esphomeyaml Core Configuration ============================== .. seo:: :description: Instructions for setting up the core esphomeyaml configuration. :image: cloud-circle.png Here you specify some core information that esphomeyaml needs to create firmwares. Most importantly, this is the section of the configuration where you specify the **name** of the node, the **platform** and **board** you’re using. .. code-block:: yaml # Example configuration entry esphomeyaml: name: livingroom platform: ESP32 board: nodemcu-32s Configuration variables: ------------------------ - **name** (**Required**, string): This is the name of the node. It should always be unique to the node and no other node in your system can use the same name. It can also only contain upper/lowercase characters, digits and underscores. - **platform** (**Required**, string): The platform your board is on, either ``ESP32`` or ``ESP8266``. See :ref:`esphomeyaml-arduino_version`. - **board** (**Required**, string): The board esphomeyaml should specify for platformio. For the ESP32, choose the appropriate one from `this list `__ and use `this list `__ for ESP8266-based boards. Advanced options: - **esphomelib_version** (*Optional*): The version of the C++ `esphomelib framework `__ to use. See :ref:`esphomeyaml-esphomelib_version`. - **arduino_version** (*Optional*): The version of the arduino framework to link the project against. See :ref:`esphomeyaml-arduino_version`. - **build_path** (*Optional*, string): Customize where esphomeyaml will store the build files for your node. By default, esphomeyaml puts all platformio project files under a folder ``/``, but you can customize this behavior using this option. - **use_custom_code** (*Optional*, boolean): Whether to configure the project for writing custom components. This sets up some flags so that custom code should compile correctly Automations: - **on_boot** (*Optional*, :ref:`Automation `): An automation to perform when the node starts. See :ref:`esphomeyaml-on_boot`. - **on_shutdown** (*Optional*, :ref:`Automation `): An automation to perform right before the node shuts down. See :ref:`esphomeyaml-on_shutdown`. - **on_loop** (*Optional*, :ref:`Automation `): An automation to perform on each ``loop()`` iteration. See :ref:`esphomeyaml-on_loop`. .. _esphomeyaml-esphomelib_version: ``esphomelib_version`` ---------------------- With the ``esphomelib_version`` parameter you can tell esphomeyaml which version of the C++ framework to use when compiling code. For example, you can configure using the most recent (potentially unstable) version of esphomelib straight from github. Or you can configure the use of a local copy of esphomelib using this configuration option. First, you can configure the use of either the latest esphomelib stable release (``latest``), the latest development code from GitHub (``dev``), or a specific version number (``1.8.0``). .. code-block:: yaml # Example configuration entry esphomeyaml: # ... # Use the latest esphomelib stable release esphomelib_version: latest # Or use the latest code from github esphomelib_version: dev # Use a specific version number esphomelib_version: 1.8.0 Alternatively, if you want to develop for esphomelib, you can download the `latest code from GitHub `__, extract the contents, and point esphomeyaml to your local copy. Then you can modify the esphomelib to your needs or to fix bugs. .. code-block:: yaml # Example configuration entry esphomeyaml: # ... # Use a local copy of esphomelib esphomelib_version: local: path/to/esphomelib And last, you can make esphomeyaml use a specific branch/commit/tag from a remote git repository: .. code-block:: yaml # Example configuration entry esphomeyaml: # ... # Use a specific commit/branch/tag from a remote repository esphomelib_version: # Repository defaults to repository: branch: master esphomelib_version: repository: commit: d27bac9263e8a0a5a00672245b38db3078f8992c esphomelib_version: repository: tag: v1.8.0 .. _esphomeyaml-arduino_version: ``arduino_version`` ------------------- esphomelib uses the arduino framework internally to handle all low-level interactions like initializing the WiFi driver and so on. Unfortunately, every arduino framework version often has its own quirks and bugs, especially concerning WiFi performance. With the ``arduino_version`` option you can tell esphomeyaml which arduino framework to use for compiling. .. code-block:: yaml # Example configuration entry esphomeyaml: # ... # Default: use the recommended version, usually this equals # the latest version. arduino_version: recommended # Use the latest stable version arduino_version: latest # Use the latest staged version from GitHub, try this if you have WiFi problems arduino_version: dev # Use a specific version arduino_version: 2.3.0 For the ESP8266, you currently can manually pin the arduino version to these values (see the full list of arduino frameworks `here `__): * `2.4.2 `__ (the latest version) * `2.4.1 `__ * `2.4.0 `__ * `2.3.0 `__ (tasmota uses this) .. warning:: Over-the-Air update passwords do not work with the arduino framework version 2.3.0 For the ESP32, there's currently only one arduino framework version: `1.0.0 `__. .. _esphomeyaml-on_boot: ``on_boot`` ----------- This automation will be triggered when the ESP boots up. By default, it is executed after everything else is already set up. You can however change this using the ``priority`` parameter. .. code-block:: yaml esphomeyaml: # ... on_boot: priority: -10 # ... then: - switch.turn_off: switch_1 Configuration variables: - **priority** (*Optional*, float): The priority to execute your custom initialization code. A higher value (for example positive values) mean a high priority and thus also your code being executed earlier. So for example negative priorities are executed very late. Defaults to ``-10``. Priorities (you can use any value between them too): - ``100``: This is where all hardware initialization of vital components is executed. For example setting switches to their initial state. - ``50.0``: This is where most sensors are set up. - ``10``: At this priority, WiFi is initialized. - ``7.5``: MQTT initialization takes place at this priority. - ``-5.0``: The individual frontend counterparts for the backend components are configured at this priority - ``-10.0``: At this priority, pretty much everything should already be initialized. - See :ref:`Automation `. .. _esphomeyaml-on_shutdown: ``on_shutdown`` --------------- This automation will be triggered when the ESP is about to shut down. Shutting down is usually caused by too many WiFi/MQTT connection attempts, Over-The-Air updates being applied or through the :doc:`deep_sleep`. .. note:: It's not guaranteed that all components are in a connected state when this automation is triggered. For example, the MQTT client may have already disconnected. .. code-block:: yaml esphomeyaml: # ... on_shutdown: then: - switch.turn_off: switch_1 Configuration variables: See :ref:`Automation `. .. _esphomeyaml-on_loop: ``on_loop`` ----------- This automation will be triggered on every ``loop()`` iteration (usually around every 16 milliseconds). .. code-block:: yaml esphomeyaml: # ... on_loop: then: # do something See Also -------- - `Edit this page on GitHub `__ .. disqus::