Sonoff iFan02 ============= .. seo:: :description: Instructions for using Sonoff ifan02 in ESPHome. :keywords: Fan, Sonoff, ifan02 :image: fan.svg Sonoff iFan02 is a driver for ceiling fans with lights. By replacing the old driver with iFan02, your non-smart led ceiling fan will be converted to a smart ceiling fan. For more information see `iFan02 `__ This configuration will expose a :doc:`/components/light/binary` and a :doc:`/components/fan/speed`. To get this working in ESPHome you first need to create a :doc:`/components/output/custom` to control the iFan02. Create an ifan02.h file: .. code-block:: c++ #include "esphome.h" using namespace esphome; class IFan02Output : public Component, public FloatOutput { public: void write_state(float state) override { if (state < 0.3) { // OFF digitalWrite(5, LOW); digitalWrite(4, LOW); digitalWrite(15, LOW); } else if (state < 0.6) { // low speed digitalWrite(5, HIGH); digitalWrite(4, LOW); digitalWrite(15, LOW); } else if (state < 0.9) { // medium speed digitalWrite(5, HIGH); digitalWrite(4, HIGH); digitalWrite(15, LOW); } else { // high speed digitalWrite(5, HIGH); digitalWrite(4, LOW); digitalWrite(15, HIGH); } } }; Then you need to set it up with yaml. .. code-block:: yaml esphome: name: ifan02 platform: ESP8266 board: esp8285 includes: - ifan02.h on_boot: priority: 225 # turn off the light as early as possible then: - light.turn_off: ifan02_light wifi: ssid: password: api: logger: ota: binary_sensor: - platform: gpio id: vbutton_light pin: number: GPIO0 inverted: true on_press: then: - light.toggle: ifan02_light - platform: gpio id: vbutton_relay_1 pin: number: GPIO9 inverted: true on_press: then: - switch.toggle: fan_relay1 - switch.turn_on: update_fan_speed - platform: gpio id: vbutton_relay_2 pin: number: GPIO10 inverted: true on_press: then: - switch.toggle: fan_relay2 - switch.turn_on: update_fan_speed - platform: gpio id: vbutton_relay_3 pin: number: GPIO14 inverted: true on_press: then: - switch.toggle: fan_relay3 - switch.turn_on: update_fan_speed output: - platform: custom type: float outputs: id: fanoutput lambda: |- auto ifan02_fan = new IFan02Output(); App.register_component(ifan02_fan); return {ifan02_fan}; - platform: gpio pin: GPIO12 id: light_output light: - platform: binary name: "iFan02 Light" output: light_output id: ifan02_light switch: - platform: template id: update_fan_speed optimistic: true turn_on_action: then: - delay: 200ms - if: condition: and: - switch.is_off: fan_relay1 - switch.is_off: fan_relay2 - switch.is_off: fan_relay3 then: - fan.turn_off: ifan02_fan - if: condition: and: - switch.is_on: fan_relay1 - switch.is_off: fan_relay2 - switch.is_off: fan_relay3 then: - fan.turn_on: id: ifan02_fan speed: 1 - if: condition: and: - switch.is_on: fan_relay1 - switch.is_on: fan_relay2 - switch.is_off: fan_relay3 then: - fan.turn_on: id: ifan02_fan speed: 2 - if: condition: and: - switch.is_on: fan_relay1 - switch.is_off: fan_relay2 - switch.is_on: fan_relay3 then: - fan.turn_on: id: ifan02_fan speed: 3 - switch.turn_off: update_fan_speed - platform: gpio pin: GPIO5 id: fan_relay1 - platform: gpio pin: GPIO4 id: fan_relay2 - platform: gpio pin: GPIO15 id: fan_relay3 fan: - platform: speed output: fanoutput id: ifan02_fan speed_count: 3 name: "iFan02 Fan" See Also -------- - :doc:`/components/light/index` - :doc:`/components/light/binary` - :doc:`/components/fan/index` - :doc:`/components/fan/speed` - :doc:`/components/output/index` - :doc:`/components/output/custom` - :doc:`/guides/automations` - :ghedit:`Edit`