FS3000 Air Velocity Sensor ========================== .. seo:: :description: Instructions for setting up the FS3000 Air Velocity sensor. :image: fs3000.jpg :keywords: FS3000 The FS3000 Air Velocity sensor allows you to use your FS3000 (`datasheet `__, `sparkfun `__) sensors with ESPHome. .. figure:: images/fs3000.jpg :align: center :width: 30.0% FS3000 Air Velocity Sensor. (Credit: `SparkFun `__, image compressed) .. _SparkFun: https://www.sparkfun.com/products/18377 The FS3000 is a solid state air velocity sensor that communicates over over I²C. It is based on a MEMS thermopile sensor. There are two subtypes available: the FS3000-1005 measures air velocities between 0 meters/second and 7.23 meters/second, and the FS3000-1015 measures air velocities between 0 meters/second and 15 meters/second. To use the sensor, first set up an :ref:`I²C Bus ` and connect the sensor to the specified pins. .. code-block:: yaml # Example configuration entry sensor: - platform: fs3000 name: "Air Velocity" model: 1005 update_interval: 60s Configuration variables: ------------------------ - **model** (**Required**, string): Specify FS3000 model, can be ``1005`` or ``1015``. - **address** (*Optional*, int): Manually specifiy the I²C address of the sensor. Defaults to ``0x28``. - **update_interval** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-time`): The interval to check the sensor. Defaults to ``60s``. - All other options from :ref:`Sensor `. See Also -------- - :ref:`sensor-filters` - :apiref:`fs3000/fs3000.h` - `SparkFun FS3000 Library `__ by `SparkFun `__ - :ghedit:`Edit`