Custom I²C Device ================= Lots of devices communicate using the i2c protocol. If you want to integrate a device into esphomelib that uses this protocol you can pretty much use almost all Arduino-based code because the ``Wire`` library is also available in esphomelib. See the other custom component guides for how to register components and make them publish values. .. code-block:: cpp #include "esphomelib.h" using namespace esphomelib; class MyCustomComponent : public Component { public: void setup() override { // Initialize the device here. Usually Wire.begin() will be called in here, // though that call is unnecessary if you have an 'i2c:' entry in your config Wire.begin(); } void loop() override { // Example: write the value 0x42 to register 0x78 of device with address 0x21 Wire.beginTransmission(0x21); Wire.write(0x78); Wire.write(0x42); Wire.endTransmission(); } }; See Also -------- - `Edit this page on GitHub `__ .. disqus::