ADS1115 Hub =========== The ``ads1115`` domain creates a global hub so that you can later create individual sensors using the :doc:`ADS1115 Sensor Platform `. To use this hub, first setup the :ref:`I²C Bus ` and connect the sensor to the pins specified there. .. figure:: sensor/images/ads1115-full.jpg :align: center :target: `Adafruit`_ :width: 50.0% ADS1115 16-Bit ADC. Image by `Adafruit`_. .. _Adafruit: .. code:: yaml ads1115: - address: 0x48 Configuration variables: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - **address** (**Required**, int): The i²c address of the sensor. See :ref:`I²C Addresses ` for more information. - **id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Manually specify the ID for this ADS1115 Hub. Use this if you want to use multiple ADS1115 hubs at once. .. _ads1115_i2c_addresses: I²C Addresses ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In order to allow multiple sensors to be connected to the same i²c bus, the creators of this sensor hardware have included some options to change the i²c address. - If the address pin is pulled to GND, the address is ``0x48`` (Default). - If the address pin is pulled to VCC, the address is ``0x49``. - If the address pin is tied to SDA, the address is ``0x4a``. - If the address pin is tied to SCL, the address is ``0x4B``. See Also ^^^^^^^^ - :doc:`sensor/ads1115` - :doc:`API Reference ` - `Edit this page on GitHub `__