BLE Component ============= .. seo:: :description: Instructions for setting up Bluetooth LE in ESPHome. :image: bluetooth.svg The ``esp32_ble`` component in ESPHome sets up the Bluetooth LE stack on the device so that a :doc:`esp32_ble_server` can run. .. warning:: The BLE software stack on the ESP32 consumes a significant amount of RAM on the device. **Crashes are likely to occur** if you include too many additional components in your device's configuration. Memory-intensive components such as :doc:`/components/voice_assistant` and other audio components are most likely to cause issues. .. code-block:: yaml # Example configuration esp32_ble: io_capability: keyboard_only Configuration variables: ------------------------ - **io_capability** (*Optional*, enum): The IO capability of this ESP32, used for securely connecting to other BLE devices. Defaults to ``none``. - ``none`` - No IO capability (Connections that require PIN code authentication will fail) - ``keyboard_only`` - Only a keyboard to enter PIN codes (or a fixed PIN code) - ``display_only`` - Only a display to show PIN codes - ``keyboard_display`` - A keyboard and a display - ``display_yes_no`` - A display to show PIN codes and buttons to confirm or deny the connection - **enable_on_boot** (*Optional*, boolean): If enabled, the BLE interface will be enabled on boot. Defaults to ``true``. ``ble.disable`` Action ----------------------- This action turns off the BLE interface on demand. .. code-block:: yaml on_...: then: - ble.disable: .. note:: The configuration option ``enable_on_boot`` can be set to ``false`` if you do not want BLE to be enabled on boot. ``ble.enable`` Action ---------------------- This action turns on the BLE interface on demand. .. code-block:: yaml on_...: then: - ble.enable: .. note:: The configuration option ``enable_on_boot`` can be set to ``false`` if you do not want BLE to be enabled on boot. .. _ble-enabled_condition: ``ble.enabled`` Condition -------------------------- This :ref:`Condition <config-condition>` checks if BLE is currently enabled or not. .. code-block:: yaml on_...: - if: condition: ble.enabled then: - ble.disable: else: - ble.enable: The lambda equivalent for this is ``id(ble_id).is_active()``. See Also -------- - :doc:`esp32_ble_server` - :doc:`esp32_improv` - :apiref:`esp32_ble/ble.h` - :ghedit:`Edit`