Rtttl Buzzer ============ .. seo:: :description: Instructions for setting up a buzzer to play tones and rtttl songs with ESPHome. :image: crosshair-gps.png The ``rtttl``, component allows you to easily connect a passive piezo buzzer to your microcontroller and play monophonic songs. It accepts the Ring Tone Text Transfer Language, rtttl format (`Wikipedia `__) which allows to store simple melodies. .. figure:: images/buzzer.jpg :align: center :width: 50.0% Buzzer Module Overview -------- It's important that your buzzer is a **passive** one, if it beeps when you feed it with 3.3V then it is not a passive one and this library will not work properly. The tone generator needs a PWM capable output to work with, currently only the :doc:`ESP8266 Software PWM Output` and :doc:`ESP32 LEDC Output ` are supported. .. code-block:: yaml # Example configuration entry output: - platform: ledc pin: GPIO22 id: rtttl_out rtttl: output: rtttl_out Configuration variables: ------------------------ - **output** (**Required**, :ref:`config-id`): The id of the :ref:`float output ` to use for this buzzer. - **id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Manually specify the ID used for code generation. - **on_finished_playback** (*Optional*, :ref:`Automation `): An action to be performed when playback is finished. ``rtttl.play`` Action --------------------- Plays an rtttl tone. .. code-block:: yaml on_...: then: - rtttl.play: 'MissionImp:d=16,o=6,b=95:32d,32d#,32d,32d#,32d,32d#,32d,32d#,32d,32d,32d#,32e,32f,32f#,32g,g,8p,g,8p,a#,p,c7,p,g,8p,g,8p,f,p,f#,p,g,8p,g,8p,a#,p,c7,p,g,8p,g,8p,f,p,f#,p,a#,g,2d,32p,a#,g,2c#,32p,a#,g,2c,a#5,8c,2p,32p,a#5,g5,2f#,32p,a#5,g5,2f,32p,a#5,g5,2e,d#,8d' Configuration options: - **play** (**Required**, string, :ref:`templatable `): The rtttl string. You can find many rtttl strings online on the web, they must start with a name, then a colon: ``:`` symbol and more codes of the song itself. TipÑ you can try playing with the values of d=16,o=6,b=95 and make the song play at a different pace or pitch, e.g. setting o=7 instead will cause the song to play on a higher pitch. ``rtttl.stop`` Action --------------------- Stops playback. .. code-block:: yaml on_...: then: - rtttl.stop All actions ----------- - **id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Manually specify the ID of the rtttl if you have multiple components. ``rtttl.is_playing`` Condition ------------------------------ This Condition returns true while playback is active. .. code-block:: yaml # In some trigger: on_...: if: condition: rtttl.is_playing then: logger.log: 'Playback is active!' Common beeps ------------ You can do your own beep patterns too! Here are a few I made so you can just use right away or tweak them to your like: .. code-block:: yaml two short:d=4,o=5,b=100:16e6,16e6 long:d=1,o=5,b=100:e6 siren:d=8,o=5,b=100:d,e,d,e,d,e,d,e scale_up:d=32,o=5,b=100:c,c#,d#,e,f#,g#,a#,b Test setup ---------- With the following code you can quickly setup a node and use Home Assistant's service in the developer tools. E.g. for calling ``rtttl.play`` select the service ``esphome.test_esp8266_rtttl_play`` and in service data enter .. code-block:: yaml song_str: "mario:d=4,o=5,b=100:16e6,16e6,32p,8e6,16c6,8e6,8g6,8p,8g,8p,8c6,16p,8g,16p,8e,16p,8a,8b,16a#,8a,16g.,16e6,16g6,8a6,16f6,8g6,8e6,16c6,16d6,8b,16p,8c6,16p,8g,16p,8e,16p,8a,8b,16a#,8a,16g.,16e6,16g6,8a6,16f6,8g6,8e6,16c6,16d6,8b,8p,16g6,16f#6,16f6,16d#6,16p,16e6,16p,16g#,16a,16c6,16p,16a,16c6,16d6,8p,16g6,16f#6,16f6,16d#6,16p,16e6,16p,16c7,16p,16c7,16c7,p,16g6,16f#6,16f6,16d#6,16p,16e6,16p,16g#,16a,16c6,16p,16a,16c6,16d6,8p,16d#6,8p,16d6,8p,16c6" Sample code *********** .. code-block:: yaml esphome: name: test_esp8266 platform: ESP8266 board: nodemcuv2 wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_pass output: - platform: esp8266_pwm pin: D1 id: rtttl_out rtttl: output: rtttl_out on_finished_playback: - logger.log: 'Song ended!' api: services: - service: play_rtttl variables: song_str: string then: - rtttl.play: rtttl: !lambda 'return song_str;' See Also -------- - :apiref:`rtttl/rtttl.h` - :ghedit:`Edit`