Configuration Types =================== .. seo:: :description: Documentation of different configuration types in ESPHome :image: settings.svg ESPHome’s configuration files have several configuration types. This page describes them. .. _config-id: ID -- Quite an important aspect of ESPHome are “IDs”. They are used to connect components from different domains. For example, you define an output component together with an ID and then later specify that same ID in the light component. IDs should always be unique within a configuration and ESPHome will warn you if you try to use the same ID twice. Because ESPHome converts your configuration into C++ code and the IDs are in reality just C++ variable names, they must also adhere to C++’s naming conventions. `C++ Variable names `__ … - … must start with a letter and can end with numbers. - … must not have a space in the name. - … can not have special characters except the underscore (“_“). - … must not be a keyword. .. note:: These IDs are used only within ESPHome and are not translated to Home Assistant's Entity ID. .. _config-pin: Pin --- ESPHome always uses the **chip-internal GPIO numbers**. These internal numbers are always integers like ``16`` and can be prefixed by ``GPIO``. For example to use the pin with the **internal** GPIO number 16, you could type ``GPIO16`` or just ``16``. Most boards however have aliases for certain pins. For example the NodeMCU ESP8266 uses pin names ``D0`` through ``D8`` as aliases for the internal GPIO pin numbers. Each board (defined in :doc:`ESPHome section `) has their own aliases and so not all of them are supported yet. For example, for the ``D0`` (as printed on the PCB silkscreen) pin on the NodeMCU ESP8266 has the internal GPIO name ``GPIO16``, but also has an alias ``D0``. So using either one of these names in your configuration will lead to the same result. .. code-block:: yaml some_config_option: pin: GPIO16 some_config_option: # alias on the NodeMCU ESP8266: pin: D0 .. _config-pin_schema: Pin Schema ---------- In some places, ESPHome also supports a more advanced “pin schema”. .. code-block:: yaml some_config_option: # Basic: pin: D0 # Advanced: pin: number: D0 inverted: true mode: input: true pullup: true Configuration variables: - **number** (**Required**, pin): The pin number. - **inverted** (*Optional*, boolean): If all read and written values should be treated as inverted. Defaults to ``false``. - **allow_other_uses** (*Optional*, boolean): If the pin is also specified elsewhere in the configuration. By default multiple uses of the same pin will be flagged as an error. This option will suppress the error and is intended for rare cases where a pin is shared between multiple components. Defaults to ``false``. - **mode** (*Optional*, string or mapping): Configures the pin to behave in different modes like input or output. The default value depends on the context. Accepts either a shorthand string or a mapping where each feature can be individually enabled/disabled: - **input** (*Optional*, boolean): If true, configure the pin as an input. - **output** (*Optional*, boolean): If true, configure the pin as an output. - **pullup** (*Optional*, boolean): Activate internal pullup resistors on the pin. - **pulldown** (*Optional*, boolean): Activate internal pulldown resistors on the pin. - **open_drain** (*Optional*, boolean): Set the pin to open-drain (as opposed to push-pull). The active pin state will then result in a high-impedance state. For compatibility some shorthand modes can also be used. - ``INPUT`` - ``OUTPUT`` - ``OUTPUT_OPEN_DRAIN`` - ``ANALOG`` - ``INPUT_PULLUP`` - ``INPUT_PULLDOWN`` - ``INPUT_OUTPUT_OPEN_DRAIN`` Advanced options: - **drive_strength** (*Optional*, string): On ESP32s with esp-idf framework the pad drive strength, i.e. the maximum amount of current can additionally be set. Defaults to ``20mA``. Options are ``5mA``, ``10mA``, ``20mA``, ``40mA``. - **ignore_strapping_warning** (*Optional*, boolean): Certain pins on ESP32s are designated *strapping pins* and are read by the chip on reset to configure initial operation, e.g. to enable bootstrap mode. Using such pins for I/O should be avoided and ESPHome will warn if I/O is configured on a strapping pin. For more detail see :ref:`strapping-warnings`. If you are *absolutely* sure that you are using a strapping pin for I/O in a way that will not cause problems, you can suppress the warning by setting this option to ``true`` in the pin configuration. .. _config-time: Time ---- In lots of places in ESPHome you need to define time periods. There are several ways of doing this. See below examples to see how you can specify time periods: .. code-block:: yaml some_config_option: some_time_option: 1000us # 1000 microseconds = 1ms some_time_option: 1000ms # 1000 milliseconds some_time_option: 1.5s # 1.5 seconds some_time_option: 0.5min # half a minute some_time_option: 2h # 2 hours # Make sure you wrap these in quotes some_time_option: '2:01' # 2 hours 1 minute some_time_option: '2:01:30' # 2 hours 1 minute 30 seconds # 10ms + 30s + 25min + 3h some_time_option: milliseconds: 10 seconds: 30 minutes: 25 hours: 3 days: 0 # for all 'update_interval' options, also update_interval: never # never update update_interval: 0ms # update in every loop() iteration .. _config-substitutions: Substitutions ------------- Starting with version 1.10.0, ESPHome has a powerful new way to reduce repetition in configuration files: Substitutions. With substitutions, you can have a single generic source file for all nodes of one kind and substitute expressions in. .. code-block:: yaml substitutions: devicename: livingroom upper_devicename: Livingroom esphome: name: $devicename # ... sensor: - platform: dht # ... temperature: name: ${upper_devicename} Temperature humidity: name: ${upper_devicename} Humidity In the top-level ``substitutions`` section, you can put as many key-value pairs as you want. Before validating your configuration, ESPHome will automatically replace all occurrences of substitutions by their value. The syntax for a substitution is based on bash and is case-sensitive: ``$substitution_key`` or ``${substitution_key}`` (same). Two substitution passes are performed allowing compound replacements. .. code-block:: yaml substitutions: foo: yellow bar_yellow_value: !secret yellow_secret bar_green_value: !secret green_secret something: test: ${bar_${foo}_value} .. _YAML-insertion-operator: YAML insertion operator *********************** Additionally, you can use the YAML insertion operator ``<<`` syntax to create a single YAML file from which a number of nodes inherit: .. code-block:: yaml # In common.yaml esphome: name: $devicename # ... sensor: - platform: dht # ... temperature: name: ${upper_devicename} Temperature humidity: name: ${upper_devicename} Humidity .. code-block:: yaml # In nodemcu1.yaml substitutions: devicename: nodemcu1 upper_devicename: NodeMCU 1 <<: !include common.yaml .. tip:: To hide these base files from the dashboard, you can - Place them in a subdirectory (dashboard only shows files in top-level directory) - Prepend a dot to the filename, like ``.base.yaml`` .. _substitute-include-variables: Substitute !include variables ***************************** ESPHome's ``!include`` accepts a list of variables that can be substituted within the included file. .. code-block:: yaml binary_sensor: - platform: gpio id: button1 pin: GPIO16 on_multi_click: !include { file: on-multi-click.yaml, vars: { id: 1 } } # inline syntax - platform: gpio id: button2 pin: GPIO4 on_multi_click: !include # multi-line syntax file: on-multi-click.yaml vars: id: 2 ``on-multi-click.yaml``: .. code-block:: yaml - timing: !include click-single.yaml then: - mqtt.publish: topic: ${device_name}/button${id}/status payload: single - timing: !include click-double.yaml then: - mqtt.publish: topic: ${device_name}/button${id}/status payload: double .. _command-line-substitutions: Command line substitutions ************************** You can define or override substitutions from the command line by adding e.g. ``-s KEY VALUE`` which overrides substitution KEY and gives it value VALUE. This can be issued multiple times, so e.g. with the following ``example.yaml`` file: .. code-block:: yaml substitutions: name: default platform: ESP8266 esphome: name: $name platform: $platform board: $board and the following command: .. code-block:: bash esphome -s name device01 -s board esp01_1m example.yaml config You will get something like the following output (please note the unchanged ``platform``, added ``board``, and overridden ``name`` substitutions): .. code-block:: yaml substitutions: name: device01 platform: ESP8266 board: esp01_1m esphome: name: device01 platform: ESP8266 board: esp01_1m includes: [] libraries: [] esp8266_restore_from_flash: false build_path: device01 platformio_options: {} arduino_version: espressif8266@2.2.3 We can observe here that command line substitutions take precedence over the ones in your configuration file. This can be used to create generic 'template' configuration files (like the ``example.yaml`` above) which can be used for multiple devices, using substitutions which are provided on the command line. .. _config-packages: Packages -------- Another way to modularize and reuse your configuration is to use packages. This feature allows you to put common pieces of configuration in separate files and keep only unique pieces of your config in the main yaml file. All definitions from packages will be merged with your main config in non-destructive way so you could always override some bits and pieces of package configuration. Substitutions in your main config will override substitutions with the same name in a package. Dictionaries are merged key-by-key. Lists of components are merged by component ID if specified. Other lists are merged by concatenation. All other config values are replaced with the later value. Local packages ************** Consider the following example where the author put common pieces of configuration like WiFi and I²C into base files and extends it with some device specific configurations in the main config. Note how the piece of configuration describing ``api`` component in ``device_base.yaml`` gets merged with the services definitions from main config file. .. code-block:: yaml # In config.yaml substitutions: node_name: mydevice device_verbose_name: "My Device" packages: wifi: !include common/wifi.yaml device_base: !include common/device_base.yaml api: services: - service: start_laundry then: - switch.turn_on: relay - delay: 3h - switch.turn_off: relay sensor: - platform: mhz19 co2: name: "CO2" temperature: name: "Temperature" update_interval: 60s automatic_baseline_calibration: false .. code-block:: yaml # In wifi.yaml wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_password domain: .yourdomain.lan fast_connect: true .. code-block:: yaml # In device_base.yaml esphome: name: ${node_name} platform: ESP32 board: wemos_d1_mini32 build_path: ./build/${node_name} # I²C Bus i2c: sda: GPIO21 scl: GPIO22 scan: true frequency: 100kHz # Enable logging logger: level: ${log_level} api: encryption: key: !secret api_encryption_key reboot_timeout: 1h sensor: - <<: !include common/sensor/uptime.config.yaml - <<: !include common/sensor/wifi_signal.config.yaml binary_sensor: - <<: !include common/binary_sensor/connection_status.config.yaml switch: - <<: !include common/switch/restart_switch.config.yaml .. _config-git_packages: Remote/git Packages ******************* Packages can also be loaded from a git repository by utilizing the correct config syntax. :ref:`config-substitutions` can be used inside the remote packages which allows users to override them locally with their own subsitution value. .. note:: Remote packages cannot have ``secret`` lookups in them. They should instead make use of substitutions with an optional default in the packaged YAML, which the local device YAML can set using values from the local secrets. .. code-block:: yaml packages: # Git repo examples remote_package: url: ref: main # optional files: [file1.yml, file2.yml] refresh: 1d # optional # A single file can be expressed using `file` or `files` as a string remote_package_two: url: file: file1.yml # cannot be combined with `files` # files: file1.yml # shorthand form github://username/repository/[folder/]file-path.yml[@branch-or-tag] remote_package_three: github://esphome/non-existant-repo/file1.yml@main Packages as Templates ********************* Since packages are incorporated using the ``!include`` system, variables can be provided to them. This means that packages can be used as `templates`, allowing complex or repetitive configurations to be stored in a package file and then incorporated into the configuration more than once. Additionally packages could contain a ``defaults`` block which provides subsitutions for variables not provided by the ``!include`` block. As an example, if the configuration needed to support three garage doors using the ``gpio`` switch platform and the ``time_based`` cover platform, it could be constructed like this: .. code-block:: yaml # In config.yaml packages: left_garage_door: !include file: garage-door.yaml vars: door_name: Left door_location: left open_switch_gpio: 25 close_switch_gpio: 26 middle_garage_door: !include file: garage-door.yaml vars: door_name: Middle door_location: middle open_switch_gpio: 27 close_switch_gpio: 29 right_garage_door: !include file: garage-door.yaml vars: door_name: Right door_location: right open_switch_gpio: 15 close_switch_gpio: 18 open_duration: "1min" close_duration: "50s" .. code-block:: yaml # In garage-door.yaml defaults: open_duration: "2.1min" close_duration: "2min" switch: - id: open_${door_location}_door_switch name: ${door_name} Garage Door Open Switch platform: gpio pin: ${open_switch_gpio} - id: close_${door_location}_door_switch name: ${door_name} Garage Door Close Switch platform: gpio pin: ${close_switch_gpio} cover: - platform: time_based name: ${door_name} Garage Door open_action: - switch.turn_on: open_${door_location}_door_switch open_duration: ${open_duration} close_action: - switch.turn_on: close_${door_location}_door_switch close_duration: ${close_duration} stop_action: - switch.turn_off: open_${door_location}_door_switch - switch.turn_off: close_${door_location}_door_switch Extend ------ To make changes or add additional configuration to included configurations ``!extend config_id`` can be used, where ``config_id`` is the ID of the configuration to modify. For example to set a specific update interval on a common uptime sensor that is shared between configurations: .. code-block:: yaml packages: common: !include common.yaml sensor: - id: !extend uptime_sensor update_interval: 10s Remove ------ To remove existing entries from included configurations ``!remove [config_id]`` can be used, where ``config_id`` is the ID of the entry to modify. For example to remove a common uptime sensor that is shared between configurations: .. code-block:: yaml packages: common: !include common.yaml sensor: - id: !remove uptime_sensor To remove captive portal for a specific device: .. code-block:: yaml packages: common: !include common.yaml captive_portal: !remove See Also -------- - :doc:`ESPHome index ` - :doc:`getting_started_command_line` - :doc:`faq` - :ghedit:`Edit`