ADS1115 ADC Component ===================== .. cpp:namespace:: input This class allows using ADS1115 Analog to Digital converters (`datasheet`_, `adafruit`_) devices with esphomelib. Doing so requires some steps: .. _datasheet: .. _adafruit: .. cpp:namespace:: sensor::ADS1115Component 1. Initialize the i2c bus with the pins you have SDA and SCL connected to: .. code-block:: cpp // inside setup() App.init_i2c(SDA_PIN, SCL_PIN); 2. Create the "hub" or the ADS1115 device itself. The parameter you pass in here is the i2c address of the ADS1115. See :cpp:func:`set_address` for possible other addresses. .. code-block:: cpp // after init_i2c auto *ads1115 = App.make_ads1115_component(0x48); This will create an ADS1115 component which you can now use to create individual sensors. 3. Create the sensors, you can have multiple of these. Do so by calling :cpp:func:`get_sensor` with the multiplexer channel you want (essentially between which pins you want to measure voltage) and the gain for that sensor and register that sensor. .. code-block:: cpp auto *sensor = ads1115->get_sensor("ADS1115 Voltage #1", sensor::ADS1115_MULTIPLEXER_P0_N1, sensor::ADS1115_GAIN_6P144); App.register_sensor(sensor); .. cpp:namespace:: nullptr See :cpp:func:`Application::make_ads1115_component`. API Reference ------------- .. cpp:namespace:: nullptr .. doxygenenum:: sensor::ADS1115Multiplexer .. doxygenenum:: sensor::ADS1115Gain .. doxygenclass:: sensor::ADS1115Component :members: :protected-members: :undoc-members: .. doxygenclass:: sensor::ADS1115Sensor :members: :protected-members: :undoc-members: