from genericpath import exists import re import json import urllib import traceback from typing import MutableMapping from sphinx.util import logging from docutils import nodes # Instructions for building # you must have checked out this project in the same folder of # esphome and esphome-vscode so the SCHEMA_PATH below can find the source schemas # This file is not processed by default as extension unless added. # To add this extension from command line use: # -Dextensions=github,seo,sitemap,schema_doc" # also for improve performance running old version # -d_build/.doctrees-schema # will put caches in another dir and not overwrite the ones without schema SCHEMA_PATH = "../esphome-vscode/server/src/schema/" CONFIGURATION_VARIABLES = "Configuration variables:" CONFIGURATION_OPTIONS = "Configuration options:" PIN_CONFIGURATION_VARIABLES = "Pin configuration variables:" COMPONENT_HUB = "Component/Hub" JSON_DUMP_PRETTY = True class Statistics: props_documented = 0 enums_good = 0 enums_bad = 0 statistics = Statistics() logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def setup(app): import os if not os.path.isfile(SCHEMA_PATH + "esphome.json"):"{SCHEMA_PATH} not found. Not documenting schema.") return app.connect("doctree-resolved", doctree_resolved) app.connect("build-finished", build_finished) app.files = {} return {"version": "1.0.0", "parallel_read_safe": True, "parallel_write_safe": True} def find_platform_component(app, platform, component): file_data = get_component_file(app, component) return file_data[f"{component}.{platform}"]["schemas"]["CONFIG_SCHEMA"] def doctree_resolved(app, doctree, docname): if docname == "components/index": # nothing useful here return try: handle_component(app, doctree, docname) except Exception as e: err_str = f"In {docname}: {str(e)}" logger.warning(err_str) traceback.print_exc() PLATFORMS_TITLES = { "Sensor": "sensor", "Binary Sensor": "binary_sensor", "Text Sensor": "text_sensor", "Output": "output", "Cover": "cover", "Button": "button", "Select": "select", "Fan": "fan", "Lock": "lock", "Number": "number", "Climate": "climate", "CAN Bus": "canbus", "Stepper": "stepper", "Switch": "switch", "I²C": "i2c", } CUSTOM_DOCS = { "guides/automations": { "Global Variables": "globals.schemas.CONFIG_SCHEMA", }, "guides/configuration-types": { "Pin Schema": [ "", "", ], }, "components/binary_sensor/index": { "Binary Sensor Filters": "binary_sensor.registry.filter", }, "components/canbus": { "_LoadSchema": False, "Base CAN Bus Configuration": "canbus.schemas.CANBUS_SCHEMA", }, "components/climate/climate_ir": {"_LoadSchema": False, "IR Remote Climate": []}, "components/display/index": { "Images": "image.schemas.CONFIG_SCHEMA", "Drawing Static Text": "font.schemas.CONFIG_SCHEMA", "Color": "color.schemas.CONFIG_SCHEMA", "Animation": "animation.schemas.CONFIG_SCHEMA", }, "components/light/index": { "Base Light Configuration": [ "light.schemas.ADDRESSABLE_LIGHT_SCHEMA", "light.schemas.BINARY_LIGHT_SCHEMA", "light.schemas.BRIGHTNESS_ONLY_LIGHT_SCHEMA", "light.schemas.LIGHT_SCHEMA", ], "Light Effects": "light.registry.effects", }, "components/light/fastled": { "_LoadSchema": False, "Clockless": "fastled_clockless.platform.light.schemas.CONFIG_SCHEMA", "SPI": "fastled_spi.platform.light.schemas.CONFIG_SCHEMA", }, "components/binary_sensor/ttp229": { "_LoadSchema": False, }, "components/mcp230xx": { "_LoadSchema": False, PIN_CONFIGURATION_VARIABLES: "", }, "components/mqtt": { "MQTT Component Base Configuration": "core.schemas.MQTT_COMMAND_COMPONENT_SCHEMA", "MQTTMessage": "mqtt.schemas.MQTT_MESSAGE_BASE", }, "components/output/index": { "Base Output Configuration": "output.schemas.FLOAT_OUTPUT_SCHEMA", }, "components/remote_transmitter": { "Remote Transmitter Actions": "remote_base.schemas.BASE_REMOTE_TRANSMITTER_SCHEMA", }, "components/sensor/index": { "Sensor Filters": "sensor.registry.filter", }, "components/time": { "_LoadSchema": False, "Base Time Configuration": "time.schemas.TIME_SCHEMA", "on_time Trigger": "time.schemas.TIME_SCHEMA.schema.config_vars.on_time.schema", "Home Assistant Time Source": "homeassistant.platform.time.schemas.CONFIG_SCHEMA", "SNTP Time Source": "sntp.platform.time.schemas.CONFIG_SCHEMA", "GPS Time Source": "gps.platform.time.schemas.CONFIG_SCHEMA", "DS1307 Time Source": "ds1307.platform.time.schemas.CONFIG_SCHEMA", }, "components/wifi": { "Connecting to Multiple Networks": "wifi.schemas.CONFIG_SCHEMA.schema.config_vars.networks.schema", "Enterprise Authentication": "wifi.schemas.EAP_AUTH_SCHEMA", }, "custom/custom_component": { "Generic Custom Component": "custom_component.schemas.CONFIG_SCHEMA" }, "components/esp32": { "Arduino framework": "esp32.schemas.CONFIG_SCHEMA.schema.config_vars.framework.types.arduino", "ESP-IDF framework": "esp32.schemas.CONFIG_SCHEMA.schema.config_vars.framework.types.esp-idf", }, "components/sensor/airthings_ble": { "_LoadSchema": False, }, "components/sensor/radon_eye_ble": { "_LoadSchema": False, }, "components/sensor/xiaomi_ble": { "_LoadSchema": False, }, "components/sensor/xiaomi_miscale2": { "_LoadSchema": False, }, "components/mcp23Sxx": { "_LoadSchema": False, }, "components/display/lcd_display": {"_LoadSchema": False}, "components/display/ssd1306": {"_LoadSchema": False}, "components/display/ssd1322": {"_LoadSchema": False}, "components/display/ssd1325": {"_LoadSchema": False}, "components/display/ssd1327": {"_LoadSchema": False}, "components/display/ssd1351": {"_LoadSchema": False}, "components/copy": {"_LoadSchema": False}, } def get_node_title(node): return list(node.traverse(nodes.title))[0].astext() def read_file(fileName): f = open(SCHEMA_PATH + fileName + ".json", "r", encoding="utf-8-sig") str = return json.loads(str) def is_config_vars_title(title_text): return title_text == CONFIGURATION_VARIABLES or title_text == CONFIGURATION_OPTIONS class SchemaGeneratorVisitor(nodes.NodeVisitor): def __init__(self, app, doctree, docname): nodes.NodeVisitor.__init__(self, doctree) = app self.doctree = doctree self.docname = docname self.path = docname.split("/") self.json_component = None self.props = None self.platform = None self.json_platform_component = None self.title_id = None self.props_section_title = None self.find_registry = None self.component = None self.section_level = 0 self.file_schema = None self.custom_doc = CUSTOM_DOCS.get(docname) if self.path[0] == "components": if len(self.path) == 2: # root component, e.g. dfplayer, logger self.component = docname[11:] if not self.custom_doc or self.custom_doc.get("_LoadSchema", True): self.file_schema = get_component_file(app, self.component) self.json_component = self.file_schema[self.component]["schemas"][ "CONFIG_SCHEMA" ] else: # sub component, e.g. output/esp8266_pwm # components here might have a core / hub, eg. dallas, ads1115 # and then they can be a binary_sensor, sensor, etc. self.platform = self.path[1] self.component = self.path[2] if self.component == "ssd1331": self.component = "ssd1331_spi" if not self.custom_doc or self.custom_doc.get("_LoadSchema", True): if self.component == "index": # these are e.g. sensor, binary sensor etc. self.component = self.platform.replace(" ", "_").lower() self.file_schema = get_component_file(app, self.component) self.json_component = self.file_schema[self.component][ "schemas" ].get(self.component.upper() + "_SCHEMA") pass else: self.json_component = get_component_file(app, self.component) self.json_platform_component = find_platform_component( app, self.platform, self.component ) self.previous_title_text = "No title" self.is_component_hub = False # used in custom_docs when titles are mapped to array of components, this # allows for same configuration text be applied to different json schemas self.multi_component = None # a stack for props, used when there are nested props to save high level props. self.prop_stack = [] # The prop just filled in, used when there are nested props and need to know which # want to dig self.current_prop = None # self.filled_props used to know when any prop is added to props, # we dont invalidate props on exiting bullet lists but just when entering a new title self.filled_props = False # Found a Configuration variables: heading, this is to increase docs consistency self.accept_props = False self.bullet_list_level = 0 def set_component_description(self, description, componentName, platformName=None): if platformName is not None: platform = get_component_file(, platformName) platform[platformName]["components"][componentName.lower()][ "docs" ] = description else: core = get_component_file(, "esphome")["core"] if componentName in core["components"]: core["components"][componentName]["docs"] = description elif componentName in core["platforms"]: core["platforms"][componentName]["docs"] = description else: raise ValueError( "Cannot set description for component " + componentName ) def visit_document(self, node): # ESPHome page docs follows strict formatting guidelines which allows # for docs to be parsed directly into yaml schema if self.docname in ["components/sensor/binary_sensor_map"]: # temporarily not supported raise nodes.SkipChildren if self.docname in ["components/climate/climate_ir"]: # not much to do on the visit to the document, component will be found by title return if len(list(node.traverse(nodes.paragraph))) == 0: # this is empty, not much to do raise nodes.SkipChildren self.props_section_title = get_node_title(node) # Document first paragraph is description of this thing description = self.getMarkdownParagraph(node) if self.json_platform_component: self.set_component_description(description, self.component, self.platform) elif self.json_component: self.set_component_description(description, self.component) # for most components / platforms get the props, this allows for a less restrictive # first title on the page if self.json_component or self.json_platform_component: if is_component_file(, self.component, ): self.props = self.find_props( self.json_platform_component if self.json_platform_component else self.json_component, True, ) def visit_table(self, node): if ( self.docname == "components/climate/climate_ir" and len(CUSTOM_DOCS["components/climate/climate_ir"]["IR Remote Climate"]) == 0 ): # figure out multi components from table table_rows = node[0][4] for row in table_rows: components_paths = [ components + ".platform.climate.schemas.CONFIG_SCHEMA" for components in row[1].astext().split("\n") ] CUSTOM_DOCS["components/climate/climate_ir"][ "IR Remote Climate" ] += components_paths def depart_document(self, node): pass def visit_section(self, node): self.section_level += 1 section_title = get_node_title(node) if self.custom_doc and section_title in self.custom_doc: r = self.custom_doc[section_title] if ".registry." in r: self.find_registry = r def depart_section(self, node): self.section_level -= 1 if self.section_level == 1: self.find_registry = None def unknown_visit(self, node): pass def unknown_departure(self, node): pass def visit_title(self, node): title_text = node.astext() if self.custom_doc is not None and title_text in self.custom_doc: if isinstance(self.custom_doc[title_text], list): self.multi_component = self.custom_doc[title_text] self.filled_props = False self.props = None desc = self.getMarkdownParagraph(node.parent) for c in self.multi_component: if len(c.split(".")) == 2: self.set_component_description(desc, c.split(".")[0]) return json_component = self.find_component(self.custom_doc[title_text]) if not json_component: return parts = self.custom_doc[title_text].split(".") if parts[0] not in ["core", "remote_base"] and parts[-1] != "pin": if parts[1] == "platform": self.set_component_description( self.getMarkdownParagraph(node.parent), parts[0], parts[2] ) else: self.set_component_description( self.getMarkdownParagraph(node.parent), parts[0], ) self.props_section_title = title_text self.props = self.find_props(json_component) return elif title_text == COMPONENT_HUB: # here comes docs for the component, make sure we have props of the component # Needed for e.g. ads1115 self.props_section_title = f"{self.path[-1]} {title_text}" json_component = self.get_component_schema( self.path[-1] + ".CONFIG_SCHEMA" ).get("schema", {}) if json_component: self.props = self.find_props(json_component) self.set_component_description( self.getMarkdownParagraph(node.parent), self.path[-1] ) # mark this to retrieve components instead of platforms self.is_component_hub = True elif is_config_vars_title(title_text): if not self.props and self.multi_component is None: raise ValueError( f'Found a "{title_text}": title after {self.previous_title_text}. Unknown object.' ) elif title_text == "Over SPI" or title_text == "Over I²C": suffix = "_spi" if "SPI" in title_text else "_i2c" # these could be platform components, like the display's ssd1306 # but also there are components which are component/hub # and there are non platform components with the SPI/I2C versions, # like pn532, those need to be marked with the 'Component/Hub' title component = self.path[-1] + suffix self.props_section_title = self.path[-1] + " " + title_text if self.platform is not None and not self.is_component_hub: json_platform_component = find_platform_component(, self.platform, component ) if not json_platform_component: raise ValueError( f"Cannot find platform {self.platform} component '{component}' after found title: '{title_text}'." ) self.props = self.find_props(json_platform_component) # Document first paragraph is description of this thing json_platform_component["docs"] = self.getMarkdownParagraph(node.parent) else: json_component = self.get_component_schema( component + ".CONFIG_SCHEMA" ).get("schema", {}) if not json_component: raise ValueError( f"Cannot find component '{component}' after found title: '{title_text}'." ) self.props = self.find_props(json_component) # Document first paragraph is description of this thing self.set_component_description( self.getMarkdownParagraph(node.parent), component ) # Title is description of platform component, those ends with Sensor, Binary Sensor, Cover, etc. elif ( len( list( filter( lambda x: title_text.endswith(x), list(PLATFORMS_TITLES.keys()) ) ) ) > 0 ): if title_text in PLATFORMS_TITLES: # this omits the name of the component, but we know the platform platform_name = PLATFORMS_TITLES[title_text] if self.path[-1] == "index": component_name = self.path[-2] else: component_name = self.path[-1] self.props_section_title = component_name + " " + title_text else: # # title first word is the component name # component_name = title_text.split(" ")[0] # # and the rest is the platform # platform_name = PLATFORMS_TITLES.get( # title_text[len(component_name) + 1 :] # ) # if not platform_name: # # Some general title which does not locate a component directly # return # self.props_section_title = title_text for t in PLATFORMS_TITLES: if title_text.endswith(t): component_name = title_text[ 0 : len(title_text) - len(t) - 1 ].replace(" ", "_") platform_name = PLATFORMS_TITLES[t] if not platform_name: # Some general title which does not locate a component directly return self.props_section_title = title_text if not is_component_file(, component_name): return c = find_platform_component(, platform_name, component_name.lower()) if c: self.json_platform_component = c self.set_component_description( self.getMarkdownParagraph(node.parent), component_name, platform_name, ) # Now fill props for the platform element try: self.props = self.find_props(self.json_platform_component) except KeyError: raise ValueError("Cannot find platform props") elif title_text.endswith("Component") or title_text.endswith("Bus"): # if len(path) == 3 and path[2] == 'index': # # skip platforms index, e.g. sensors/index # continue split_text = title_text.split(" ") self.props_section_title = title_text # some components are several components in a single platform doc # e.g. ttp229 binary_sensor has two different named components. component_name = ( "_".join(split_text[:-1]).lower().replace(".", "").replace("i²c", "i2c") ) if component_name != self.platform and is_component_file(, component_name ): f = get_component_file(, component_name) # Document first paragraph is description of this thing description = self.getMarkdownParagraph(node.parent) if component_name in f: self.set_component_description(description, component_name) c = f[component_name] if c: self.json_component = c["schemas"]["CONFIG_SCHEMA"] try: self.props = self.find_props(self.json_component) self.multi_component = None except KeyError: raise ValueError( "Cannot find props for component " + component_name ) return # component which are platforms in doc, used by: stepper and canbus, lcd_pcf8574 elif f"{component_name}.{self.path[1]}" in f: self.set_component_description( description, component_name, self.path[1] ) self.json_platform_component = f[ f"{component_name}.{self.path[1]}" ]["schemas"]["CONFIG_SCHEMA"] try: self.props = self.find_props(self.json_platform_component) except KeyError: raise ValueError( f"Cannot find props for platform {self.path[1]} component {self.component_name}" ) return elif title_text.endswith("Trigger"): # Document first paragraph is description of this thing description = self.getMarkdownParagraph(node.parent) split_text = title_text.split(" ") if len(split_text) != 2: return key = split_text[0] if ( not self.props or not self.props.typed ): # props are right for typed components so far c = self.json_component if c: trigger_schema = self.find_props(c).get(key) if trigger_schema is not None: self.props = self.find_props(trigger_schema) self.props_section_title = title_text elif title_text == PIN_CONFIGURATION_VARIABLES: self.component = self.find_component(self.path[-1] + ".pin") self.props = self.find_props(self.component) self.accept_props = True if not self.component: raise ValueError( f'Found a "{PIN_CONFIGURATION_VARIABLES}" entry but could not find pin schema' ) elif title_text.endswith("Action") or title_text.endswith("Condition"): # Document first paragraph is description of this thing description = self.getMarkdownParagraph(node.parent) split_text = title_text.split(" ") if len(split_text) != 2: return key = split_text[0] component_parts = split_text[0].split(".") if len(component_parts) == 3: cv = get_component_file(, component_parts[1])[ component_parts[1] + "." + component_parts[0] ][split_text[1].lower()][component_parts[2]] if cv is not None: cv["docs"] = description self.props = self.find_props(cv.get("schema", {})) elif len(component_parts) == 2: registry_name = ".".join( [component_parts[0], "registry", split_text[1].lower()] ) key = component_parts[1] self.find_registry_prop(registry_name, key, description) else: registry_name = f"core.registry.{split_text[1].lower()}" # f"automation.{split_text[1].upper()}_REGISTRY" self.find_registry_prop(registry_name, key, description) if self.section_level == 3 and self.find_registry: name = title_text if name.endswith(" Effect"): name = title_text[: -len(" Effect")] if name.endswith(" Light"): name = name[: -len(" Light")] key = name.replace(" ", "_").replace(".", "").lower() description = self.getMarkdownParagraph(node.parent) self.find_registry_prop(self.find_registry, key, description) self.props_section_title = title_text def get_component_schema(self, name): parts = name.split(".") schema_file = get_component_file(, parts[0]) if parts[1] == "registry": schema = schema_file.get(parts[0], {}).get(parts[2], {}) elif len(parts) == 3: schema = ( schema_file.get(f"{parts[0]}.{parts[1]}") .get("schemas", {}) .get(parts[2], {}) ) else: schema = schema_file.get(parts[0], {}).get("schemas", {}).get(parts[1], {}) return schema def get_component_config_var(self, name, key): c = self.get_component_schema(name) if key in c: return c[key] if "config_vars" not in c: return c if key in c["config_vars"]: return c["config_vars"][c] def find_registry_prop(self, registry_name, key, description): c = self.get_component_schema(registry_name) if key in c: cv = c[key] if cv is not None: cv["docs"] = description self.props = self.find_props(cv.get("schema", {})) def depart_title(self, node): if self.filled_props: self.filled_props = False self.props = None self.current_prop = None self.accept_props = False self.multi_component = None self.previous_title_text = node.astext() self.title_id = node.parent["ids"][0] def find_props_previous_title(self): comp = self.json_component or self.json_platform_component if comp: props = self.find_props(comp) if self.previous_title_text in props: prop = props[self.previous_title_text] if prop: self.props = self.find_props(prop) else: # return fake dict so better errors are printed self.props = {"__": "none"} def visit_Text(self, node): if self.multi_component: return if is_config_vars_title(node.astext()): if not self.props: self.find_props_previous_title() if not self.props: raise ValueError( f'Found a "{node.astext()}" entry for unknown object after {self.previous_title_text}' ) self.accept_props = True raise nodes.SkipChildren def depart_Text(self, node): pass def visit_paragraph(self, node): if is_config_vars_title(node.astext()): if not self.props and not self.multi_component: self.find_props_previous_title() if not self.props and not self.multi_component: f"In {self.docname} / {self.previous_title_text} found a {node.astext()} title and there are no props." ) # raise ValueError( # f'Found a "{node.astext()}" entry for unknown object after {self.previous_title_text}' # ) self.accept_props = True raise nodes.SkipChildren def depart_paragraph(self, node): pass def visit_bullet_list(self, node): self.bullet_list_level = self.bullet_list_level + 1 if ( self.current_prop and (self.props or self.multi_component) and self.bullet_list_level > 1 ): self.prop_stack.append((self.current_prop, node)) self.accept_props = True return if not self.props and self.multi_component is None: raise nodes.SkipChildren def depart_bullet_list(self, node): self.bullet_list_level = self.bullet_list_level - 1 if len(self.prop_stack) > 0: stack_prop, stack_node = self.prop_stack[-1] if stack_node == node: self.prop_stack.pop() self.filled_props = True self.current_prop = stack_prop def visit_list_item(self, node): if self.accept_props and self.props: self.filled_props = True self.current_prop, found = self.update_prop(node, self.props) if self.current_prop and not found: f"In '{self.docname} {self.previous_title_text} Cannot find property {self.current_prop}" ) elif self.multi_component: # update prop for each component found_any = False self.current_prop = None for c in self.multi_component: props = self.find_props(self.find_component(c)) self.current_prop, found = self.update_prop(node, props) if self.current_prop and found: found_any = True if self.current_prop and not found_any: f"In '{self.docname} {self.previous_title_text} Cannot find property {self.current_prop}" ) self.filled_props = True def depart_list_item(self, node): pass def visit_literal(self, node): raise nodes.SkipChildren def depart_literal(self, node): pass def getMarkdown(self, node): from markdown import Translator t = Translator( urllib.parse.urljoin(, self.docname + ".html"), self.doctree, ) node.walkabout(t) return t.output.strip("\n") def getMarkdownParagraph(self, node): paragraph = list(node.traverse(nodes.paragraph))[0] markdown = self.getMarkdown(paragraph) param_type = None # Check if there is type information for this item try: name_type = markdown[: markdown.index(": ") + 2] ntr = r"(\(((\*\*Required\*\*)|(\*Optional\*))(,\s(.*))*)\):\s", name_type, re.IGNORECASE, ) if ntr: param_type = if param_type: markdown = ( f"**{param_type}**: {markdown[markdown.index(': ') + 2 :]}" ) except ValueError: # ': ' not found pass title = list(node.traverse(nodes.title))[0] if len(title) > 0: url = urllib.parse.urljoin(, self.docname + ".html#" + title.parent["ids"][0], ) markdown += f"\n\n*See also: [{self.props_section_title}]({url})*" return markdown def update_prop(self, node, props): prop_name = None for s_prop, n in self.prop_stack: inner = props.get(s_prop) if inner is not None and "schema" in inner: props = self.Props(self, inner["schema"]) elif inner is not None and inner.get("type") == "typed": # this is used in external_components props = self.Props(self, inner) elif inner is not None and inner.get("type") == "enum": enum_raw = self.getMarkdown(node) # the regex allow the format to have either a ":" or a " -" as the value / docs separator, value must be in `back ticks` # also description is optional enum_match = r"\* `([^`]*)`((:| -) (.*))*", enum_raw, re.IGNORECASE ) if enum_match: enum_value = enum_docs = found = False for name in inner["values"]: if enum_value.upper().replace(" ", "_") == str(name).upper(): found = True if enum_docs: enum_docs = enum_docs.strip() if "values_docs" not in inner: inner["values_docs"] = {name: enum_docs} else: inner["values_docs"][name] = enum_docs statistics.props_documented += 1 statistics.enums_good += 1 if not found: f"In '{self.docname} {self.previous_title_text} Property {s_prop} cannot find enum value {enum_value}" ) else: statistics.enums_bad += 1 f"In '{self.docname} {self.previous_title_text} Property {s_prop} unexpected enum member description format" ) else: # nothing to do? return prop_name, False raw = node.rawsource # this has the full raw rst code for this property if not raw.startswith("**"): # not bolded, most likely not a property definition, # usually texts like 'All properties from...' etc return prop_name, False markdown = self.getMarkdown(node) markdown += f"\n\n*See also: [{self.props_section_title}]({urllib.parse.urljoin(, self.docname +'.html#'+self.title_id)})*" try: name_type = markdown[: markdown.index(": ") + 2] except ValueError: f"In '{self.docname} {self.previous_title_text} Property format error. Missing ': ' in {raw}'" ) return prop_name, False # Example properties formats are: # **name** (**Required**, string): Long Description... # **name** (*Optional*, string): Long Description... Defaults to ``value``. # **name** (*Optional*): Long Description... Defaults to ``value``. ntr = r"\* \*\*(\w*)\*\*\s(\(((\*\*Required\*\*)|(\*Optional\*))(,\s(.*))*)\):\s", name_type, re.IGNORECASE, ) if ntr: prop_name = param_type = else: s2 = r"\* \*\*(\w*)\*\*\s(\(((\*\*Required\*\*)|(\*Optional\*))(,\s(.*))*)\):\s", markdown, re.IGNORECASE, ) if s2: # this is e.g. when a property has a list inside, and the list inside are the options. # just validate **prop_name** s3 ="\* \*\*(\w*)\*\*:\s", name_type) prop_name = param_type = None else: f"In '{self.docname} {self.previous_title_text} Invalid property format: {node.rawsource}" ) return prop_name, False k = str(prop_name) config_var = props.get(k) if not config_var: # Create docs for common properties when descriptions are overridden # in the most specific component. if k in [ "id", "name", "internal", # i2c "address", "i2c_id", # polling component "update_interval", # uart "uart_id", # light "effects", "gamma_correct", "default_transition_length", "flash_transition_length", "color_correct", # display "lambda", "pages", "rotation", # spi "spi_id", "cs_pin", # output (binary/float output) "inverted", "power_supply", # climate "receiver_id", ]: config_var = props[k] = {} else: if self.path[1] == "esphome" and k in [ # deprecated esphome "platform", "board", "arduino_version", "esp8266_restore_from_flash", ]: return prop_name, True return prop_name, False desc = markdown[markdown.index(": ") + 2 :].strip() if param_type: desc = "**" + param_type + "**: " + desc config_var["docs"] = desc statistics.props_documented += 1 return prop_name, True def find_component(self, component_path): path = component_path.split(".") file_content = get_component_file(, path[0]) if path[1] == "platform": path[2] = f"{path[0]}.{path[2]}" path = path[2:] component = file_content for p in path: component = component.get(p, {}) return component class Props(MutableMapping): """Smarter props dict. Props are mostly a dict, however some constructs have two issues: - An update is intended on an element which does not own a property, but it is based on an schema that does have the property, those cases are handled by examining the extended """ def __init__(self, visitor, component, fail_silently=False): self.visitor = visitor self.component = component = self._get_props(component, fail_silently) self.parent = None self.typed = self.component.get("type") == "typed" def _get_props(self, component, fail_silently): # component is a 'schema' dict which has 'config_vars' and 'extends' if not ( "config_vars" in component or "extends" in component or len(component) == 0 or component.get("type") == "typed" ): if fail_silently: return None raise ValueError("Unexpected component data to get props") props = component.get("config_vars") return props def _find_extended(self, component, key): for extended in component.get("extends", []): schema = self.visitor.get_component_schema(extended).get("schema", {}) for k, cv in schema.get("config_vars", {}).items(): if k == key: return SetObservable( cv, setitem_callback=self._set_extended, inner_key=key, original_dict=schema.get("config_vars"), ) ex1 = self._find_extended(schema, key) if ex1: return ex1 def _set_extended(self, inner_key, original_dict, key, value): original_dict[inner_key][key] = value def _iter_extended(self, component): for extended in component.get("extends", []): schema = self.visitor.get_component_schema(extended).get("schema", {}) for s in self._iter_extended(schema): yield s yield schema def __getitem__(self, key): if and key in return[key] extended = self._find_extended(self.component, key) if extended is not None: return extended if self.component.get("type") == "typed": return SetObservable( {key: {"type": "string"}}, setitem_callback=self._set_typed, inner_key=key, original_dict={}, ) def _set_typed(self, inner_key, original_dict, key, value): if inner_key == self.component.get("typed_key"): self.component[key] = value else: for tk, tv in self.component["types"].items(): for cv_k, cv_v in tv["config_vars"].items(): if cv_k == inner_key: cv_v[key] = value def __setitem__(self, key, value):[key] = value def __delitem__(self, key): def __iter__(self): return iter( def __len__(self): len_extended = 0 if self.component.get("type"): types = self.component.get("types") for t, tv in types.items(): for s in self._iter_extended(types.get(t, {})): len_extended += len(s.get("config_vars", {})) len_extended += len(tv.get("config_vars", {})) return len_extended for s in self._iter_extended(self.component): len_extended += len(s.get("config_vars", {})) return len_extended + (len( if else 0) def find_props(self, component, fail_silently=False): if component.get("type") in ["trigger", "schema"]: # can have schema if "schema" not in component: return None component = component.get("schema") props = self.Props(self, component, fail_silently) if props: self.filled_props = False self.accept_props = False self.current_prop = None return props def handle_component(app, doctree, docname): path = docname.split("/") if path[0] == "components": pass elif docname not in CUSTOM_DOCS: return v = SchemaGeneratorVisitor(app, doctree, docname) doctree.walkabout(v) def build_finished(app, exception): # TODO: create report of missing descriptions for fname, contents in app.files.items(): f = open(SCHEMA_PATH + fname + ".json", "w") if JSON_DUMP_PRETTY: f.write(json.dumps(contents, indent=2)) else: f.write(json.dumps(contents, separators=(",", ":"))) str = f"Documented: {statistics.props_documented} Enums: {statistics.enums_good}/{statistics.enums_bad}" class SetObservable(dict): """ a MyDict is like a dict except that when you set an item, before doing so it will call a callback function that was passed in when the MyDict instance was created """ def __init__( self, value, setitem_callback=None, inner_key=None, original_dict=None, *args, **kwargs, ): super(SetObservable, self).__init__(value, *args, **kwargs) self._setitem_callback = setitem_callback self.inner_key = inner_key self.original_dict = original_dict def __setitem__(self, key, value): if self._setitem_callback: self._setitem_callback(self.inner_key, self.original_dict, key, value) super(SetObservable, self).__setitem__(key, value) def is_component_file(app: SchemaGeneratorVisitor, component): if component == "core" or component == "automation": component = "esphome" return exists(SCHEMA_PATH + component + ".json") def get_component_file(app: SchemaGeneratorVisitor, component): if component == "core" or component == "automation": component = "esphome" if component not in app.files: app.files[component] = read_file(component) return app.files[component]