RF Bridge Component =================== .. seo:: :description: Instructions for setting up the RF Bridge in ESPHome. :image: rf_bridge.jpg :keywords: RF Bridge The ``RF Bridge`` Component provides the ability to send and receive 433MHz remote codes without hardware hacking the circuit board to bypass the ``efm8bb1`` MCU. This component implements the communcation protocol that the original ``efm8bb1`` firmware implements. The device is connected via the :doc:`UART bus `. The uart bus must be configured at the same speed of the module which is 19200bps. .. warning:: If you are using the :doc:`logger` make sure you disable the uart logging with the ``baud_rate: 0`` option. .. figure:: images/rf_bridge-full.jpg :align: center :width: 60.0% .. code-block:: yaml # Example configuration entry uart: baud_rate: 19200 rf_bridge: on_code_received: - homeassistant.event: event: esphome.rf_code_received data: sync: !lambda 'char buffer [10];return itoa(data.sync,buffer,16);' low: !lambda 'char buffer [10];return itoa(data.low,buffer,16);' high: !lambda 'char buffer [10];return itoa(data.high,buffer,16);' code: !lambda 'char buffer [10];return itoa(data.code,buffer,16);' Configuration variables: ------------------------ - **uart_id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Manually specify the ID of the UART hub. - **id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Manually specify the ID used for code generation. - **on_code_received** (*Optional*, :ref:`Automation `): An action to be performed when a code is received. See :ref:`rf_bridge-on_code_received`. .. _rf_bridge-on_code_received: ``on_code_received`` Trigger ---------------------------- With this configuration option you can write complex automations whenever a code is received. To use the code, use a :ref:`lambda ` template, the code and the corresponding protocol timings are available inside that lambda under the variables named ``code``, ``sync``, ``high`` and ``low``. .. code-block:: yaml on_code_received: - homeassistant.event: event: esphome.rf_code_received data: sync: !lambda 'char buffer [10];return itoa(data.sync,buffer,16);' low: !lambda 'char buffer [10];return itoa(data.low,buffer,16);' high: !lambda 'char buffer [10];return itoa(data.high,buffer,16);' code: !lambda 'char buffer [10];return itoa(data.code,buffer,16);' .. _rf_bridge-send_code_action: ``rf_bridge.send_code`` Action ------------------------------ Send an RF code using this action in automations. .. code-block:: yaml on_...: then: - rf_bridge.send_code: sync: 0x700 low: 0x800 high: 0x1000 code: 0xABC123 Configuration options: - **sync** (**Required**, int, :ref:`templatable `): RF Sync timing - **low** (**Required**, int, :ref:`templatable `): RF Low timing - **high** (**Required**, int, :ref:`templatable `): RF high timing - **code** (**Required**, int, :ref:`templatable `): RF code - **id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Manually specify the ID of the RF Bridge if you have multiple components. .. note:: This action can also be written in :ref:`lambdas `: .. code-block:: cpp id(rf_bridge).send_code(0x700, 0x800, 0x1000, 0xABC123); .. _rf_bridge-send_raw_action: ``rf_bridge.send_raw`` Action ----------------------------- Send a raw RF code using this action in automations. .. code-block:: yaml on_...: then: - rf_bridge.send_raw: raw: AAA5070008001000ABC12355 Configuration options: - **raw** (**Required**, string, :ref:`templatable `): RF raw string - **id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Manually specify the ID of the RF Bridge if you have multiple components. .. note:: This action can also be written in :ref:`lambdas `: .. code-block:: cpp id(rf_bridge).send_raw("AAA5070008001000ABC12355"); .. _rf_bridge-learn_action: ``rf_bridge.learn`` Action -------------------------- Tell the RF Bridge to learn new protocol timings using this action in automations. A new code with timings will be returned to :ref:`rf_bridge-on_code_received` .. code-block:: yaml on_...: then: - rf_bridge.learn Configuration options: - **id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Manually specify the ID of the RF Bridge if you have multiple components. .. note:: This action can also be written in :ref:`lambdas `: .. code-block:: cpp id(rf_bridge).learn(); Portisch firmware ----------------- If you have flashed the secondary MCU with the `Portisch firmware `__, ESPHome is able to receive the extra protocols that can be decoded as well as activate the other modes supported. .. _rf_bridge-on_advanced_code_received: ``on_advanced_code_received`` Trigger ------------------------------------- Similar to :ref:`rf_bridge-on_code_received`, this trigger receives the codes after advanced sniffing is started. To use the code, use a :ref:`lambda ` template, the code and the corresponding protocol and length are available inside that lambda under the variables named ``code``, ``protocol`` and ``length``. .. code-block:: yaml on_advanced_code_received: - homeassistant.event: event: esphome.rf_advanced_code_received data: length: !lambda 'char buffer [10];return itoa(data.length,buffer,16);' protocol: !lambda 'char buffer [10];return itoa(data.protocol,buffer,16);' code: !lambda 'return data.code;' .. _rf_bridge-send_advanced_code_action: ``rf_bridge.send_advanced_code`` Action --------------------------------------- Send an RF code using this action in automations. .. code-block:: yaml on_...: then: - rf_bridge.send_advanced_code: length: 0x04 protocol: 0x01 code: "ABC123" Configuration options: - **length** (**Required**, int, :ref:`templatable `): Length of code plus protocol - **protocol** (**Required**, int, :ref:`templatable `): RF Protocol - **code** (**Required**, string, :ref:`templatable `): RF code - **id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Manually specify the ID of the RF Bridge if you have multiple components. .. note:: This action can also be written in :ref:`lambdas `: .. code-block:: cpp id(rf_bridge).send_advanced_code(0x04, 0x01, "ABC123"); .. _rf_bridge-start_advanced_sniffing_action: ``rf_bridge.start_advanced_sniffing`` Action -------------------------------------------- Tell the RF Bridge to listen for the advanced/extra protocols defined in the portisch firmware. The decoded codes with length and protocol will be returned to :ref:`rf_bridge-on_advanced_code_received` .. code-block:: yaml on_...: then: - rf_bridge.start_advanced_sniffing Configuration options: - **id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Manually specify the ID of the RF Bridge if you have multiple components. .. note:: This action can also be written in :ref:`lambdas `: .. code-block:: cpp id(rf_bridge).start_advanced_sniffing(); .. _rf_bridge-stop_advanced_sniffing_action: ``rf_bridge.stop_advanced_sniffing`` Action ------------------------------------------- Tell the RF Bridge to stop listening for the advanced/extra protocols defined in the portisch firmware. .. code-block:: yaml on_...: then: - rf_bridge.stop_advanced_sniffing Configuration options: - **id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Manually specify the ID of the RF Bridge if you have multiple components. .. note:: This action can also be written in :ref:`lambdas `: .. code-block:: cpp id(rf_bridge).stop_advanced_sniffing(); Getting started with Home Assistant ----------------------------------- The following code will get you up and running with a configuration sending codes to Home Assistant as events and will also setup a service so you can send codes with your RF Bridge. .. code-block:: yaml api: services: - service: send_rf_code variables: sync: int low: int high: int code: int then: - rf_bridge.send_code: sync: !lambda 'return sync;' low: !lambda 'return low;' high: !lambda 'return high;' code: !lambda 'return code;' - service: learn then: - rf_bridge.learn uart: tx_pin: 1 rx_pin: 3 baud_rate: 19200 logger: baud_rate: 0 rf_bridge: on_code_received: then: - homeassistant.event: event: esphome.rf_code_received data: sync: !lambda 'char buffer [10];return itoa(data.sync,buffer,16);' low: !lambda 'char buffer [10];return itoa(data.low,buffer,16);' high: !lambda 'char buffer [10];return itoa(data.high,buffer,16);' code: !lambda 'char buffer [10];return itoa(data.code,buffer,16);' Now your latest received code will be in an event. To trigger the automation from Home Assistant you can invoke the service with this code: .. code-block:: yaml automation: # ... action: - service: esphome.rf_bridge_send_rf_code data: sync: 0x700 low: 0x800 high: 0x1000 code: 0xABC123 See Also -------- - :apiref:`rf_bridge/rf_bridge.h` - :doc:`/components/uart` - :ghedit:`Edit`