HTTP Request ============ .. seo:: :description: Instructions for setting up HTTP Requests in ESPHome :image: connection.svg :keywords: http, request The ``http_request`` component lets you make HTTP/HTTPS requests. First, you need to setup a component: .. code-block:: yaml # Example configuration entry http_request: useragent: esphome/device timeout: 10s Configuration variables: ------------------------ - **useragent** (*Optional*, string): User-Agent header for requests. Defaults to ``ESPHome``. - **timeout** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-time`): Timeout for request. Defaults to ``5s``. - **id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Manually specify the ID used for code generation. - **follow_redirects** (*Optional*, boolean): Enable following HTTP redirects. Defaults to ``true``. - **redirect_limit** (*Optional*, integer): Maximum amount of redirects to follow when enabled. Defaults to ``3``. ESP8266 Options: - **esp8266_disable_ssl_support** (*Optional*, boolean): Whether to include SSL support on ESP8266s. Defaults to ``no``. See :ref:`esphome-esp8266_disable_ssl_support` for more info .. _esphome-esp8266_disable_ssl_support: ``esp8266_disable_ssl_support`` ------------------------------- This options allows you to disable inclusion of SSL libraries. This is required on a flash constrained devices (512k or 1M) which does not have enough space to support SSL and OTA concurrently. The flashing will fail with the following error ``Error: ESP does not have enough space to store OTA file``. HTTP Request Actions -------------------- Component support a number of :ref:`actions <config-action>` that can be used to send requests. .. _http_request-get_action: ``http_request.get`` Action *************************** This :ref:`action <config-action>` sends a GET request. .. code-block:: yaml on_...: - http_request.get: url: headers: Content-Type: application/json verify_ssl: false on_response: then: - logger.log: format: 'Response status: %d' args: - status_code # Short form - http_request.get: Configuration variables: - **url** (**Required**, string, :ref:`templatable <config-templatable>`): URL to send request. - **headers** (*Optional*, mapping): Map of HTTP headers. Values are :ref:`templatable <config-templatable>`. - **verify_ssl** (*Optional*, boolean): Verify the SSL certificate of the endpoint. Defaults to ``true``. - **on_response** (*Optional*, :ref:`Automation <automation>`): An automation to perform when the request is finished. .. note:: Currently ESPHome **can't verify the SSL certificate** of the endpoint. Set ``verify_ssl: false`` to make HTTPS request. .. _http_request-post_action: ```` Action **************************** This :ref:`action <config-action>` sends a POST request. .. code-block:: yaml on_...: - url: headers: Content-Type: application/json json: key: value verify_ssl: false # Short form - Configuration variables: - **body** (*Optional*, string, :ref:`templatable <config-templatable>`): A HTTP body string to send with request. - **json** (*Optional*, mapping): A HTTP body in JSON format. Values are :ref:`templatable <config-templatable>`. See :ref:`http_request-examples`. - All other options from :ref:`http_request-get_action`. .. _http_request-send_action: ``http_request.send`` Action **************************** This :ref:`action <config-action>` sends a request. .. code-block:: yaml on_...: - http_request.send: method: PUT url: headers: Content-Type: application/json body: "Some data" verify_ssl: false Configuration variables: - **method** (**Required**, string): HTTP method to use (``GET``, ``POST``, ``PUT``, ``DELETE``, ``PATCH``). - All other options from :ref:`http_request-post_action`. .. _http_request-on_response: ``on_response`` Trigger ----------------------- This automation will be triggered when the HTTP request is finished and will supply the http response code in parameter ``status_code`` as an ``int``. .. code-block:: yaml on_... then: - http_request.get: url: verify_ssl: false on_response: then: - logger.log: format: "Response status: %d" args: - status_code .. _http_request-examples: Examples -------- Templatable values ****************** .. code-block:: yaml on_...: - url: !lambda |- return ((std::string) "" + id(my_sensor).state).c_str(); headers: X-Custom-Header: !lambda |- return ((std::string) "Value-" + id(my_sensor).state).c_str(); body: !lambda |- return id(my_sensor).state; POST Body in JSON format (syntax 1) *********************************** **Note:** all values of the map should be a strings. It's impossible to send ``boolean`` or ``numbers`` with this syntax. .. code-block:: yaml on_...: - url: verify_ssl: false json: key: !lambda |- return id(my_sensor).state; greeting: "Hello World" # Will send: # {"key": "42.0", "greeting": "Hello World"} POST Body in JSON format (syntax 2) *********************************** **Note:** use this syntax to send ``boolean`` or ``numbers`` in JSON. The JSON message will be constructed using the `ArduinoJson <>`__ library. In the ``json`` option you have access to a ``root`` object which will represents the base object of the JSON message. You can assign values to keys by using the ``root["KEY_NAME"] = VALUE;`` syntax as seen below. .. code-block:: yaml on_...: - url: verify_ssl: false json: |- root["key"] = id(my_sensor).state; root["greeting"] = "Hello World"; # Will send: # {"key": 42.0, "greeting": "Hello World"} GET values from a JSON body response ************************************ Assuming that the server returns a response in a JSON object over HTTP similar to this: ``{"status":"play","vol":"42","mute":"0"}`` If you want to retrieve the value for the ``vol`` key and assign it to a template ``sensor`` or ``number`` component (with ``id`` set to ``player_volume``): .. code-block:: yaml on_...: - http_request.get: url: on_response: then: - lambda: |- json::parse_json(id(http_request_data).get_string(), [](JsonObject root) { id(player_volume).publish_state(root["vol"]); }); **Note:** don't forget to set the ``id`` for the main ``http_request`` component, to ``http_request_data``. See Also -------- - :doc:`index` - :apiref:`http_request/http_request.h` - :ghedit:`Edit`