Grove TB6612FNG Motor Drive =========================== .. seo:: :description: Instructions for setting up Grove TB6612FNG Motor Driver in ESPHome. :image: grove_tb6612fng.jpg The Grove TBB6612FNG a runs over I²C bus and has the capability to control DC and Stepper motors. At the current stage of implementation only DC motor is implemented. .. figure:: images/grove_tb6612fng.jpg :align: center :width: 50.0% .. code-block:: yaml # Example configuration grove_tb6612fng: - address: 0x14 id: test_motor Configuration variables: ************************ - **id** (**Required**, :ref:`config-id`): The id to use for this TB6612FNG component. - **address** (*Optional*, int): The I²C address of the driver. Defaults to ``0x14``. .. ```` Action ------------------------------ Set the motor to spin by defining the direction and speed of the rotation, speed is a range from 0 to 255 .. code-block:: yaml on_...: then: - channel: 1 speed: 255 direction: BACKWARD id: test_motor .. grove_tb6612fng.stop: ``grove_tb6612fng.stop`` Action ------------------------------- Set the motor to stop motion but wont stop to spin in case there is a force pulling down, you would want to use break action if this is your case .. code-block:: yaml on_...: then: - grove_tb6612fng.stop: channel: 1 .. grove_tb6612fng.break: ``grove_tb6612fng.break`` Action -------------------------------- Set the motor channel to be on break mode which it ensure the wheel wont spin even if forced or pushed .. code-block:: yaml on_...: then: - grove_tb6612fng.break: channel: 1 id: test_motor .. grove_tb6612fng.standby: ``grove_tb6612fng.standby`` Action ---------------------------------- Set the board to be on standby when is not used for a long time which reduces power consumptions and any jerking motion when stationary .. code-block:: yaml on_...: then: - grove_tb6612fng.standby id: test_motor .. grove_tb6612fng.no_standby: ``grove_tb6612fng.no_standby`` Action ------------------------------------- Set the board to be awake, every esphome is restarted the default mode is set to standby to ensure the motor wont spin accidentally .. code-block:: yaml on_...: then: - grove_tb6612fng.no_standby id: test_motor .. grove_tb6612fng.change_address: ``grove_tb6612fng.change_address`` Action ----------------------------------------- If you require connecting multiple boards at once, the address can be changed using this action. The address can be changed to a value in the range of ``0x01 - 0x7f`` inclusive. .. code-block:: yaml on_...: then: - grove_tb6612fng.change_address: address: 0x15 id: test_motor See Also -------- - :ref:`i2c` - :doc:`switch/gpio` - :ghedit:`Edit`