Fan Component ============= .. seo:: :description: Instructions for setting up the base fan component. :image: folder-open.png With the ``fan`` domain you can create components that appear as fans in the Home Assistant frontend. A fan can be switched ON or OFF, optionally has a speed level between 1 and the maximum supported speed level of the fan, and can have an oscillate and direction output. This component restores its state on reboot/reset. .. figure:: images/fan-ui.png :align: center .. _config-fan: Base Fan Configuration ---------------------- .. code-block:: yaml fan: - platform: ... name: ... Configuration variables: - **name** (**Required**, string): The name of the fan. - **internal** (*Optional*, boolean): Mark this component as internal. Internal components will not be exposed to the frontend (like Home Assistant). Only specifying an ``id`` without a ``name`` will implicitly set this to true. - **disabled_by_default** (*Optional*, boolean): If true, then this entity should not be added to any client's frontend, (usually Home Assistant) without the user manually enabling it (via the Home Assistant UI). Requires Home Assistant 2021.9 or newer. Defaults to ``false``. MQTT options: - **oscillation_state_topic** (*Optional*, string): The topic to publish fan oscillation state changes to. - **oscillation_command_topic** (*Optional*, string): The topic to receive oscillation commands on. - **speed_state_topic** (*Optional*, string): The topic to publish fan speed state changes to. - **speed_command_topic** (*Optional*, string): The topic to receive speed commands on. - All other options from :ref:`MQTT Component `. Automation triggers: - **on_turn_on** (*Optional*, :ref:`Action `): An automation to perform when the fan is turned on. See :ref:`fan-on_turn_on_off_trigger`. - **on_turn_off** (*Optional*, :ref:`Action `): An automation to perform when the fan is turned off. See :ref:`fan-on_turn_on_off_trigger`. .. _fan-toggle_action: ``fan.toggle`` Action --------------------- Toggles the ON/OFF state of the fan with the given ID when executed. .. code-block:: yaml on_...: then: - fan.toggle: fan_1 .. _fan-turn_off_action: ``fan.turn_off`` Action ----------------------- Turns the fan with the given ID off when executed. .. code-block:: yaml on_...: then: - fan.turn_off: fan_1 .. _fan-turn_on_action: ``fan.turn_on`` Action ---------------------- Turns the fan with the given ID on when executed. .. code-block:: yaml on_...: then: - fan.turn_on: id: fan_1 # Shorthand: - fan.turn_on: fan_1 Configuration options: - **id** (**Required**, :ref:`config-id`): The ID of the fan. - **oscillating** (*Optional*, boolean, :ref:`templatable `): Set the oscillation state of the fan. Defaults to not affecting oscillation. - **speed** (*Optional*, int, :ref:`templatable `): Set the speed level of the fan. Can be a number between 1 and the maximum speed level of the fan. - **direction** (*Optional*, string, :ref:`templatable `): Set the diretion of the fan. Can be either ``forward`` or ``reverse``. Defaults to not changing the direction. .. _fan-is_on_condition: .. _fan-is_off_condition: ``fan.is_on`` / ``fan.is_off`` Condition ********************************************** This :ref:`condition ` passes if the given fan is on/off. .. code-block:: yaml # in a trigger: on_...: if: condition: fan.is_on: my_fan # same goes for is_off then: - script.execute: my_script .. _fan-on_turn_on_off_trigger: ``fan.on_turn_on`` / ``fan.on_turn_off`` Trigger **************************************************** This trigger is activated each time the fan is turned on or off. It does not fire if a command to turn the fan on or off already matches the current state. .. code-block:: yaml fan: - platform: speed # or any other platform # ... on_turn_on: - logger.log: "Fan Turned On!" on_turn_off: - logger.log: "Fan Turned Off!" Full Fan Index -------------- - :apiref:`fan/fan_state.h` - :ghedit:`Edit` .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :glob: *