RGBW Light ========== .. seo:: :description: Instructions for setting up RGB + White-Channel lights. :image: rgbw.png The ``rgbw`` light platform creates an RGBW light from 4 :ref:`float output components ` (one for each channel). .. code-block:: yaml # Example configuration entry light: - platform: rgbw name: "Livingroom Lights" red: output_component1 green: output_component2 blue: output_component3 white: output_component4 Color Correction ---------------- It is often favourable to calibrate/correct the color produced by an LED strip light as the perceived intensity of different colors will generally vary. This can be done by using :ref:`max_power ` on individual output channels: .. code-block:: yaml # Example configuration entry light: - platform: rgbw name: "Livingroom Lights" red: output_component1 green: output_component2 blue: output_component3 white: output_component4 # Example output entry output: - platform: esp8266_pwm id: output_component1 pin: D1 max_power: 80% Configuration variables: ------------------------ - **name** (**Required**, string): The name of the light. - **red** (**Required**, :ref:`config-id`): The id of the float :ref:`output` to use for the red channel. - **green** (**Required**, :ref:`config-id`): The id of the float :ref:`output` to use for the green channel. - **blue** (**Required**, :ref:`config-id`): The id of the float :ref:`output` to use for the blue channel. - **white** (**Required**, :ref:`config-id`): The id of the float :ref:`output` to use for the white channel. - **effects** (*Optional*, list): A list of :ref:`light effects ` to use for this light. - **color_interlock** (*Optional*, boolean): When enabled, this will prevent white leds being on at the same time as RGB leds. See :ref:`rgbw_color_interlock` for more information. Defaults to ``false``. - **id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Manually specify the ID used for code generation. - All other options from :ref:`Light `. .. _rgbw_color_interlock: Color Interlock *************** With some LED bulbs, setting the RGB channels to maximum whilst wanting a white light will have an undesired hue affect. Additionally, the brightness command may not work as expected depending upon configuration, leaving users to adjust the white component level separately. For these cases a new configration variable has been added: color_interlock. Setting this variable to True will turn off RGB leds when white value is above 0 (or if they are to 255,255,255) and turn off white leds if color is not set to 255,255,255. This also allows the brightness parameter to control the intensity of the white leds. See Also -------- - :doc:`/components/output/index` - :doc:`/components/light/index` - :doc:`/components/light/rgb` - :doc:`/components/power_supply` - :doc:`/components/output/ledc` - :doc:`/components/output/esp8266_pwm` - :doc:`/components/output/pca9685` - :doc:`/components/output/tlc59208f` - :doc:`/components/output/my9231` - :doc:`/components/output/sm16716` - :apiref:`rgbw/rgb_light_output.h` - :ghedit:`Edit`