BRUH Multisensor ================ .. seo:: :description: Instructions for re-creating a BRUH multisensor using esphomelib. :image: bruh.png The BRUH Multisensor is a great introductory project into Home Automation with an amazing setup tutorial. And fortunately esphomelib has complete support for all the stuff used by the Multisensor 🎉 .. raw:: html Thank you very much to `@jackjohnsonuk `__ for providing this configuration file 😀 .. code:: yaml esphomeyaml: name: platform: ESP8266 board: nodemcuv2 wifi: ssid: password: mqtt: broker: username: password: # Enable logging logger: ota: sensor: - platform: dht pin: D7 temperature: name: "Multisensor Temperature" humidity: name: "Multisensor Humidity" - platform: adc pin: A0 name: "Multisensor Brightness" unit_of_measurement: lux filters: - lambda: >- return (x / 10000.0) * 2000000.0; binary_sensor: - platform: gpio pin: D5 name: "Multisensor Motion" device_class: motion output: - platform: esp8266_pwm pin: D1 id: redgpio - platform: esp8266_pwm pin: D2 id: greengpio - platform: esp8266_pwm pin: D3 id: bluegpio light: - platform: rgb name: "Multisensor Light" red: redgpio green: greengpio blue: bluegpio See Also -------- - :doc:`/esphomeyaml/devices/nodemcu_esp8266` - :doc:`pir` - :doc:`temt6000` - :doc:`/esphomeyaml/components/light/rgb` - :doc:`/esphomeyaml/components/output/esp8266_pwm` - :doc:`/esphomeyaml/components/sensor/dht` - :doc:`/esphomeyaml/components/sensor/adc` - :doc:`/esphomeyaml/components/binary_sensor/gpio` - `Edit this page on GitHub `__ .. disqus::