HMC5883L Magnetometer ===================== The ``hmc5883l`` allows you to use your HMC5883L triple-axis magnetometers (`datasheet `__, `Adafruit`_) with esphomelib. The :ref:`I²C Bus ` is required to be set up in your configuration for this sensor to work. .. _Adafruit: .. code:: yaml # Example configuration entry sensor: - platform: hmc5883l address: 0x68 field_strength_x: name: "HMC5883L Field Strength X" field_strength_y: name: "HMC5883L Field Strength Y" field_strength_z: name: "HMC5883L Field Strength Z" heading: name: "HMC5883L Heading" range: 130uT update_interval: 15s Configuration variables: ------------------------ - **address** (*Optional*, int): Manually specify the i^2c address of the sensor. Defaults to ``0x1E``. - **field_strength_x** (*Optional*): The field strength in microtesla along the X-Axis. All options from :ref:`Sensor ` and :ref:`MQTT Component `. - **field_strength_y** (*Optional*): The field strength in microtesla along the Y-Axis. All options from :ref:`Sensor ` and :ref:`MQTT Component `. - **field_strength_z** (*Optional*): The field strength in microtesla along the Z-Axis. All options from :ref:`Sensor ` and :ref:`MQTT Component `. - **heading** (*Optional*): The heading of the sensor in degrees. All options from :ref:`Sensor ` and :ref:`MQTT Component `. - **update_interval** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-time`): The interval to check the sensor. Defaults to ``15s``. See :ref:`sensor-default_filter`. - **id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Manually specify the ID used for code generation. See Also -------- - :ref:`sensor-filters` - :doc:`template` - :doc:`ultrasonic` - :doc:`API Reference ` - `HMC5883L Library `__ by `Korneliusz Jarzębski `__ - `Edit this page on GitHub `__