Custom Text Sensor ================== This integration can be used to create custom text sensors in esphomelib using the C++ (Arduino) API. Please first read :doc:`/esphomeyaml/components/sensor/custom` guide, the same principles apply here and text sensors are very similar to sensors internally. The example below is an example of a custom text sensor which constantly publishes the message "Hello World!". .. code-block:: cpp #include "esphomelib.h" using namespace esphomelib; class MyCustomTextSensor : public PollingComponent, public text_sensor::TextSensor { public: // constructor MyCustomTextSensor() : PollingComponent(15000) {} void setup() override { // This will be called by App.setup() } void update() override { // This will be called every "update_interval" milliseconds. // Publish state publish_state("Hello World!"); } }; (Store this file in your configuration directory, for example ``my_text_sensor.h``) And in YAML: .. code-block:: yaml # Example configuration entry esphomeyaml: includes: - my_text_sensor.h text_sensor: - platform: custom lambda: |- auto my_custom_sensor = new MyCustomTextSensor(); App.register_component(my_custom_sensor); return {my_custom_sensor}; text_sensors: name: "My Custom Text Sensor" Configuration variables: - **lambda** (**Required**, :ref:`lambda `): The lambda to run for instantiating the text sensor(s). - **text_sensors** (**Required**, list): A list of text sensors to initialize. The length here must equal the number of items in the ``return`` statement of the ``lambda``. - All options from :ref:`Text Sensor ` and :ref:`MQTT Component `. See :cpp:class:`text_sensor::TextSensor` See Also -------- - `Edit this page on GitHub `__ .. disqus::