generation. - All other options from `MQTT Component `__. .. |image0| image:: /esphomeyaml/components/light/rgb-light.png :class: align-center :width: 40.0%