SDL2 Display on host platform ============================= .. seo:: :description: Instructions for setting up SDL2 display on host :image: sdl.png .. _sdl: Usage ----- The ``sdl`` display platform allows you to use create an ESPHome display on a desktop system running Linux or MacOS. This is particularly useful for designing display layouts, since compiling and running a host binary is much faster than compiling for and flashing a microcontroller target system. .. code-block:: yaml # Example configuration entry esphome: name: sdl host: display: - platform: sdl show_test_card: true dimensions: width: 450 height: 600 Configuration variables: ************************ - **lambda** (*Optional*, :ref:`lambda `): The lambda to use for rendering the content on the display. See :ref:`display-engine` for more information. - **update_interval** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-time`): The interval to re-draw the screen. Defaults to ``1s``. - **sdl_options** (*Optional*, string): Build arguments if required to specify include or library paths. Should not be required if SDL2 is properly installed. - **pages** (*Optional*, list): Show pages instead of a single lambda. See :ref:`display-pages`. - **id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Manually specify the ID used for code generation. .. note:: To build with this display you must have the `SDL2 `__ package installed. The Sodium encryption library will also be required for any API calls. See below for installation hints. MacOS SDL2 Installation ----------------------- The easiest way to install SDL2 on MacOS is using ``homebrew``: .. code-block:: sh brew install sdl2 libsodium It may also be necessary to run the command: .. code-block:: sh brew link sdl2 libsodium To ensure that the files are symlinked correctly. You can check installation with the command ``sdl2-config --libs --cflags``. You will need the XCode command-line tools installed to build for the host platform. Linux SDL2 Installation ----------------------- On Debian/Ubuntu derived Linux systems you can install with ``apt``; also check that you have the necessary build tools installed, and you must be using a desktop system with a graphic display. .. code-block:: sh apt install libsdl2-dev libsodium-dev build-essential git You can check installation with the command ``sdl2-config --libs --cflags``. Microsoft Windows ----------------- Although SDL2 is supported, natively running ESPHome on Windows isn't easy. However the *Windows Subsystem for Linux* (WSL) can be used to install and use a Linux development environment on Windows, which will enable use of ESPHome and SDL2 as per the Linux instructions above. See for more information on WSL. Build and run ------------- The ``esphome run yourfile.yaml`` command will compile and automatically run the build file on the ``host`` platform. See Also -------- - :ref:`SDL touchscreen ` - :doc:`SDL binary sensor ` - :doc:`index` - :apiref:`sdl/sdl_esphome.h` - :ghedit:`Edit`