Generic ESP8266 =============== All ESP8266-based devices are supported by esphomeyaml. Simply select ``ESP8266`` when the esphomeyaml wizard asks you for your platform and choose a board type from `this link `__ when the wizard asks you for the board type. .. code:: yaml # Example configuration entry esphomeyaml: name: livingroom platform: ESP8266 board: Many boards have a pin numbering for the exposed pins that is different from the internally used ones. esphomeyaml tries to map the silk-screen pin numbers into the internal pin numbers with a few boards, but for generic ESP8266 boards it is often required to just use the internal pin numbers. To do this, just prefix all pins with ``GPIO``, for example ``GPIO0`` for the pin with the internal pin number 0. Some notes on the pins: - ``GPIO6`` - ``GPIO11``, ``GPIO0``, ``GPIO2`` and ``GPIO15`` are often already used by the internal flash interface and boot mode detection. So it's best to avoid using these pins. - ``GPIO17`` additionally has an ADC connected to it. See the :doc:`/esphomeyaml/components/sensor/adc` to read out voltages (in the range from 0 to 1.0V) on this pin. .. code:: yaml # Example configuration entry esphomeyaml: name: livingroom platform: ESP8266 board: nodemcuv2 binary_sensor: - platform: gpio name: "Pin GPIO17" pin: GPIO17 See Also ^^^^^^^^ - :doc:`nodemcu_esp8266` - `Edit this page on GitHub `__