ATM90E32 Power Sensor ===================== .. seo:: :description: Instructions for setting up ATM90E32 energy metering sensors :image: atm90e32.png :keywords: ATM90E32, CircuitSetup, Split Single Phase Real Time Whole House Energy Meter, Expandable 6 Channel ESP32 Energy Meter Main Board The ``atm90e32`` sensor platform allows you to use your ATM90E32 voltage/current and power sensors (`datasheet `__) sensors with ESPHome. This sensor is commonly found in CircuitSetup 2 and 6 channel energy meters. Communication with the device is done via an :ref:`SPI bus `, so you need to have an ``spi:`` entry in your configuration with both ``mosi_pin`` and ``miso_pin`` set. The atm90e32 IC can measure up to three AC voltages. Although, typically, only one voltage measurement would be used for the mains electricity phase of a household. Three current measurements are read via CT clamps. The `CircuitSetup Split Single Phase Energy Meter `__ can read 2 current channels and 1 (expandable to 2) voltage channel. .. figure:: images/atm90e32-cs-2chan-full.jpg :align: center :width: 50.0% CircuitSetup Split Single Phase Real Time Whole House Energy Meter. The `CircuitSetup Expandable 6 Channel Energy Meter `__ can read 6 current channels and 2 voltage channels at a time. This board has 2 atm90e32 ICs and requires 2 sensors to be configured in ESPHome. .. figure:: images/atm90e32-cs-6chan-full.jpg :align: center :width: 50.0% CircuitSetup Expandable 6 Channel ESP32 Energy Meter Main Board. Configuration variables: ------------------------ - **cs_pin** (**Required**, :ref:`Pin Schema `): The pin CS is connected to. For the 6 channel meter main board, this will always be 5 and 4. For the add-on boards a jumper can be selected for each CS pin, but default to 0 and 16. - **line_frequency** (**Required**, string): The AC line frequency of the supply voltage. One of ``50Hz``, ``60Hz``. - **phase_a** (*Optional*): The configuration options for the 1st phase. - **voltage** (*Optional*): Use the voltage value of this phase in V (RMS). All options from :ref:`Sensor `. - **current** (*Optional*): Use the current value of this phase in amperes. All options from :ref:`Sensor `. - **power** (*Optional*): Use the power value on this phase in watts. All options from :ref:`Sensor `. - **reactive_power** (*Optional*): Use the reactive power value on this phase. All options from :ref:`Sensor `. - **power_factor** (*Optional*): Use the power factor value on this phase. All options from :ref:`Sensor `. - **gain_voltage** (*Optional*, int): Voltage gain to scale the low voltage AC power pack to household mains feed. Defaults to ``7305``. - **gain_ct** (*Optional*, int): CT clamp calibration for this phase. Defaults to ``27961``. - **phase_b** (*Optional*): The configuration options for the 2nd phase. Same options as 1st phase. - **phase_c** (*Optional*): The configuration options for the 3rd phase. Same options as 1st phase. - **frequency** (*Optional*): Use the frequenycy value calculated by the meter. All options from :ref:`Sensor `. - **chip_temperature** (*Optional*): Use the chip temperature value. All options from :ref:`Sensor `. - **gain_pga** (*Optional*, string): The gain for the CT clamp, ``2X`` for 100A, ``4X`` for 100A - 200A. One of ``1X``, ``2X``, ``4X``. Defaults to ``2X`` which is suitable for the popular SCT-013-000 clamp. - **current_phases** (*Optional*): The number of phases the meter has, ``2`` or, ``3`` The 6 Channel Expandable Energy Meter should be set to ``3``, and the Split Single Phase meter should be set to ``2``. Defaults to ``3``. - **update_interval** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-time`): The interval to check the sensor. Defaults to ``60s``. - **spi_id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Manually specify the ID of the :ref:`SPI Component ` if you want to use multiple SPI buses. Calibration ----------- This sensor needs calibration to show correct values. The default gain configuration is set to use the `SCT-013-000 ` current transformers with gain_pga set to 2X, and the `Jameco Reliapro 9v 120V AC transformer ` to measure voltage and supply power to the meter boards. A load which uses a known amount of current can be used to calibrate. For a more accurate calibration use a `Kill-A-Watt ` meter or similar. Mains voltages can fluctuate depending on grid load. Voltage ^^^^^^^ Use the expected mains voltage for your region 110V/230V or plug in the Kill-A-Watt and select voltage. See what value the ATM90E32 sensor reports for voltage. To adjust the sensor use the calculation: ``New gain_voltage = (your voltage reading / ESPHome voltage reading) * existing gain_voltage value`` Update **gain_voltage** for all phases in your ESPHome yaml, recompile and upload. Repeat as necessary. Here are common voltage calibrations for the **Split Single Energy Meter**: For meter <= v1.3: - 42080 - 9v AC Transformer - Jameco 112336 - 32428 - 12v AC Transformer - Jameco 167151 For meter > v1.4: - 37106 - 9v AC Transformer - Jameco 157041 - 38302 - 9v AC Transformer - Jameco 112336 - 29462 - 12v AC Transformer - Jameco 167151 For Meters >= v1.4 rev.3 - 3920 - 9v AC Transformer - Jameco 157041 Here are common voltage calibrations for the **Expandable 6 Channel Energy Meter**: For meter <= v1.2: - 42080 - 9v AC Transformer - Jameco 112336 - 32428 - 12v AC Transformer - Jameco 167151 For meter > v1.3: - 7305 - 9v AC Transformer - Jameco 157041 Current ^^^^^^^ Switch on the current load and see what value the ATM90E32 sensor reports for current on the selected phase. Using the known or measured current adjust the sensor using calculation: ``New gain_ct = (your current reading / ESPHome current reading) * existing gain_ct value`` Update **gain_ct** for the phase in your ESPHome yaml, recompile and upload. Repeat as necessary. It is possible that the two identical CT current sensors will have different **gain_ct** numbers due to variances in manufacturing, although it will be small. The current calibration can be done once and used on all sensors or repeated for each one. Here are common current calibration values for the **Split Single Phase Energy Meter** when **gain_pga** is set to ``2X``: - 20A/25mA SCT-006: 10170 - 100A/50mA SCT-013-000: 25498 - 120A/40mA SCT-016: 39473 - Magnalab 100A: 46539 Here are common current calibrations for the **Expandable 6 Channel Energy Meter** when **gain_pga** is set to ``1X``: - 20A/25mA SCT-006: 11131 - 30A/1V SCT-013-030: 8650 - 50A/1V SCT-013-050: 15420 - 80A/26.6mA SCT-010: 41996 - 100A/50ma SCT-013-000: 27961 - 120A/40mA: SCT-016: 41880 Additional Examples ------------------- .. code-block:: yaml # Example configuration entry for split single phase meter spi: clk_pin: 18 miso_pin: 19 mosi_pin: 23 sensor: - platform: atm90e32 cs_pin: 5 phase_a: voltage: name: "EMON Line Voltage A" current: name: "EMON CT1 Current" power: name: "EMON Active Power CT1" reactive_power: name: "EMON Reactive Power CT1" power_factor: name: "EMON Power Factor CT1" gain_voltage: 3920 gain_ct: 39473 phase_c: current: name: "EMON CT2 Current" power: name: "EMON Active Power CT2" reactive_power: name: "EMON Reactive Power CT2" power_factor: name: "EMON Power Factor CT2" gain_voltage: 3920 gain_ct: 39473 frequency: name: "EMON Line Frequency" chip_temperature: name: "EMON Chip Temperature" line_frequency: 50Hz current_phases: 2 gain_pga: 2X update_interval: 60s .. code-block:: yaml # Example CircuitSetup 6-channel entry spi: clk_pin: 18 miso_pin: 19 mosi_pin: 23 sensor: - platform: atm90e32 cs_pin: 5 phase_a: voltage: name: "EMON Line Voltage A" current: name: "EMON CT1 Current" power: name: "EMON Active Power CT1" gain_voltage: 7305 gain_ct: 12577 phase_b: current: name: "EMON CT2 Current" power: name: "EMON Active Power CT2" gain_voltage: 7305 gain_ct: 12577 phase_c: current: name: "EMON CT3 Current" power: name: "EMON Active Power CT3" gain_voltage: 7305 gain_ct: 12577 frequency: name: "EMON Line Frequency" line_frequency: 50Hz current_phases: 3 gain_pga: 1X update_interval: 60s - platform: atm90e32 cs_pin: 4 phase_a: current: name: "EMON CT4 Current" power: name: "EMON Active Power CT4" gain_voltage: 7305 gain_ct: 12577 phase_b: current: name: "EMON CT5 Current" power: name: "EMON Active Power CT5" gain_voltage: 7305 gain_ct: 12577 phase_c: current: name: "EMON CT6 Current" power: name: "EMON Active Power CT6" gain_voltage: 7305 gain_ct: 12577 line_frequency: 50Hz current_phases: 3 gain_pga: 1X update_interval: 60s .. code-block:: yaml # Example CircuitSetup 6-channel without jumpers jp9-jp11 joined or < meter v1.4 # power is calculated in a template substitutions: disp_name: 6C update_time: 10s current_cal: '27961' spi: clk_pin: 18 miso_pin: 19 mosi_pin: 23 sensor: - platform: atm90e32 cs_pin: 5 phase_a: voltage: name: ${disp_name} Volts A id: ic1Volts accuracy_decimals: 1 current: name: ${disp_name} CT1 Amps id: ct1Amps gain_voltage: 7305 gain_ct: ${current_cal} phase_b: current: name: ${disp_name} CT2 Amps id: ct2Amps gain_ct: ${current_cal} phase_c: current: name: ${disp_name} CT3 Amps id: ct3Amps gain_ct: ${current_cal} frequency: name: ${disp_name} Freq A line_frequency: 60Hz current_phases: 3 gain_pga: 1X update_interval: ${update_time} - platform: atm90e32 cs_pin: 4 phase_a: voltage: name: ${disp_name} Volts B id: ic2Volts accuracy_decimals: 1 current: name: ${disp_name} CT4 Amps id: ct4Amps gain_voltage: 7305 gain_ct: ${current_cal} phase_b: current: name: ${disp_name} CT5 Amps id: ct5Amps gain_ct: ${current_cal} phase_c: current: name: ${disp_name} CT6 Amps id: ct6Amps gain_ct: ${current_cal} frequency: name: ${disp_name} Freq B line_frequency: 60Hz current_phases: 3 gain_pga: 1X update_interval: ${update_time} #Watts per channel - platform: template name: ${disp_name} CT1 Watts id: ct1Watts lambda: return id(ct1Amps).state * id(ic1Volts).state; accuracy_decimals: 0 unit_of_measurement: W icon: "mdi:flash-circle" update_interval: ${update_time} - platform: template name: ${disp_name} CT2 Watts id: ct2Watts lambda: return id(ct2Amps).state * id(ic1Volts).state; accuracy_decimals: 0 unit_of_measurement: W icon: "mdi:flash-circle" update_interval: ${update_time} - platform: template name: ${disp_name} CT3 Watts id: ct3Watts lambda: return id(ct3Amps).state * id(ic1Volts).state; accuracy_decimals: 0 unit_of_measurement: W icon: "mdi:flash-circle" update_interval: ${update_time} - platform: template name: ${disp_name} CT4 Watts id: ct4Watts lambda: return id(ct4Amps).state * id(ic2Volts).state; accuracy_decimals: 0 unit_of_measurement: W icon: "mdi:flash-circle" update_interval: ${update_time} - platform: template name: ${disp_name} CT5 Watts id: ct5Watts lambda: return id(ct5Amps).state * id(ic2Volts).state; accuracy_decimals: 0 unit_of_measurement: W icon: "mdi:flash-circle" update_interval: ${update_time} - platform: template name: ${disp_name} CT6 Watts id: ct6Watts lambda: return id(ct6Amps).state * id(ic2Volts).state; accuracy_decimals: 0 unit_of_measurement: W icon: "mdi:flash-circle" update_interval: ${update_time} #Total Amps - platform: template name: ${disp_name} Total Amps id: totalAmps lambda: return id(ct1Amps).state + id(ct2Amps).state + id(ct3Amps).state + id(ct4Amps).state + id(ct5Amps).state + id(ct6Amps).state ; accuracy_decimals: 2 unit_of_measurement: A icon: "mdi:flash" update_interval: ${update_time} #Total Watts - platform: template name: ${disp_name} Total Watts id: totalWatts lambda: return id(totalAmps).state * id(ic1Volts).state; accuracy_decimals: 1 unit_of_measurement: W icon: "mdi:flash-circle" update_interval: ${update_time} #kWh - platform: total_daily_energy name: ${disp_name} Total kWh power_id: totalWatts filters: - multiply: 0.001 unit_of_measurement: kWh See Also -------- - :ref:`sensor-filters` - :apiref:`atm90e32/atm90e32.h` - :ghedit:`Edit`