.. _canbus: CAN bus ======= .. seo:: :description: Instructions for setting up an CAN bus in ESPHome :image: canbus.png :keywords: CAN Controller Area Network (CAN bus) is a serial bus protocol to connect individual systems and sensors as an alternative to conventional multi-wire looms. It allows automotive components to communicate on a single or dual-wire networked data bus up to 1Mbps. CAN is an International Standardization Organization (ISO) defined serial communications bus originally developed for the automotive industry to replace the complex wiring harness with a two-wire bus. The specification calls for high immunity to electrical interference and the ability to self-diagnose and repair data errors. These features have led to CAN’s popularity in a variety of industries including building automation, medical, and manufacturing. The current ESPHome implementation supports single frame data transfer. In this way you may send and receive data frames up to 8 bytes. With this you can transmit the press of a button or the feedback from a sensor on the bus. All other devices on the bus will be able to get this data to switch on/off a light or display the transmitted data. The CAN bus itself has only two wires named Can High and Can Low or CanH and CanL. For the ESPHome CAN bus to work you need to select the device that has the physical CAN bus implemented. At this moment only the MCP2515 controller is supported. You can configure multiple buses. Any can bus node can transmit data at any time, and any node can send any ``can_id`` value and any node can receive any can_id too. Is up to you how to organize the can_id values. You can setup a can bus network where each node has a can id which will use to broadcast data about itself, if a node should, e.g. turn on a light, it can listen for can messages with the can id assigned to it. So you can have several nodes being able to control a light in e.g. node 20. Base CAN Bus Configuration -------------------------- Each canbus platform extends this configuration schema. .. code-block:: yaml # Example configuration entry canbus: - platform: ... can_id: 4 on_frame: - can_id: 500 use_extended_id: false then: - lambda: |- std::string b(x.begin(), x.end()); ESP_LOGD("can id 500", "%s", &b[0] ); Configuration variables: - **id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Manually specify the ID used for code generation. - **can_id** (**Required**, integer): default *can id* used for transmitting frames. - **use_extended_id** (*Optional*, boolean): default *false* identifies the type of *can_id*: *false*: Standard 11 bits IDs, *true*: Extended 29 bits ID - **bit_rate** (*Optional*, enum): One of the supported bitrates. Defaults to ``125KBPS``. - 5KBPS - 10KBPS - 20KBPS - 31K25BPS - 33KBPS - 40KBPS - 50KBPS - 80KBPS - 83K3BPS - 95KBPS - 100KBPS - 125KBPS - 200KBPS - 250KBPS - 500KBPS - 1000KBPS Automations: - **on_frame** (*Optional*, :ref:`Automation `): An automation to perform when ability CAN Frame is received. See :ref:`canbus-on-frame`. .. _canbus-on-frame: ``on_frame`` ************ This automation will be triggered when a can frame is received. A variable ``x`` of type ``std::vector`` is passed to the automation for use in lambdas. .. note:: Messages this node sends to the same ID will not show up as received messages. .. code-block:: yaml canbus: - platform: ... on_frame: - can_id: 43 # the received can_id then: - if: condition: lambda: 'return (x.size() > 0) ? x[0] == 0x11 : false;' then: light.toggle: light1 ``canbus.send`` Action ********************** The can bus can transmit frames by means of the ``canbus.send`` action. There are several forms to use it: .. code-block:: yaml on_...: - canbus.send: data: [ 0x10, 0x20, 0x30 ] canbus_id: my_mcp2515 # optional if you only have 1 canbus device can_id: 23 # override the can_id configured in the can bus on_...: - canbus.send: [ 0x11, 0x22, 0x33 ] - canbus.send: 'hello' # Templated, return type is std::vector - canbus.send: !lambda return {0x00, 0x20, 0x42}; Configuration variables: - **data** (**Required**, binary data): Data to transmit, up to 8 bytes or characters are supported by can bus per frame. - **canbus_id** (*Optional*): Optionally set the can bus id to use for transmitting the frame. Not needed if you are using only 1 can bus. - **can_id** (*Optional*, int): Allows to override the can id configured in the can bus device. - **use_extended_id** (*Optional*, boolean): default *false* identifies the type of *can_id*: *false*: Standard 11 Bit IDs, *true*: Extended 29Bit ID MCP2515 Component ----------------- The MCP2515 is a spi device and therefore you must first add the configuration for the spi bus to your file. You need to have an :ref:`SPI bus ` in your configuration with both the **mosi_pin** and **miso_pin** set. For wiring up the MSP2515 please refer to the section below. Configuration variables: ************************ - **cs_pin** (**Required**, :ref:`Pin Schema `): Is used to tell the receiving SPI device when it should listen for data on the SPI bus. Each device has an individual ``CS`` line. Sometimes also called ``SS``. - **clock** (*Optional*): One of ``8MHZ``, ``16MHZ`` or ``20MHZ``. Clock crystal used on the MCP2515 device. Defaults to ``8MHZ``. - **mode** (*Optional*): Operation mode. Default to ``NORMAL`` - NORMAL: Normal operation - LOOPBACK: Loopback mode can be used to just test you spi connections to the device - LISTENONLY: only receive data .. code-block:: yaml # Example configuration entry canbus: - platform: mcp2515 cs_pin: D5 can_id: 4 bit_rate: 50kbps on_frame: - can_id: 500 then: - lambda: |- std::string b(x.begin(), x.end()); ESP_LOGD("canid 500", "%s", &b[0] ); - light.turn_off: light_1 - can_id: 501 then: - light.turn_on: id: light_1 brightness: !lambda "return (x.size() > 0) ? (float) x[0]/255 : 0;" Wiring options --------------- Easiest approach is to just use fully assembled boards and just add one resistor in the MISO line. This runs MOSI, SCK and CS out of specification which is nearly never a problem. .. figure:: images/canbus_mcp2515_resistor.png :align: center :target: ../_images/canbus_mcp2515_resistor.png A more advanced option is to fully convert the 5V and 3.3V logic levels with a level shifter. .. figure:: images/canbus_mcp2515_txs0108e.png :align: center :target: ../_images/canbus_mcp2515_txs0108e.png Extended ID ----------- Standard IDs and Extended IDs can coexist on the same segment. .. note:: It is important to know that for example Standard 0x123 and Extended 0x123 are different addresses. This example shows how the different ID types are used in the configuration for transmission and receiving. For the IDs decimal or hexadecimal notation is possible: 0x000 - 0x7ff / 0-2047 for Standard IDs only. 0x00000000 - 0x1fffffff / 0-536870911 for Extended IDs. .. code-block:: yaml # Transmission of extended and standard ID 0x100 every second time: - platform: sntp on_time: - seconds: /1 then: - canbus.send: # Extended ID explicit use_extended_id: true can_id: 0x100 data: [0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08] - canbus.send: # Standard ID by default can_id: 0y100 data: [0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08] canbus: - platform: mcp2515 id: my_mcp2515 spi_id: McpSpi cs_pin: GPIO14 can_id: 0x1fff use_extended_id: true bit_rate: 125kbps on_frame: - can_id: 0x123 use_extended_id: true then: - lambda: |- std::string b(x.begin(), x.end()); ESP_LOGD("can extended id 0x123", "%s", &b[0] ); - can_id: 0x123 then: - lambda: |- std::string b(x.begin(), x.end()); ESP_LOGD("can standard id 0x123", "%s", &b[0] ); Binary Sensor Example --------------------- Example for the following application: Button is connected on a can node which sends an A message on ID 0x100 with payload 0x01 for contact closed and 0x00 for contact open. .. code-block:: yaml spi: id: McpSpi clk_pin: GPIO16 mosi_pin: GPIO5 miso_pin: GPIO4 binary_sensor: - platform: template name: "CAN Bus Button" id: "can_bus_button" canbus: - platform: mcp2515 id: my_mcp2515 spi_id: McpSpi cs_pin: GPIO14 can_id: 4 bit_rate: 125kbps on_frame: - can_id: ${0x100} then: - lambda: |- if(x.size() > 0) { switch(x[0]) { case 0x0: id(can_bus_button).publish_state(false); break; // button release case 0x1: id(can_bus_button).publish_state(true); break; // button down } } Cover Example ------------- Example for following application: Buttons are connected on the CAN-Node and also the motor is connected via CAN. .. epigraph:: | **Button 1:** ID 0x50B - 1 byte payload | (0: Button release, 1: Button down, 2: long down, 3: long release, 4 double click) | **Button 2:** ID 0x50C - 1 byte payload | (0: Button release, 1: Button down, 2: long down, 3: long release, 4 double click) | **Motor:** ID 0x51A - 1 byte payload | (0: off, 1: open, 2: close) .. code-block:: yaml spi: id: McpSpi clk_pin: GPIO16 mosi_pin: GPIO5 miso_pin: GPIO4 canbus: - platform: mcp2515 id: my_mcp2515 spi_id: McpSpi cs_pin: GPIO14 can_id: 4 bit_rate: 125kbps on_frame: - can_id: 0x50c then: - lambda: |- if(x.size() > 0) { auto call = id(TestCover).make_call(); switch(x[0]) { case 0x2: call.set_command_open(); call.perform(); break; // long pressed case 0x1: // button down case 0x3: call.set_command_stop(); call.perform(); break; // long released case 0x4: call.set_position(1.0); call.perform(); break; // double click } } - can_id: 0x50b then: - lambda: |- if(x.size() > 0) { auto call = id(TestCover).make_call(); switch(x[0]) { case 0x2: call.set_command_close(); call.perform(); break; // long pressed case 0x1: // button down case 0x3: call.set_command_stop(); call.perform(); break; // long released case 0x4: call.set_position(0.0); call.perform(); break; // double click } } cover: - platform: time_based name: "MyCanbusTestCover" id: TestCover device_class: shutter has_built_in_endstop: true open_action: - canbus.send: data: [ 0x01 ] canbus_id: my_mcp2515 can_id: 0x51A open_duration: 2min close_action: - canbus.send: data: [ 0x02 ] canbus_id: my_mcp2515 can_id: 0x51A close_duration: 2min stop_action: - canbus.send: data: [ 0x00 ] canbus_id: my_mcp2515 can_id: 0x51A See Also -------- - :apiref:`spi/spi.h` - :ghedit:`Edit`