DF-Player mini ============== .. seo:: :description: Instructions for setting up DF Player Mini integration in ESPHome. :image: crosshair-gps.png The ``dfplayer`` (`datasheet `__), component allows you to play sound and music stored in an SD card or USB flash drive. .. figure:: images/dfplayer-full.jpg :align: center :width: 50.0% DF-Player mini Module. For this integration to work you need to have set up a :ref:`UART bus ` in your configuration. Overview -------- The module can be powered by the 3.3V output of a NodeMCU. For communication you can connect only the ``tx_pin`` of the ``uart`` bus to the module's ``RX`` but if you need feedback of playback active you will also need to connect the ``rx_pin`` to the module's ``TX``. For best quality audio a powered stereo speaker can be connected to the modules ``DAC_R``, ``DAC_L`` and ``GND``, alternatively the module features a built-in 3W audio amplifier, in that case the pins ``SPK_1`` and ``SPK_2`` should be connected to one passive speaker and a 5V 1A power supply will be required. .. code-block:: yaml # Example configuration entry uart: tx_pin: GPIO2 rx_pin: GPIO5 baud_rate: 9600 # Declare DFPlayer mini module dfplayer: on_finished_playback: then: logger.log: 'Somebody press play!' Configuration variables: ------------------------ - **uart_id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Manually specify the ID of the UART hub. - **id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Manually specify the ID used for code generation. - **on_finished_playback** (*Optional*, :ref:`Automation `): An action to be performed when playback is finished. ``dfplayer.is_playing`` Condition --------------------------------- This Condition returns true while playback is active. .. code-block:: yaml # In some trigger: on_...: if: condition: dfplayer.is_playing then: logger.log: 'Playback is active!' ``dfplayer.play_next`` Action ----------------------------- Starts playback of next track or skips to the next track. .. code-block:: yaml on_...: then: - dfplayer.play_next: ``dfplayer.play_previous`` Action --------------------------------- Plays the previously played track. .. code-block:: yaml on_...: then: - dfplayer.play_previous: ``dfplayer.play`` Action ------------------------ Plays a track. .. code-block:: yaml on_...: then: - dfplayer.play: file: 23 loop: false # Shorthand - dfplayer.play: 23 Configuration options: - **file** (*Optional*, int, :ref:`templatable `): The global track number (from all tracks in the device). If not specified plays the first track. - **loop** (*Optional*, bool, :ref:`templatable `): Repeats playing the same track. Defaults to ``false``. ``dfplayer.play_folder`` Action ------------------------------- Plays files inside numbered folders, folders must be numbered from 1 and with leading zeros. Like ``01``, ``02``, ... etc. Files inside the folders must be numbered with two leading zeros, like ``001.mp3``, ``002.mp3``, ... etc. Folder numbers can range from 1 to 99 and file name from 1 to 255 or folder number from 1 to 10 and file number from 1 to 1000. .. code-block:: bash /01 /001.mp3 /002.mp3 .. /02 /001.mp3 /002.mp3 /003.mp3 .. .. code-block:: yaml on_...: then: - dfplayer.play_folder: folder: 2 file: 1 Configuration options: - **folder** (**Required**, int, :ref:`templatable `): The folder number. - **file** (*Optional*, int, :ref:`templatable `): The file number inside the folder to play. Optional only if ``loop`` is not set. - **loop** (*Optional*, bool, :ref:`templatable `): Repeats playing all files in the folder. Causes ``file`` to be ignored. Defaults to ``false``. ``dfplayer.set_device`` Action ------------------------------ Changes the device in use. Valid values are ``TF_CARD`` and ``USB``. .. code-block:: yaml on_...: then: - dfplayer.set_device: TF_CARD ``dfplayer.set_volume`` Action ------------------------------ Changes volume. .. code-block:: yaml on_...: then: - dfplayer.set_volume: volume: 20 # Shorthand - dfplayer.set_volume: 20 Configuration options: - **volume** (**Required**, int, :ref:`templatable `): The volume value. Valid values goes from ``0`` to ``30``. ``dfplayer.volume_up`` Action ----------------------------- Turn volume up. .. code-block:: yaml on_...: then: - dfplayer.volume_up ``dfplayer.volume_down`` Action ------------------------------- Turn volume down. .. code-block:: yaml on_...: then: - dfplayer.volume_down ``dfplayer.set_eq`` Action -------------------------- Changes audio equalization preset. .. code-block:: yaml on_...: then: - dfplayer.set_eq: eq_preset: ROCK # Shorthand - dfplayer.set_eq: ROCK Configuration options: - **eq_preset** (**Required**): Eq Preset value. Valid values are ``NORMAL``, ``POP``, ``ROCK``, ``JAZZ``, ``CLASSIC`` and ``BASS``. ``dfplayer.sleep`` Action ------------------------- Enters sleep mode. Playback is stopped and the action ``dfplayer.set_device: TF_CARD`` should be send for playback to be enabled again. .. code-block:: yaml on_...: then: - dfplayer.sleep ``dfplayer.reset`` Action ------------------------- Module reset. .. code-block:: yaml on_...: then: - dfplayer.reset ``dfplayer.start`` Action ------------------------- Starts playing a track or resumes paused playback. .. code-block:: yaml on_...: then: - dfplayer.start ``dfplayer.pause`` Action ------------------------- Pauses playback, playback can be resumed from the same position with ``dfplayer.start``. .. code-block:: yaml on_...: then: - dfplayer.pause ``dfplayer.stop`` Action ------------------------ Stops playback. .. code-block:: yaml on_...: then: - dfplayer.stop ``dfplayer.random`` Action -------------------------- Randomly plays all tracks. .. code-block:: yaml on_...: then: - dfplayer.random All actions ----------- - **id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Manually specify the ID of the DFPlayer if you have multiple components. Test setup ---------- With the following code you can quickly setup a node and use Home Assistant's service in the developer tools. E.g. for calling ``dfplayer.play_folder`` select the service ``esphome.test_node_dfplayer_play`` and in service data enter .. code-block:: json { "file": 23 } Sample code *********** .. code-block:: yaml esphome: name: test_node platform: ESP8266 board: nodemcu wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_pass logger: level: VERBOSE uart: tx_pin: GPIO2 rx_pin: GPIO5 baud_rate: 9600 dfplayer: on_finished_playback: then: logger.log: 'Playback finished event' api: services: - service: dfplayer_next then: - dfplayer.play_next: - service: dfplayer_previous then: - dfplayer.play_previous: - service: dfplayer_play variables: file: int then: - dfplayer.play: !lambda 'return file;' - service: dfplayer_play_loop variables: file: int loop_: bool then: - dfplayer.play: file: !lambda 'return file;' loop: !lambda 'return loop_;' - service: dfplayer_play_folder variables: folder: int file: int then: - dfplayer.play_folder: folder: !lambda 'return folder;' file: !lambda 'return file;' - service: dfplayer_play_loop_folder variables: folder: int then: - dfplayer.play_folder: folder: !lambda 'return folder;' loop: true - service: dfplayer_set_device_tf then: - dfplayer.set_device: TF_CARD - service: dfplayer_set_device_usb then: - dfplayer.set_device: USB - service: dfplayer_set_volume variables: volume: int then: - dfplayer.set_volume: !lambda 'return volume;' - service: dfplayer_set_eq variables: preset: int then: - dfplayer.set_eq: !lambda 'return static_cast(preset);' - service: dfplayer_sleep then: - dfplayer.sleep - service: dfplayer_reset then: - dfplayer.reset - service: dfplayer_start then: - dfplayer.start - service: dfplayer_pause then: - dfplayer.pause - service: dfplayer_stop then: - dfplayer.stop - service: dfplayer_random then: - dfplayer.random - service: dfplayer_volume_up then: - dfplayer.volume_up - service: dfplayer_volume_down then: - dfplayer.volume_down See Also -------- - :apiref:`dfplayer/dfplayer.h` - :ghedit:`Edit`