Ilonda Wifi Smart Fish Feeder (L88) =================================== Ilonda Wifi Smart Fish Feeder (L88) is a Tuya-based device sold by Amazon (not only under Ilonda, but also under other brand names). .. figure:: images/ilonda-wifi-smart-fish-feeder.jpg :align: center :width: 50.0% Originally intended to be used with its companion app, once flashed using `tuya-convert <>`__, ESPHome generated firmware can be uploaded allowing you to control the Wifi Smart Fish Feeder via Home Assistant. Wifi Smart Fish Feeder Configuration ------------------------------------ Thanks to the amazing `Tasmota template <>`__, managed to build a fully working esphome configuration. This assumes you have a secret.yaml with ssid and password keys. .. code-block:: yaml esphome: name: wifi_smart_fish_feeder platform: ESP8266 board: esp01_1m wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_password logger: api: ota: # Binary Sensor to allow relay to be switched when physical button is pressed binary_sensor: - platform: gpio id: button pin: number: GPIO4 mode: input: true pullup: true inverted: True name: 'Switch feeder' on_press: - switch.turn_on: relay - platform: status name: "Status" switch: # Switch to turn feeder on for 3 seconds/off and turn on/off LED - platform: gpio name: 'Relay feeder' id: relay pin: GPIO14 on_turn_on: - light.turn_on: led - delay: 3s - switch.turn_off: relay - light.turn_off: led restore_mode: ALWAYS_OFF sensor: # Feeder counter - platform: pulse_meter pin: GPIO12 name: 'Counter/min' unit_of_measurement: 'time(s)' internal: true total: unit_of_measurement: 'time(s)' name: 'Counter feeder' # To allow led to be controlled via GPIO output: - platform: esp8266_pwm id: blue_led pin: number: GPIO5 inverted: true # LED control light: - platform: monochromatic output: blue_led id: led You can now add your Wifi Smart Fish Feeder to Home Assistant via the configurations page, look for 'ESPHome' under the Integrations option and click 'Configure'. See Also -------- - :doc:`/components/binary_sensor/gpio` - :doc:`/components/switch/gpio` - :doc:`/components/sensor/pulse_meter` - :doc:`/components/output/esp8266_pwm` - :doc:`/components/light/monochromatic` - :doc:`/guides/automations` - `Fish Feeder diagrams and pictures <>`__. - :ghedit:`Edit`