ESP32 Bluetooth Low Energy Tracker Hub ====================================== .. seo:: :description: Instructions for setting up ESP32 bluetooth low energy device trackers using ESPHome. :image: bluetooth.svg The ``esp32_ble_tracker`` component creates a global hub so that you can track bluetooth low energy devices using your ESP32 node. See :ref:`Setting up devices <esp32_ble_tracker-setting_up_devices>` for information on how you can determine the MAC address of a device and track it using ESPHome. .. warning:: The BLE software stack on the ESP32 consumes a significant amount of RAM on the device. **Crashes are likely to occur** if you include too many additional components in your device's configuration. Memory-intensive components such as :doc:`/components/voice_assistant` and other audio components are most likely to cause issues. .. code-block:: yaml # Example configuration entry esp32_ble_tracker: binary_sensor: - platform: ble_presence mac_address: AC:37:43:77:5F:4C name: "ESP32 BLE Presence Google Home Mini" sensor: - platform: ble_rssi mac_address: AC:37:43:77:5F:4C name: "BLE Google Home Mini RSSI value" - platform: xiaomi_hhccjcy01 mac_address: 94:2B:FF:5C:91:61 temperature: name: "Xiaomi MiFlora Temperature" moisture: name: "Xiaomi MiFlora Moisture" illuminance: name: "Xiaomi MiFlora Illuminance" conductivity: name: "Xiaomi MiFlora Soil Conductivity" battery_level: name: "Xiaomi MiFlora Battery Level" - platform: xiaomi_lywsdcgq mac_address: 7A:80:8E:19:36:BA temperature: name: "Xiaomi MiJia Temperature" humidity: name: "Xiaomi MiJia Humidity" battery_level: name: "Xiaomi MiJia Battery Level" .. note:: The first time this component is enabled for an ESP32, the code partition needs to be resized. Please flash the ESP32 via USB when adding this to your configuration. After that, you can use OTA updates again. .. _config-esp32_ble_tracker: Configuration variables: ------------------------ - **scan_parameters** (*Optional*): Advanced parameters for configuring the scan behavior of the ESP32. See also `this guide by Texas Instruments <>`__ for reference. - **interval** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-time`): The interval between each consecutive scan window. This is the time the ESP spends on each of the 3 BLE advertising channels. Defaults to ``320ms``. - **window** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-time`): The time the ESP is actively listening for packets on a channel during each scan interval. If this is close to the ``interval`` value, the ESP will spend more time listening to packets (but also consume more power). Defaults to ``30ms`` - **duration** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-time`): The duration of each complete scan. This has no real impact on the device but can be used to debug the BLE stack. Defaults to ``5min``. - **active** (*Optional*, boolean): Whether to actively send scan requests to request more data after having received an advertising packet. With some devices this is necessary to receive all data, but also drains those devices' power a bit more. Some devices don't need this, in that case you can save power and RF pollution by setting it to ``false``. Defaults to ``true``. - **continuous** (*Optional*, boolean): Whether to scan continuously (forever) or to only scan when asked to start a scan (with start_scan action). Defaults to ``true``. - **id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Manually specify the ID for this ESP32 BLE Hub. Automations: - **on_ble_advertise** (*Optional*, :ref:`Automation <automation>`): An automation to perform when a Bluetooth advertising is received. See :ref:`esp32_ble_tracker-on_ble_advertise`. - **on_ble_manufacturer_data_advertise** (*Optional*, :ref:`Automation <automation>`): An automation to perform when a Bluetooth advertising with manufacturer data is received. See :ref:`esp32_ble_tracker-on_ble_manufacturer_data_advertise`. - **on_ble_service_data_advertise** (*Optional*, :ref:`Automation <automation>`): An automation to perform when a Bluetooth advertising with service data is received. See :ref:`esp32_ble_tracker-on_ble_service_data_advertise`. - **on_scan_end** (*Optional*, :ref:`Automation <automation>`): An automation to perform when a BLE scan has completed (the duration of the scan). This works with continuous set to true or false. ESP32 Bluetooth Low Energy Tracker Automation --------------------------------------------- .. _esp32_ble_tracker-on_ble_advertise: ``on_ble_advertise`` Trigger ************************************************ This automation will be triggered when a Bluetooth advertising is received. A variable ``x`` of type :apiclass:`esp32_ble_tracker::ESPBTDevice` is passed to the automation for use in lambdas. .. code-block:: yaml esp32_ble_tracker: on_ble_advertise: - mac_address: - 11:11:11:11:11:11 - 22:22:22:22:22:22 then: - lambda: |- ESP_LOGD("ble_adv", "New BLE device"); ESP_LOGD("ble_adv", " address: %s", x.address_str().c_str()); ESP_LOGD("ble_adv", " name: %s", x.get_name().c_str()); ESP_LOGD("ble_adv", " Advertised service UUIDs:"); for (auto uuid : x.get_service_uuids()) { ESP_LOGD("ble_adv", " - %s", uuid.to_string().c_str()); } ESP_LOGD("ble_adv", " Advertised service data:"); for (auto data : x.get_service_datas()) { ESP_LOGD("ble_adv", " - %s: (length %i)", data.uuid.to_string().c_str(),; } ESP_LOGD("ble_adv", " Advertised manufacturer data:"); for (auto data : x.get_manufacturer_datas()) { ESP_LOGD("ble_adv", " - %s: (length %i)", data.uuid.to_string().c_str(),; } Configuration variables: - **mac_address** (*Optional*, list of MAC Address): The MAC address to filter for this automation. - See :ref:`Automation <automation>`. .. _esp32_ble_tracker-on_ble_manufacturer_data_advertise: ``on_ble_manufacturer_data_advertise`` Trigger ************************************************ This automation will be triggered when a Bluetooth advertising with manufacturer data is received. A variable ``x`` of type ``std::vector<uint8_t>`` is passed to the automation for use in lambdas. .. code-block:: yaml sensor: - platform: template name: "BLE Sensor" id: ble_sensor esp32_ble_tracker: on_ble_manufacturer_data_advertise: - mac_address: 11:22:33:44:55:66 manufacturer_id: 0590 then: - lambda: |- if (x[0] != 0x7b || x[1] != 0x61) return; int value = x[2] + (x[3] << 8); id(ble_sensor).publish_state(value); Configuration variables: - **mac_address** (*Optional*, MAC Address): The MAC address to filter for this automation. - **manufacturer_id** (**Required**, string): 16 bit, 32 bit, or 128 bit BLE Manufacturer ID. - See :ref:`Automation <automation>`. .. _esp32_ble_tracker-on_ble_service_data_advertise: ``on_ble_service_data_advertise`` Trigger ************************************************ This automation will be triggered when a Bluetooth advertising with service data is received. A variable ``x`` of type ``std::vector<uint8_t>`` is passed to the automation for use in lambdas. .. code-block:: yaml sensor: - platform: template name: "BLE Sensor" id: ble_sensor esp32_ble_tracker: on_ble_service_data_advertise: - mac_address: 11:22:33:44:55:66 service_uuid: 181A then: - lambda: 'id(ble_sensor).publish_state(x[0]);' Configuration variables: - **mac_address** (*Optional*, MAC Address): The MAC address to filter for this automation. - **service_uuid** (**Required**, string): 16 bit, 32 bit, or 128 bit BLE Service UUID. - See :ref:`Automation <automation>`. ``on_scan_end`` Trigger ************************************************ This automation will be triggered when a Bluetooth scanning sequence has completed. If running with continuous set to true, this will trigger every time the scan completes (the duration of a scan). .. code-block:: yaml esp32_ble_tracker: on_scan_end: - then: - lambda: |- ESP_LOGD("ble_auto", "The scan has ended!"); Configuration variables: - None - See :ref:`Automation <automation>`. ``esp32_ble_tracker.start_scan`` Action ************************************************ Start a Bluetooth scan. If there is a scan already in progress, then the action is ignored. .. code-block:: yaml esp32_ble_tracker: scan_parameters: continuous: false on_...: - esp32_ble_tracker.start_scan: Configuration variables: - **continuous** (*Optional*, boolean): Whether to start the scan in continuous mode. Defaults to ``false`` .. note:: This action can also be written in :ref:`lambdas <config-lambda>`: .. code-block:: yaml esp32_ble_tracker: id: ble_tracker_id .. code-block:: cpp id(ble_tracker_id).start_scan() ``esp32_ble_tracker.stop_scan`` Action ************************************************ Stops the bluetooth scanning. It can be started again with the above start scan action. .. code-block:: yaml esp32_ble_tracker: on_...: - esp32_ble_tracker.stop_scan: Use on single-core chips ------------------------ On dual-core devices the WiFi component runs on core 1, while this component runs on core 0. When using this component on single core chips such as the ESP32-C3 both WiFi and ``ble_tracker`` must run on the same core, and this has been known to cause issues when connecting to WiFi. A work-around for this is to enable the tracker only while the native API is connected. The following config will achieve this: .. code-block:: yaml esp32_ble_tracker: scan_parameters: continuous: false api: encryption: key: !secret encryption_key on_client_connected: - esp32_ble_tracker.start_scan: continuous: true on_client_disconnected: - esp32_ble_tracker.stop_scan: See Also -------- - :doc:`text_sensor/ble_scanner` - :doc:`sensor/ble_rssi` - :doc:`sensor/b_parasite` - :doc:`sensor/xiaomi_ble` - :doc:`sensor/xiaomi_miscale` - :doc:`sensor/inkbird_ibsth1_mini` - :doc:`sensor/mopeka_pro_check` - :doc:`sensor/ruuvitag` - :doc:`ble_client` - :doc:`bluetooth_proxy` - :apiref:`esp32_ble_tracker/esp32_ble_tracker.h` - `ESP32 BLE for Arduino <>`__ by `Neil Kolban <>`__. - :ghedit:`Edit`