Custom Light Output =================== This integration can be used to create custom lights in ESPHome using the C++ (Arduino) API. Please first read :doc:`/components/sensor/custom` guide, the same principles apply here. All internal stuff (like effects, transitions etc) is handled by the light core and cannot be overriden. Light outputs are only responsible for displaying some state when asked to do so. The example below is an example of a custom light output. .. code-block:: cpp #include "esphome.h" class MyCustomLightOutput : public Component, public LightOutput { public: void setup() override { // This will be called by App.setup() pinMode(5, INPUT); } LightTraits get_traits() override { // return the traits this light supports auto traits = LightTraits(); traits.set_supports_brightness(true); traits.set_supports_rgb(true); traits.set_supports_rgb_white_value(false); traits.set_supports_color_temperature(false); return traits; } void write_state(LightState *state) override { // This will be called by the light to get a new state to be written. float red, green, blue; // use any of the provided current_values methods state->current_values_as_rgb(&red, &green, &blue); // Write red, green and blue to HW // ... } }; (Store this file in your configuration directory, for example ``my_light.h``) And in YAML: .. code-block:: yaml # Example configuration entry esphome: includes: - my_cover.h light: - platform: custom lambda: |- auto light_out = new MyCustomLightOutput(); App.register_component(light_out); return {light_out}; lights: - name: "My Custom Light" Configuration variables: - **lambda** (**Required**, :ref:`lambda `): The lambda to run for instantiating the light output(s). - **lights** (**Required**, list): A list of lights to initialize. The length here must equal the number of items in the ``return`` statement of the ``lambda``. - All options from :ref:`Light `. See :apiclass:`Light ` See Also -------- - :ghedit:`Edit`