
.. seo::
    :description: LightWaveRF Switch Lights
    :image: brightness-medium.svg

The ``LightWaveRF`` light platform creates a module to dump and send commands to light switches

.. figure:: images/lightwaverf.jpg
    :align: center
    :width: 40.0%

LightwaveRF switches are very common in UK automation. They allow control of lights, sockets, relays and more via RF remote or via a hub.
Using an inexpensive RF transmitter and receiver you can control your devices via ESPHome.

.. code-block:: yaml

    # Example configuration entry

    # Specify the two pins to connect the receiver and transmitter
      read_pin: GPIOXX
      write_pin: GPIOXX

Note: To gather the RAW codes from the remote, setup the ``read_pin`` and observe in the logs the printing of the codes.

Configuration variables:

- **read_pin** (**Required**, :ref:`Pin Schema <config-pin_schema>`): The pin that the receiver is connected to
- **write_pin** (**Required**, :ref:`Pin Schema <config-pin_schema>`): the pin that the transmitter is connected to

.. lightwaverf.send_raw:

``lightwaverf.send_raw`` Action

Send the raw data that has been captured via the dump system

.. code-block:: yaml

        - lightwaverf.send_raw:
            code:  [0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0f, 0x03, 0x0d, 0x09, 0x08, 0x08]
            name: "Sofa"
            repeat: 1

Configuration variables:

- **name** (*Optional*, string): The name to give for the action
- **code** (**Required**, list hex): The raw dump in an array of hex
- **repeat** (*Optional*, int): The number of times the message will be repeated
- **inverted** (*Optional*, boolean): Send the signal inverted

Compatible Hardware

The RF transmitters/receivers listed below have been confirmed to work with the current code base. If you discover others that work, please let us know!

Compatible transmitter:

- MX-FS-03V

Compatible receiver:

- RXB6

See Also

- :doc:`/components/light/index`
- :ghedit:`Edit`