ESP32 Touch Pad Hub =================== The ``esp32_touch`` component creates a global hub for detecting touches on the eight touch pads of the ESP32 as :doc:`binary senors `. .. code:: yaml # Example configuration entry esp32_touch: setup_mode: False binary_sensor: - platform: esp32_touch name: "ESP32 Touch Pad GPIO27" pin: GPIO27 threshold: 1000 Configuration variables: ------------------------ - **setup_mode** (*Optional*, boolean): Whether debug messages with the touch pad value should be displayed in the logs. Useful for finding out suitable thresholds for the binary sensors, but spam the logs. See :doc:`setting up touch pads ` for more information. Defaults to false. - **id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Manually specify the ID for code generation. Advanced options (the defaults are usually quite good, but if you're having accuracy issues, use these): - **iir_filter** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-time`): Optionally set up an `Infinite Impulse Response `__ filter should be applied to all touch pads. This can increase the accuracy of the touch pads a lot, but higher values decrease the response time. A good value to start with is ``10ms``. Default is no IIR filter. - **sleep_duration** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-time`): Set a time period denoting the amount of time the touch peripheral should sleep between measurements. This can decrease power usage but make the sensor slower. Default is about 27 milliseconds. - **measurement_duration** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-time`): Set the conversion time for all touch pads. A longer conversion time means that more charge/discharge cycles of the touch pad can be performed, therefore increasing accuracy. Default is about 8ms, the maximum amount. - **low_voltage_reference** (*Optional*): The low voltage reference to use for the charge cycles. See the `esp-idf docs `__ for a nice explanation of this. One of ``0.5V``, ``0.6V``, ``0.7V``, ``0.8V``. Default is ``0.5V``. - **high_voltage_reference** (*Optional*): The high voltage reference to use for the charge cycles. See the `esp-idf docs `__ for a nice explanation of this. One of ``2.4V``, ``2.5V``, ``2.6V``, ``2.7V``. Default is ``2.7V``. - **voltage_attenuation** (*Optional*): The voltage attenuation to use for the charge cycles. See the `esp-idf docs `__ for a nice explanation of this. One of ``1.5V``, ``1V``, ``0.5V``, ``0V``. Default is ``0V``. See Also -------- - :doc:`binary_sensor/esp32_touch` - :doc:`API Reference ` - `Edit this page on GitHub `__ .. disqus::