Improv via Serial ================= .. seo:: :description: Instructions for setting up Improv via Serial in ESPHome. :image: improv-social.png The ``improv_serial`` component in ESPHome implements the open `Improv standard `__ for configuring Wi-Fi on an ESPHome device by using a serial connection to the device, eg. USB. The ``improv_serial`` component requires the serial ``logger`` to be configured. The ``improv_serial`` component will use the project name and version instead of ESPHomes version whenever it's available. .. code-block:: yaml # Example configuration entry wifi: # ... improv_serial: Configuration variables ----------------------- - **next_url** (*Optional*, url): A URL that can be used to forward the user to after setting credentials with improv. Next URL -------- Substitutions can be inserted into the URL, such as project name and version and there are some special substitutions that can be performed by ESPHome when wrapped in double braces ``{{ }}``: - **device_name**: This will substitute the device name including the mac address suffix. - **ip_address**: This will substitute the IP address of the device. - **esphome_version**: This will substitute the version of ESPHome that is running on the device. .. code-block:: yaml # Example next_url improv_serial: next_url:{{device_name}}&ip_address={{ip_address}}&esphome_version={{esphome_version}} See Also -------- - :doc:`wifi` - :doc:`captive_portal` - :doc:`esp32_improv` - `Improv Wi-Fi `__ - :apiref:`improv_serial/improv_serial_component.h` - :ghedit:`Edit`