Tuya MCU ======== .. seo:: :description: Instructions for setting up the Tuya component. :image: tuya.png The ``tuya`` component creates a serial connection to the Tuya MCU for platforms to use. .. figure:: /images/tuya.png :align: center :width: 40% The ``tuya`` serial component requires a :ref:`UART bus ` to be configured. Put the ``tuya`` component in the config and it will list the possible devices for you in the config log. .. code-block:: yaml # Make sure logging is not using the serial port logger: baud_rate: 0 uart: rx_pin: GPIO3 tx_pin: GPIO1 baud_rate: 9600 # Register the Tuya MCU connection tuya: Here is an example output for a Tuya fan controller: .. code-block:: text [12:39:45][C][tuya:023]: Tuya: [12:39:45][C][tuya:032]: Datapoint 1: switch (value: ON) [12:39:45][C][tuya:036]: Datapoint 3: enum (value: 1) [12:39:45][C][tuya:036]: Datapoint 6: enum (value: 0) [12:39:45][C][tuya:034]: Datapoint 7: int value (value: 0) [12:39:45][C][tuya:032]: Datapoint 9: switch (value: OFF) [12:39:45][C][tuya:046]: Product: '{"p":"hqq73kftvzh8c92u","v":"1.0.0","m":0}' Configuration variables: ------------------------ - **time_id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Some Tuya devices support obtaining local time from ESPHome. Specify the ID of the :ref:`Time Component