.. _made_for_esphome: Made for ESPHome ================ .. seo:: :description: Information about the Made for ESPHome program :image: /_static/made-for-esphome-black-on-white.png ESPHome has a wonderful and active community that loves creating and sharing projects. You can apply for your project to get the ``Made for ESPHome`` stamp of approval. This ensures that your project is powered by ESPHome and guarantees a minimum level of customizability to users. Requirements ------------ There are a number of requirements your project must meet. These may vary based on its design. They are: For projects which utilize Wi-Fi ******************************** Wi-Fi is quite common but requires configuration of the SSID and passphrase. As such, for easy end-user provisioning, your configuration must include: - ``esp32_improv`` as described in :doc:`/components/esp32_improv` - ``improv_serial`` as described in :doc:`/components/improv_serial`, if a USB connection is available (recommended) Note that these are **not** required for projects that only provide a physical/wired Ethernet port for connectivity. For all projects **************** - Your project is powered by ESPHome (runs ESPHome as its firmware) - Your project is powered by an ESP32 or *supported* ESP32 variant such as the S2, S3, C3, etc. - Your ESPHome configuration is open source, available for end users to modify/update - Users should be able to apply updates if your project sells ready-made devices - Your project supports adoption via the ``dashboard_import`` feature of ESPHome (see :doc:`Sharing `). In particular: - There are **no** references to secrets or passwords - Network configuration must assume defaults (no static IPs or DNS configured) - The configuration **must** be valid, compile and run successfully *without any user changes* after adopting it. - Use of remote packages in the YAML is permitted only if the above criteria are met. - Your product name cannot contain "**ESPHome**" except in the case of *ending with* "**for ESPHome**" When your project matches all requirements of the Made for ESPHome program, you can apply for permission to carry the logo by emailing esphome@nabucasa.com Logos ----- .. raw:: html .. figure:: /_static/made-for-esphome-black-on-white.svg :align: center :width: 100% :class: transparent-background Made with ESPHome black on white (`svg `__, `png `__) .. figure:: /_static/made-for-esphome-white-on-black.svg :align: center :width: 100% :class: transparent-background Made with ESPHome white on black (`svg `__, `png `__) .. figure:: /_static/made-for-esphome-black-on-transparent.svg :align: center :width: 100% :class: transparent-background Made with ESPHome black on transparent (`svg `__, `png `__) .. figure:: /_static/made-for-esphome-white-on-transparent.svg :align: center :width: 100% :class: transparent-background Made with ESPHome white on transparent (`svg `__, `png `__)