Sim800L Component ================= .. seo:: :description: Instructions for setting up the SIM800L GSM module to dial, send and receive SMS in ESPHome. :image: sim800l.jpg :keywords: SMS SIM800L GSM Component/Hub ------------- The ``SIM800L`` Component provides the ability to dial, answer calls, send/receive SMS text messages and send/receive USSD codes. The device must be connected via a :doc:`UART bus </components/uart>` supporting both receiving and transmitting line. The UART bus must be configured at the same speed of the module which is by default 9600bps. The required connection wires are ``+VCC``, ``GND``, ``RX`` and ``TX``. .. warning:: If you are using the :doc:`logger` make sure you are not using the same pins for ``TX`` and ``RX`` or otherwise disable the UART logging with the ``baud_rate: 0`` option. .. note:: This module requires a power supply between 3.8V and 4.2V that can handle current spikes up to 2 amps, it will not work by powering from the same 3.3V power source of the ESP. However you can connect ``TX`` and ``RX`` lines directly without any level shifter. .. figure:: images/sim800l-full.jpg :align: center :width: 60.0% .. code-block:: yaml # Example configuration entry uart: baud_rate: 9600 tx_pin: TX rx_pin: RX sim800l: on_sms_received: - logger.log: format: "Received '%s' from %s" args: [ 'message.c_str()', 'sender.c_str()' ] logger: baud_rate: 0 # disable uart logger on esp 8266 Configuration variables: - **uart_id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Manually specify the ID of the UART hub. - **id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Manually specify the ID used for code generation. - **on_sms_received** (*Optional*, :ref:`Automation <automation>`): An action to be performed when an SMS is received. See :ref:`sim800l-on_sms_received`. - **on_incoming_call** (*Optional*, :ref:`Automation <automation>`): An action to be performed when a call is received. See :ref:`sim800l-on_incoming_call`. - **on_call_connected** (*Optional*, :ref:`Automation <automation>`): An action to be performed when a call is connected, either because an outgoing call accepted is accepted or an incoming call answered. - **on_call_disconnected** (*Optional*, :ref:`Automation <automation>`): An action to be performed when a call is disconnected. Sensor ------ .. code-block:: yaml sensor: - platform: sim800l rssi: name: "Sim800L RSSI" Configuration variables: - **rssi** (*Optional*): The informed Received signal strength indication (RSSI) in dBm. - All options from :ref:`Sensor <config-sensor>`. Binary Sensor ------------- .. code-block:: yaml binary_sensor: - platform: sim800l registered: name: "Sim800L Registered" Configuration variables: - **registered** (*Optional*): Indicates if the SIM800L has successfully registered in the cellular network. - All options from :ref:`Binary Sensor <config-binary_sensor>`. .. _sim800l-on_sms_received: ``on_sms_received`` Trigger --------------------------- With this configuration option you can write complex automations whenever an SMS message is received. To use the message content, use a :ref:`lambda <config-lambda>` template, the message content and the sender phone number are available inside that lambda under the variables named ``message`` and ``sender`` respectively. .. code-block:: yaml on_sms_received: - lambda: |- id(sms_sender).publish_state(sender); id(sms_message).publish_state(message); .. _sim800l-on_incoming_call: ``on_incoming_call`` Trigger ---------------------------- This automation triggers every time the SIM800L sends a RING / Caller ID message, this message is sent several times per call, presumably every time the phone "RINGs". The automation provides a ``caller_id`` string parameter which received information. The phone call is neither accepted or rejected. .. code-block:: yaml on_incoming_call: - logger.log: format: "Incoming call from '%s'" args: ["caller_id.c_str()"] - lambda: |- id(caller_id_text_sensor).publish_state(caller_id); - sim800l.disconnect - homeassistant.event: event: esphome.incoming_call_event data: payload: !lambda 'return id(caller_id_text_sensor).state;' ``on_ussd_received`` Trigger ---------------------------- With this configuration option you can write complex automations whenever the ussd code from network has been received. .. code-block:: yaml on_ussd_received: .. _sim800l-send_sms_action: ``sim800l.send_sms`` Action --------------------------- Send a SMS message to a phone recipient using this action in automations. .. code-block:: yaml on_...: then: - sim800l.send_sms: recipient: '+15551234567' message: Hello there # Templated: - sim800l.send_sms: recipient: !lambda |- if (id(reed_switch).state) return "+15551234567"; else return "15551234568"; message: !lambda |- return id(reed_switch).state ? "Door is now OPEN" : "Hey door just CLOSED"; Configuration options: - **recipient** (**Required**, string, :ref:`templatable <config-templatable>`): The message recipient. number. - **message** (**Required**, string, :ref:`templatable <config-templatable>`): The message content. - **id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Manually specify the ID of the SIM800L if you have multiple components. .. _sim800l-dial_action: ``sim800l.dial`` Action ----------------------- Dial to a phone recipient using this action in automations. .. code-block:: yaml on_...: then: - sim800l.dial: recipient: '+15551234567' Configuration options: - **recipient** (**Required**, string, :ref:`templatable <config-templatable>`): The number to dial. - **id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Manually specify the ID of the SIM800L if you have multiple components. ``sim800l.connect`` Action -------------------------- Answers an incoming call. .. code-block:: yaml on_...: then: - sim800l.connect ``sim800l.disconnect`` Action ----------------------------- Disconnects a call, either dialed in or received. .. code-block:: yaml on_...: then: - sim800l.disconnect ``sim800l.send_ussd`` Action ---------------------------- Sends a ussd code to the network. .. code-block:: yaml on_...: then: - sim800l.send_ussd Getting started with Home Assistant ----------------------------------- The following code will get you up and running with a configuration updating received messages on Home Assistant and will also setup a service so you can send messages and dial with your SIM800L. .. code-block:: yaml api: actions: - action: send_sms variables: recipient: string message: string then: - sim800l.send_sms: recipient: !lambda 'return recipient;' message: !lambda 'return message;' - action: dial variables: recipient: string then: - sim800l.dial: recipient: !lambda 'return recipient;' - action: connect then: - sim800l.connect - action: disconnect then: - sim800l.disconnect - action: send_ussd variables: ussdCode: string then: - sim800l.send_ussd: ussd: !lambda 'return ussdCode;' text_sensor: - platform: template id: sms_sender name: "Sms Sender" - platform: template id: sms_message name: "Sms Message" - platform: template id: caller_id_text_sensor name: "Caller ID" - platform: template id: ussd_message name: "Ussd Code" uart: baud_rate: 9600 tx_pin: TX rx_pin: RX sim800l: on_sms_received: - lambda: |- id(sms_sender).publish_state(sender); id(sms_message).publish_state(message); on_incoming_call: - lambda: |- id(caller_id_text_sensor).publish_state(caller_id); on_call_connected: - logger.log: format: Call connected on_call_disconnected: - logger.log: format: Call disconnected on_ussd_received: - lambda: |- id(ussd_message).publish_state(ussd); Now your latest received SMS and sender number will be displayed by the text sensors. To trigger the automation from Home Assistant you can invoke the service with this code: .. code-block:: yaml automation: # ... action: - action: esphome.livingroom_send_sms data: recipient: "+15551234567" message: "Hello World!" - action: esphome.livingroom_dial data: recipient: "+15551234567" Relay management commands received from an authorized sender: .. code-block:: yaml sim800l: on_sms_received: - lambda: |- if ( (id(sms_sender).state == "+79991234567") && ( (id(sms_message).state == "relay_1_on") || (id(sms_message).state == "Relay_1_on") ) ) { id(relay_1).turn_on(); } switch: - platform: gpio id: relay_1 pin: GPIOXX See Also -------- - :apiref:`sim800l/sim800l.h` - :doc:`/components/uart` - :ghedit:`Edit`