Sonoff T1/T2/T3 UK ================== .. seo:: :description: An example of how to integrate a T1 T2 or T3 Sonoff light switch into Home Assistant using ESPHome :image: sonoff_1t_t3.png :keywords: Relay, Sonoff Basic, Sonoff Dual Dual R1, Light, HASS, Home Assistant, ESPHome Please make sure you have read up about :doc:`the Sonoff T1 / T2 / T3 and how to flash it with ESPHome `. So lets get straight on with the code T1 -- .. code-block:: yaml esphome: name: my_t1 platform: ESP8266 board: esp01_1m wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_password use_address: logger: api: ota: binary_sensor: - platform: gpio pin: number: GPIO0 mode: INPUT_PULLUP inverted: True id: button on_press: then: - light.toggle: light_1 - platform: status name: "T1 Status" output: - platform: gpio pin: GPIO12 id: relay_1 light: - platform: binary name: "T1" id: light_1 output: relay_1 status_led: pin: number: GPIO13 inverted: yes In the above code block, there is a *secrets.yaml* file so that you have just one place to change wifi details for all your devices. The use_address is required because the sonoff T series don't work with mDNS properly. This means that it will show as off line in the dashboard, and you will need to use the ip address to view the logs or upload new versions of the firmware. You will also need to manually add the device in integrations by IP address. You will need to assign a fixed IP in the above configuratino, or use a fixed IP assigned fro your DHCP server. See `issue #810 `__ for further details. T2 -- .. code-block:: yaml esphome: name: my_t2 platform: ESP8266 board: esp01_1m wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_password use_address: logger: api: ota: binary_sensor: - platform: gpio pin: number: GPIO0 mode: INPUT_PULLUP inverted: True id: button on_press: then: - light.toggle: light_1 - platform: gpio pin: number: GPIO9 mode: INPUT_PULLUP inverted: True id: button on_press: then: - light.toggle: light_2 - platform: status name: "T2 Status" output: - platform: gpio pin: GPIO12 id: relay_1 - platform: gpio pin: GPIO5 id: relay_2 light: - platform: binary name: "T2 L1" id: light_1 output: relay_1 - platform: binary name: "T2 L2" id: light_2 output: relay_2 status_led: pin: number: GPIO13 inverted: yes T3 -- .. code-block:: yaml esphome: name: my_t3 platform: ESP8266 board: esp01_1m wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_password use_address: logger: api: ota: binary_sensor: - platform: gpio pin: number: GPIO0 mode: INPUT_PULLUP inverted: True id: button on_press: then: - light.toggle: light_1 - platform: gpio pin: number: GPIO9 mode: INPUT_PULLUP inverted: True id: button on_press: then: - light.toggle: light_2 - platform: gpio pin: number: GPIO10 mode: INPUT_PULLUP inverted: True id: button on_press: then: - light.toggle: light_3 - platform: status name: "T3 Status" output: - platform: gpio pin: GPIO12 id: relay_1 - platform: gpio pin: GPIO5 id: relay_2 - platform: gpio pin: GPIO4 id: relay_3 light: - platform: binary name: "T3 L1" id: light_1 output: relay_1 - platform: binary name: "T3 L2" id: light_2 output: relay_2 - platform: binary name: "T3 L3" id: light_3 output: relay_3 status_led: pin: number: GPIO13 inverted: yes See Also -------- - :doc:`/cookbook/sonoff-light-switch` - :doc:`/guides/automations` - :doc:`/devices/sonoff_t1_uk_3gang_v1.1`