PCA9685 PWM Output ================== The PCA9685 output component exposes a PCA9685 PWM channel of a global `PCA9685 hub `__ as a float output. .. figure:: /esphomeyaml/components/output/pca9685-full.jpg :align: center :target: `Adafruit`_ :width: 50.0% PCA9685 16-Channel PWM Driver. Image by `Adafruit`_. .. _Adafruit: https://www.adafruit.com/product/815 .. code:: yaml # Example configuration entry pca9685: - id: 'pca9685_hub1' frequency: 500 # Individual outputs output: - platform: pca9685 id: 'pca9685_output1' pca9685_id: 'pca9685_hub1' channel: 0 Configuration variables: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - **id** (**Required**, `id `__): The id to use for this output component. - **channel** (**Required**, int): Chose the channel of the PCA9685 of this output component. Must be in range from 0 to 15. - All other options from `Output `__. - **pca9685_id** (*Optional* `id `__): Manually specify the ID of the `PCA9685 hub