LD2410 Sensor ============= .. seo:: :description: Instructions for setting up LD2410 sensors. :image: ld2410.jpg Component/Hub ------------- .. _ld2410-component: The ``ld2410`` sensor platform allows you to use HI-LINK LD2410 motion and presence sensors with ESPHome. There are three variants with similar communication protocols: - LD2410 (`datasheet and user manual `__) - LD2410B (`datasheet and user manual `__) - LD2410C (`datasheet and user manual `__) The :ref:`UART ` is required to be set up in your configuration for this sensor to work, ``parity`` and ``stop_bits`` **must be** respectively ``NONE`` and ``1``. Use of hardware UART pins is highly recommended, in order to support the out-of-the-box 256000 baud rate of the LD2410 sensor. .. figure:: images/ld2410.jpg :align: center :width: 50.0% LD2410 motion and presence sensor .. code-block:: yaml # Example configuration entry ld2410: Configuration variables: ************************ - **uart_id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Manually specify the ID of the :ref:`UART Component ` if you want to use multiple UART buses. - **throttle** (*Optional*, int): Time in milliseconds to control the rate of data updates. Defaults to ``1000ms``. - **id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Manually specify the ID for this :doc:`ld2410` component if you need multiple components. Binary Sensor ------------- The ``ld2410`` binary sensor allows you to use your :doc:`ld2410` to perform different measurements. .. code-block:: yaml binary_sensor: - platform: ld2410 has_target: name: Presence has_moving_target: name: Moving Target has_still_target: name: Still Target out_pin_presence_status: name: out pin presence status Configuration variables: ************************ - **has_target** (*Optional*): If true target detect either still or in movement. All options from :ref:`Binary Sensor `. - **has_moving_target** (*Optional*): If true a moving target is detected. All options from :ref:`Binary Sensor `. - **has_still_target** (*Optional*): If true a still target is detected. All options from :ref:`Binary Sensor `. - **out_pin_presence_status** (*Optional*): When in :ref:`engineering mode`, indicates whether the OUT pin indicates presence or not, otherwise ``false``. OUT pin indication depends on the :ref:`light function` configuration. Might need latest firmware to work. All options from :ref:`Binary Sensor `. - **ld2410_id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Manually specify the ID for the :doc:`ld2410` component if you are using multiple components. Sensor ------ The ``ld2410`` sensor allows you to use your :doc:`ld2410` to perform different measurements. .. code-block:: yaml sensor: - platform: ld2410 light: name: light moving_distance: name : Moving Distance still_distance: name: Still Distance moving_energy: name: Move Energy still_energy: name: Still Energy detection_distance: name: Detection Distance g0: move_energy: name: g0 move energy still_energy: name: g0 still energy g1: move_energy: name: g1 move energy still_energy: name: g1 still energy g2: move_energy: name: g2 move energy still_energy: name: g2 still energy g3: move_energy: name: g3 move energy still_energy: name: g3 still energy g4: move_energy: name: g4 move energy still_energy: name: g4 still energy g5: move_energy: name: g5 move energy still_energy: name: g5 still energy g6: move_energy: name: g6 move energy still_energy: name: g6 still energy g7: move_energy: name: g7 move energy still_energy: name: g7 still energy g8: move_energy: name: g8 move energy still_energy: name: g8 still energy .. _ld2410-sensors: Configuration variables: ************************ - **light** (*Optional*, int): When in :ref:`engineering mode`, indicates the light sensitivity, otherwise ``unknown``. Value between ``0`` and ``255`` inclusive. Though it seems that the value ``85`` is the lowest value at complete darkness. All options from :ref:`Sensor `. - **moving_distance** (*Optional*, int): Distance in cm of detected moving target. All options from :ref:`Sensor `. - **still_distance** (*Optional*, int): Distance in cm of detected still target. All options from :ref:`Sensor `. - **moving_energy** (*Optional*, int): Energy for moving target. Value between ``0`` and ``100`` inclusive. All options from :ref:`Sensor `. - **still_energy** (*Optional*, int): Energy for still target. Value between ``0`` and ``100`` inclusive. All options from :ref:`Sensor `. - **detection_distance** (*Optional*, int): Distance in cm of target. All options from :ref:`Sensor `. - **gX** (*Optional*): Energies for the Xth gate (X => 0 to 8). - **move_energy** (*Optional*, int): When in :ref:`engineering mode`, the move energy of the gate, otherwise ``unknown``. Value between ``0`` and ``100`` inclusive. All options from :ref:`Sensor `. - **still_energy** (*Optional*, int): When in :ref:`engineering mode`, the still energy of the gate, otherwise ``unknown``. Value between ``0`` and ``100`` inclusive. All options from :ref:`Sensor `. - **ld2410_id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Manually specify the ID for the :doc:`ld2410` component if you are using multiple components. Switch ------ The ``ld2410`` switch allows you to control your :doc:`ld2410`. .. code-block:: yaml switch: - platform: ld2410 engineering_mode: name: "engineering mode" bluetooth: name: "control bluetooth" .. _ld2410-engineering-mode: Configuration variables: ************************ - **engineering_mode** (*Optional*): enable/disable engineering mode. Defaults to ``false``. Notice this requires more resources and is not recommended to be enabled when not necessary. All options from :ref:`Switch `. - **bluetooth** (*Optional*): Turn on/off the bluetooth adapter. Defaults to ``true``. All options from :ref:`Switch `. - **ld2410_id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Manually specify the ID for the :doc:`ld2410` component if you are using multiple components. .. _ld2410-number: Number ------ The ``ld2410`` number allows you to control the configuration of your :doc:`ld2410`. .. code-block:: yaml number: - platform: ld2410 timeout: name: timeout light_threshold: name: light threshold max_move_distance_gate: name: max move distance gate max_still_distance_gate: name: max still distance gate g0: move_threshold: name: g0 move threshold still_threshold: name: g0 still threshold g1: move_threshold: name: g1 move threshold still_threshold: name: g1 still threshold g2: move_threshold: name: g2 move threshold still_threshold: name: g2 still threshold g3: move_threshold: name: g3 move threshold still_threshold: name: g3 still threshold g4: move_threshold: name: g4 move threshold still_threshold: name: g4 still threshold g5: move_threshold: name: g5 move threshold still_threshold: name: g5 still threshold g6: move_threshold: name: g6 move threshold still_threshold: name: g6 still threshold g7: move_threshold: name: g7 move threshold still_threshold: name: g7 still threshold g8: move_threshold: name: g8 move threshold still_threshold: name: g8 still threshold .. _ld2410-light-threshold: Configuration variables: ************************ - **timeout** (*Optional*, int): Time in seconds during which presence state will stay present after leaving. Defaults to ``5s`` All options from :ref:`Number `. - **light_threshold** (*Optional*, int): Sets the light threshold for the :ref:`light function`. Value between ``0`` and ``255`` inclusive. Defaults to ``128``. All options from :ref:`Number `. - **max_move_distance_gate** (*Optional*, int): Maximum distance gate for movement detection. Value between ``2`` and ``8`` inclusive. Defaults to ``8``. All options from :ref:`Number `. - **max_still_distance_gate** (*Optional*, int): Maximum distance gate for still detection. Value between ``2`` and ``8`` inclusive. Defaults to ``8``. All options from :ref:`Number `. - **gX** (*Optional*): Thresholds for the Xth gate (X => 0 to 8). - **move_threshold** (**Required**, int): Threshold for the gate for motion detection. Above this level for the considered gate (distance), movement detection will be triggered. Value between ``0`` and ``100`` inclusive. See default values below. All options from :ref:`Number `. - **still_threshold** (**Required**, int): Threshold for the gate for still detection. Above this level for the considered gate (distance), still detection will be triggered. Value between ``0`` and ``100`` inclusive. See default values below. All options from :ref:`Number `. - **ld2410_id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Manually specify the ID for the :doc:`ld2410` component if you are using multiple components. .. list-table:: Default values for gate threshold :widths: 25 25 25 :header-rows: 1 * - Gate - Default Move threshold - Default Still threshold * - 0 - 50 - 0 * - 1 - 50 - 0 * - 2 - 40 - 40 * - 3 - 30 - 40 * - 4 - 20 - 30 * - 5 - 15 - 30 * - 6 - 15 - 20 * - 7 - 15 - 20 * - 8 - 15 - 20 Button ------ The ``ld2410`` button allows you to perform actions on your :doc:`ld2410`. .. code-block:: yaml button: - platform: ld2410 factory_reset: name: "factory reset" restart: name: "restart" query_params: name: query params Configuration variables: ************************ - **factory_reset** (*Optional*): This command is used to restore all configuration values to their original values. All options from :ref:`Button `. - **restart** (*Optional*): Restart the device. All options from :ref:`Button `. - **query_params** (*Optional*): Refresh all sensors values of the device. All options from :ref:`Button `. - **ld2410_id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Manually specify the ID for the :doc:`ld2410` component if you are using multiple components. Text Sensor ----------- The ``ld2410`` text sensor allows you to get information about your :doc:`ld2410`. .. code-block:: yaml text_sensor: - platform: ld2410 version: name: "firmware version" mac_address: name: "mac address" Configuration variables: ************************ - **version** (*Optional*): The firmware version. All options from :ref:`Text Sensor `. - **mac_address** (*Optional*): The bluetooth mac address. Will be set to ``unknown`` when bluetooth is off. All options from :ref:`Text Sensor `. - **ld2410_id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Manually specify the ID for the :doc:`ld2410` component if you are using multiple components. Select ----------- The ``ld2410`` select allows you to control your :doc:`ld2410`. .. code-block:: yaml select: - platform: ld2410 distance_resolution: name: "distance resolution" baud_rate: name: "baud rate" light_function: name: light function out_pin_level: name: out pin level .. _ld2410-light-function: Configuration variables: ************************ - **distance_resolution** (*Optional*): Control the gates distance resolution. Can be ``0.75m`` or ``0.2m``. Defaults to ``0.75m``. All options from :ref:`Select `. - **baud_rate** (*Optional*): Control the serial port baud rate. Defaults to ``256000``. Once changed, all sensors will stop working until a fresh install with an updated :ref:`UART Component ` configuration. All options from :ref:`Select `. - **light_function** (*Optional*): If set, will affect the OUT pin value, based on :ref:`light threshold`. Can be ``off``, ``low`` or ``above``. Defaults to ``off``. All options from :ref:`Select `. - **out_pin_level** (*Optional*): Control OUT pin ``away`` value. Can be ``low`` or ``high``. Defaults to ``low``. All options from :ref:`Select `. - **ld2410_id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Manually specify the ID for the :doc:`ld2410` component if you are using multiple components. Automations ----------- ``bluetooth_password.set`` Action ********************************* This is an :ref:`Action ` for setting the bluetooth password. .. code-block:: yaml - bluetooth_password.set: id: my_ld2410 password: "HiLink" Configuration variables: - **id** (**Required**, :ref:`config-id`): The ID of the :doc:`ld2410` component to set. - **password** (**Required**, string, :ref:`templatable `): The password to set. Case sensitive. Must be exactly 6 characters long. Default password is ``HiLink``. To change the password from HA you can use the following example config: .. code-block:: yaml ld2410: id: my_ld2410 api: actions: - action: set_ld2410_bluetooth_password variables: password: string then: - bluetooth_password.set: id: my_ld2410 password: !lambda 'return password;' OUT pin ------- In order to monitor the presence indicated by the component, with the :ref:`light function` taken under account, you can set up a :ref:`GPIO Binary Sensor `: .. code-block:: yaml binary_sensor: - platform: gpio pin: GPIOXX name: gpio out pin presence device_class: presence Calibration Process ------------------- In order to calibrate your ``ld2410`` sensor perform the following: 1. Enable :ref:`engineering mode`. 2. Monitor the ``gX_move_energy`` and ``gX_still_energy`` :ref:`sensors`. 3. Change the :ref:`thresholds` and repeat step 2 until satisfaction. 4. Disable :ref:`engineering mode`. Home Assistant Card ******************* For easy calibration process, you can use the following custom manual card. .. code-block:: yaml type: vertical-stack title: 'DEVICE' cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: entities entities: - entity: 'switch.DEVICE_engineering_mode' name: engineering mode - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: entities entities: - entity: 'number.DEVICE_timeout' name: timeout - entity: 'number.DEVICE_max_move_distance_gate' name: max move distance gate - entity: 'number.DEVICE_max_still_distance_gate' name: max still distance gate - entity: 'select.DEVICE_light_function' name: light function - entity: 'number.DEVICE_light_threshold' name: light threshold - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: entity entity: 'sensor.DEVICE_detection_distance' name: distance - type: entity entity: 'sensor.DEVICE_moving_distance' name: move - type: entity entity: 'sensor.DEVICE_still_distance' name: still - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: entity entity: 'sensor.DEVICE_move_energy' name: move energy - type: entity entity: 'sensor.DEVICE_still_energy' name: still energy - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: entity entity: 'binary_sensor.DEVICE_gpio_out_pin_presence_status' name: gpio presence state_color: true - type: entity entity: 'binary_sensor.DEVICE_presence' name: presence state_color: true - type: entity entity: 'binary_sensor.DEVICE_moving_target' name: movement state_color: true - type: entity entity: 'binary_sensor.DEVICE_still_target' name: still state_color: true - type: conditional conditions: - entity: 'switch.DEVICE_engineering_mode' state: 'on' card: type: vertical-stack cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: entity entity: 'sensor.DEVICE_light' name: light - type: entity entity: 'binary_sensor.DEVICE_out_pin_presence_status' name: out pin presence state_color: true - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: entity entity: 'sensor.DEVICE_g0_move_energy' name: 'g0' - type: entity entity: 'number.DEVICE_g0_move_threshold' name: ' ' - type: entity entity: 'sensor.DEVICE_g0_still_energy' name: ' ' - type: entity entity: 'number.DEVICE_g0_still_threshold' name: ' ' - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: entity entity: 'sensor.DEVICE_g1_move_energy' name: 'g1' icon: ' ' - type: entity entity: 'number.DEVICE_g1_move_threshold' name: ' ' icon: ' ' - type: entity entity: 'sensor.DEVICE_g1_still_energy' name: ' ' icon: ' ' - type: entity entity: 'number.DEVICE_g1_still_threshold' name: ' ' icon: ' ' - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: entity entity: 'sensor.DEVICE_g2_move_energy' name: 'g2' icon: ' ' - type: entity entity: 'number.DEVICE_g2_move_threshold' name: ' ' icon: ' ' - type: entity entity: 'sensor.DEVICE_g2_still_energy' name: ' ' icon: ' ' - type: entity entity: 'number.DEVICE_g2_still_threshold' name: ' ' icon: ' ' - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: entity entity: 'sensor.DEVICE_g3_move_energy' name: 'g3' icon: ' ' - type: entity entity: 'number.DEVICE_g3_move_threshold' name: ' ' icon: ' ' - type: entity entity: 'sensor.DEVICE_g3_still_energy' name: ' ' icon: ' ' - type: entity entity: 'number.DEVICE_g3_still_threshold' name: ' ' icon: ' ' - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: entity entity: 'sensor.DEVICE_g4_move_energy' name: 'g4' icon: ' ' - type: entity entity: 'number.DEVICE_g4_move_threshold' name: ' ' icon: ' ' - type: entity entity: 'sensor.DEVICE_g4_still_energy' name: ' ' icon: ' ' - type: entity entity: 'number.DEVICE_g4_still_threshold' name: ' ' icon: ' ' - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: entity entity: 'sensor.DEVICE_g5_move_energy' name: 'g5' icon: ' ' - type: entity entity: 'number.DEVICE_g5_move_threshold' name: ' ' icon: ' ' - type: entity entity: 'sensor.DEVICE_g5_still_energy' name: ' ' icon: ' ' - type: entity entity: 'number.DEVICE_g5_still_threshold' name: ' ' icon: ' ' - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: entity entity: 'sensor.DEVICE_g6_move_energy' name: 'g6' icon: ' ' - type: entity entity: 'number.DEVICE_g6_move_threshold' name: ' ' icon: ' ' - type: entity entity: 'sensor.DEVICE_g6_still_energy' name: ' ' icon: ' ' - type: entity entity: 'number.DEVICE_g6_still_threshold' name: ' ' icon: ' ' - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: entity entity: 'sensor.DEVICE_g7_move_energy' name: 'g7' icon: ' ' - type: entity entity: 'number.DEVICE_g7_move_threshold' name: ' ' icon: ' ' - type: entity entity: 'sensor.DEVICE_g7_still_energy' name: ' ' icon: ' ' - type: entity entity: 'number.DEVICE_g7_still_threshold' name: ' ' icon: ' ' - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: entity entity: 'sensor.DEVICE_g8_move_energy' name: 'g8' icon: ' ' - type: entity entity: 'number.DEVICE_g8_move_threshold' name: ' ' icon: ' ' - type: entity entity: 'sensor.DEVICE_g8_still_energy' name: ' ' icon: ' ' - type: entity entity: 'number.DEVICE_g8_still_threshold' name: ' ' icon: ' ' Then replace all instances of ``DEVICE`` with your device name The result: .. figure:: images/ld2410-card.png :align: center See Also -------- - `Official Datasheet and user manuals `_ - `Source of inspiration for implementation `_ - :apiref:`ld2410/ld2410.h` - :ghedit:`Edit`